FastReadOnlyFile - Class in de.schlichtherle.io.rof
Deprecated. Depending on the implementation of the J2SE API, this class most likely does not provide any performance improvement. Use where necessary only!
FastReadOnlyFile(File) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.rof.FastReadOnlyFile
Feedback - Interface in de.schlichtherle.key.passwd.swing
Provides visual and/or audible feedback to the user when prompting for a key in its Feedback.run() method.
File - Class in de.schlichtherle.io
A drop-in replacement for its subclass which provides transparent read/write access to archive files and their entries as if they were (virtual) directories and files.
File(File) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.File
Copy constructor.
File(File, ArchiveDetector) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.File
Constructs a new File instance which may use the given ArchiveDetector to detect any archive files in its path.
File(String) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.File
Equivalent to File(path, getDefaultArchiveDetector()).
File(String, ArchiveDetector) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.File
Constructs a new File instance which uses the given ArchiveDetector to detect any archive files in its path.
File(String, String) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.File
Equivalent to File(parent, child, getDefaultArchiveDetector()).
File(String, String, ArchiveDetector) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.File
Constructs a new File instance which uses the given ArchiveDetector to detect any archive files in its path.
File(File, String) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.File
Equivalent to File(parent, child, null).
File(File, String, ArchiveDetector) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.File
Constructs a new File instance which uses the given ArchiveDetector to detect any archive files in its path and configure their parameters.
File(URI) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.File
Constructs a new File instance from the given uri.
File(File, File, ArchiveDetector) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.File
This constructor is not for public use - do not use it!
File(File, File, File) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.File
This constructor is not for public use - do not use it!
FILE_NAME_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class de.schlichtherle.io.swing.tree.FileTreeModel
A comparator which sorts directory entries to the beginning.
FileBusyException - Exception in de.schlichtherle.io
Thrown if an archive entry cannot get accessed because either (a) the client application is trying to input or output to the same archive file concurrently and the respective archive driver does not support this, or (b) the archive file needs an implicit unmount which cannot get performed because the client application is still using some other open streams for the same archive file.
FileBusyException(String) - Constructor for exception de.schlichtherle.io.FileBusyException
For use by InputArchiveBusyException and OutputArchiveBusyException only.
FileBusyException(InputArchiveBusyException) - Constructor for exception de.schlichtherle.io.FileBusyException
Deprecated. You should not use this constructor. It will vanish in the next major version.
FileBusyException(OutputArchiveBusyException) - Constructor for exception de.schlichtherle.io.FileBusyException
Deprecated. You should not use this constructor. It will vanish in the next major version.
FileBusyException(ArchiveBusyException) - Constructor for exception de.schlichtherle.io.FileBusyException
Deprecated. You should not use this constructor. It will have package private access in the next major version.
FileComboBoxBrowser - Class in de.schlichtherle.io.swing
Subclasses AbstractComboBoxBrowser to complete relative and absolute path names of files and directories.
FileComboBoxBrowser() - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.swing.FileComboBoxBrowser
Creates a new combo box auto completion browser.
FileComboBoxBrowser(JComboBox) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.swing.FileComboBoxBrowser
Creates a new combo box auto completion browser.
FileFactory - Interface in de.schlichtherle.io
This interface is not intended for public use!
FileInputStream - Class in de.schlichtherle.io
A drop-in replacement for FileInputStream which provides transparent read access to archive entries as if they were (virtual) files.
FileInputStream(String) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.FileInputStream
Behaves like the super class, but also supports archive entry files.
FileInputStream(File) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.FileInputStream
Behaves like the super class, but also supports archive entry files.
FileInputStream(FileDescriptor) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.FileInputStream
Behaves like the super class.
FileOutputStream - Class in de.schlichtherle.io
A drop-in replacement for FileOutputStream which provides transparent write access to archive entries as if they were (virtual) files.
FileOutputStream(String) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.FileOutputStream
Behaves like the super class, but also supports archive entry files.
FileOutputStream(String, boolean) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.FileOutputStream
Behaves like the super class, but also supports archive entry files.
FileOutputStream(File) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.FileOutputStream
Behaves like the super class, but also supports archive entry files.
FileOutputStream(File, boolean) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.FileOutputStream
Behaves like the super class, but also supports archive entry files.
FileOutputStream(FileDescriptor) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.FileOutputStream
Behaves like the super class.
FileReader - Class in de.schlichtherle.io
A drop-in replacement for FileReader which provides transparent read access to archive entries as if they were (virtual) files.
FileReader(String) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.FileReader
FileReader(File) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.FileReader
FileReader(FileDescriptor) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.FileReader
FileSystemView - Class in de.schlichtherle.io.swing
A custom file system view required to browse archive files like (virtual) directories with a JFileChooser.
FileTreeCellRenderer - Class in de.schlichtherle.io.swing.tree
A TreeCellRenderer which uses an instance of FileSystemView to display the system icon for each node in a JFileTree wherever possible.
FileTreeCellRenderer(JFileTree) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.swing.tree.FileTreeCellRenderer
FileTreeModel - Class in de.schlichtherle.io.swing.tree
A TreeModel which traverses java.io.File instances.
FileTreeModel() - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.swing.tree.FileTreeModel
Equivalent to FileTreeModel(null, null, FILE_NAME_COMPARATOR).
FileTreeModel(File) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.swing.tree.FileTreeModel
Equivalent to FileTreeModel(root, null, FILE_NAME_COMPARATOR).
FileTreeModel(File, FileFilter) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.swing.tree.FileTreeModel
Equivalent to FileTreeModel(root, filter, FILE_NAME_COMPARATOR).
FileTreeModel(File, FileFilter, Comparator) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.swing.tree.FileTreeModel
Creates a new FileTreeModel which browses the specified root file.
FileWriter - Class in de.schlichtherle.io
A drop-in replacement for FileWriter which provides transparent write access to archive entries as if they were (virtual) files.
FileWriter(String) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.FileWriter
FileWriter(String, boolean) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.FileWriter
FileWriter(File) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.FileWriter
FileWriter(File, boolean) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.FileWriter
FileWriter(FileDescriptor) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.FileWriter
FilterReadOnlyFile - Class in de.schlichtherle.io.rof
A base class for any class which wants to decorate a ReadOnlyFile.
FilterReadOnlyFile(ReadOnlyFile) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.rof.FilterReadOnlyFile
Creates a new instance of FilterReadOnlyFile, which filters the given read only file.
finish() - Method in class de.schlichtherle.crypto.io.CipherOutputStream
Finishes this stream and resets it to it's initial state.
finish() - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.archive.zip.ZipOutputArchive
Retain the postamble of the source ZIP archive, if any.
finish() - Method in class de.schlichtherle.util.zip.BasicZipOutputStream
Closes the current entry and writes the Central Directory to the underlying output stream.
finish() - Method in class de.schlichtherle.util.zip.ZipOutputStream
fireAncestorWindowHidden(PanelEvent) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.swing.EnhancedPanel
Deprecated. You should not call this method directly.
fireAncestorWindowShown(PanelEvent) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.swing.EnhancedPanel
Deprecated. You should not call this method directly.
fireTreeNodesChanged(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.swing.tree.FileTreeModel
This method calls TreeModelListener.treeStructureChanged(TreeModelEvent) on all listeners of this TreeModel.
fireTreeNodesInserted(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.swing.tree.FileTreeModel
This method calls TreeModelListener.treeStructureChanged(TreeModelEvent) on all listeners of this TreeModel.
fireTreeNodesRemoved(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.swing.tree.FileTreeModel
This method calls TreeModelListener.treeStructureChanged(TreeModelEvent) on all listeners of this TreeModel.
fireTreeStructureChanged(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.swing.tree.FileTreeModel
This method calls TreeModelListener.treeStructureChanged(TreeModelEvent) on all listeners of this TreeModel.
flush() - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.util.SynchronizedOutputStream
Synchronizes on the SynchronizedOutputStream.lock and calls SynchronizedOutputStream.doFlush().
forEachKeyProvider(KeyManager.KeyProviderCommand) - Static method in class de.schlichtherle.key.KeyManager
Executes a KeyManager.KeyProviderCommand for each mapped key provider.
forget(File) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.swing.tree.FileTreeModel
Deprecated. This method is only public in order to make it available to JFileTree - it is not intended for public use. In particular, this method does not notify the tree of any structural changes in the file system.
FPS - Static variable in class de.schlichtherle.key.passwd.swing.HurlingWindowFeedback