Package net.sf.jasperreports.engine.component

Interface Summary
Component A marker interface that is to be implemented by classes that can be used as report components.
ComponentCompiler Responsible with handling a componet during report compile.
ComponentDesignConverter Converter of design report elements into a print elements used for report design previewing.
ComponentFillFactory A factory of fill component instances.
ComponentManager A component manager is the entry point through which the handlers for a single component type can be accessed.
ComponentsBundle A component bundle is a package comprising of one or several components that share the same XML namespace and schema.
ComponentsXmlParser A components XML parsers contains information required to parse components contained by a single component bundle.
ComponentXmlWriter A component writer is responsible for producing a XML representation of component instances.
FillComponent A component handler used while filling the report.
FillContext A fill context provides access to data and functionality related to a report component fill.
XmlDigesterConfigurer A digester configurer provides digester rules that apply to component XML schemas and produce component object instances out of XML fragments.

Class Summary
BaseFillComponent A base abstract implementation of a fill component.
ComponentKey A key identifying a component type/class.
ComponentsEnvironment A class that provides access to component bundles.
DefaultComponentManager A default component manager implementation.
DefaultComponentsBundle The default components bundle implementation.
DefaultComponentXmlParser The default ComponentsXmlParser implementation.
FillPrepareResult A result of a component fill preparation.

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