Class FillPrepareResult

  extended by net.sf.jasperreports.engine.component.FillPrepareResult

public class FillPrepareResult
extends java.lang.Object

A result of a component fill preparation.

$Id: 4595 2011-09-08 15:55:10Z teodord $
Lucian Chirita (

Field Summary
static FillPrepareResult NO_PRINT_NO_OVERFLOW
          A result that indicates that the component will not print and does not require a band overflow.
static FillPrepareResult PRINT_NO_STRETCH
          A result that indicates that the component will print, but will not stretch vertically.
Constructor Summary
FillPrepareResult(boolean toPrint, int stretchHeight, boolean overflow)
          Creates a fill preparation result.
Method Summary
 int getStretchHeight()
          Returns the amount of vertical space consumed by the component.
 boolean isToPrint()
          Returns whether the component will produce a print element at the current position in the generated report.
static FillPrepareResult noPrintOverflow(int stretchHeight)
          Returns a result that indicates that the component will not print (at the current position in the generated report), but requires an overflow so that it can print on a new column/page.
static FillPrepareResult printStretch(int stretchHeight, boolean overflow)
          Returns a result which indicates that the component will print at the current position, and optionally consume more vertical space and/or require a band overflow.
 boolean willOverflow()
          Returns whether a band overflow is required in order to continue the component fill on a new column/page.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final FillPrepareResult NO_PRINT_NO_OVERFLOW
A result that indicates that the component will not print and does not require a band overflow.

This result would be used when the component does not intend to include any print element in the generated report.


public static final FillPrepareResult PRINT_NO_STRETCH
A result that indicates that the component will print, but will not stretch vertically.

This would be used when the component will produce a print element that fits the space allocated at design time for the component element.

Constructor Detail


public FillPrepareResult(boolean toPrint,
                         int stretchHeight,
                         boolean overflow)
Creates a fill preparation result.

toPrint - indicates whether the component will produce a print element at the current position in the generated report
stretchHeight - the amount of vertical space consumed by the component
overflow - indicates whether a band overflow is required in order to continue the component fill on a new column/page
Method Detail


public static FillPrepareResult noPrintOverflow(int stretchHeight)
Returns a result that indicates that the component will not print (at the current position in the generated report), but requires an overflow so that it can print on a new column/page.

stretchHeight - the height that is consumed by the component; usually this would be the same as the availableHeight argument passed to FillComponent.prepare(int)
a result as described above


public static FillPrepareResult printStretch(int stretchHeight,
                                             boolean overflow)
Returns a result which indicates that the component will print at the current position, and optionally consume more vertical space and/or require a band overflow.

stretchHeight - the stretched height of the component
overflow - whether a band overflow is required so that the component would continue printing on a new column/page
a result that the component will print with the specified stretch height and overflow flag


public boolean isToPrint()
Returns whether the component will produce a print element at the current position in the generated report.

whether the component will print


public boolean willOverflow()
Returns whether a band overflow is required in order to continue the component fill on a new column/page.

whether a band overflow is required


public int getStretchHeight()
Returns the amount of vertical space consumed by the component.

the amount of vertical space consumed by the component

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