Class JRVirtualPrintPage

  extended by net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base.JRVirtualPrintPage
All Implemented Interfaces:, JRPrintPage

public class JRVirtualPrintPage
extends java.lang.Object
implements JRPrintPage,

A print page that can be virtualized to free heap memory.

$Id: 5180 2012-03-29 13:23:12Z teodord $
John Bindel
See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
static class JRVirtualPrintPage.JRIdHolderRenderer
          Dummy image renderer that only stores the ID of a cached renderer.
static class JRVirtualPrintPage.JRIdHolderTemplateElement
Field Summary
protected static org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
          Property that determines how many print elements will make up a virtual page handled as a unit by the virtualizer.
Constructor Summary
JRVirtualPrintPage(JasperPrint printObject, JRVirtualizationContext virtualizationContext)
          Constructs a virtualizable page.
JRVirtualPrintPage(JasperPrint printObject, JRVirtualizer virtualizer, JRVirtualizationContext virtualizationContext)
          Deprecated. the virtualizer should be passed as part of the virtualization context, use JRVirtualPrintPage(JasperPrint, JRVirtualizationContext) instead
Method Summary
 void addElement(JRPrintElement element)
 void dispose()
          Disposes this page's data.
 java.util.List<JRPrintElement> getElements()
 void setElements(java.util.List<JRPrintElement> elements)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final org.apache.commons.logging.Log log


public static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_VIRTUAL_PAGE_ELEMENT_SIZE
Property that determines how many print elements will make up a virtual page handled as a unit by the virtualizer.

For most paginated reports, a virtual page corresponds to a report page. But for non-paginated reports and for reports having very large pages, a report page is broken into several virtual pages which are handled individually by the virtualizer.

This property provides the size of a virtual page in print elements. Note that virtual page sizes will actually vary around the configured size since there are cases when fewer elements remain on a report page and cases when the configured size is exceeded due to print frames being included at the end of virtual page.

If set to 0 or negative, report pages will not be broken into several virtual pages.

The property can be set at report and global levels or sent as a parameter value (as an integer, using the property name as parameter name). The default value is 2000.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public JRVirtualPrintPage(JasperPrint printObject,
                          JRVirtualizer virtualizer,
                          JRVirtualizationContext virtualizationContext)
Deprecated. the virtualizer should be passed as part of the virtualization context, use JRVirtualPrintPage(JasperPrint, JRVirtualizationContext) instead

Constructs a virtualizable page.


public JRVirtualPrintPage(JasperPrint printObject,
                          JRVirtualizationContext virtualizationContext)
Constructs a virtualizable page.

Method Detail


public java.util.List<JRPrintElement> getElements()
Specified by:
getElements in interface JRPrintPage


public void setElements(java.util.List<JRPrintElement> elements)
Specified by:
setElements in interface JRPrintPage


public void addElement(JRPrintElement element)
Specified by:
addElement in interface JRPrintPage


public void dispose()
Disposes this page's data.

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