RaesAuthenticationException - Exception in de.schlichtherle.crypto.io.raes
Thrown to indicate that an RAES file has been tampered with.
RaesAuthenticationException() - Constructor for exception de.schlichtherle.crypto.io.raes.RaesAuthenticationException
RaesException - Exception in de.schlichtherle.crypto.io.raes
Thrown if a file is read which is not RAES compatible.
RaesException(String) - Constructor for exception de.schlichtherle.crypto.io.raes.RaesException
Constructs an instance of RaesException with the specified detail message.
RaesException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.schlichtherle.crypto.io.raes.RaesException
Constructs an instance of RaesException with the specified detail message and cause.
RaesFiles - Class in de.schlichtherle.io
Saves and restores the contents of arbitrary files to and from the RAES file format for encryption and decryption.
RaesFiles() - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.RaesFiles
You cannot instantiate this class.
RaesFileUtils - Class in de.schlichtherle.io
Deprecated. Use the base class instead.
RaesFileUtils() - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.RaesFileUtils
Deprecated. You cannot instantiate this class.
RaesKeyException - Exception in de.schlichtherle.crypto.io.raes
Thrown to indicate that retrieving a key to encrypt some pay load data to an RAES file has been disabled or cancelled.
RaesKeyException() - Constructor for exception de.schlichtherle.crypto.io.raes.RaesKeyException
Creates a new instance of RaesKeyException with a detail message indicating that key retrieval has been disabled or cancelled.
RaesKeyException(String) - Constructor for exception de.schlichtherle.crypto.io.raes.RaesKeyException
Constructs an instance of RaesKeyException with the specified detail message.
RaesKeyException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.schlichtherle.crypto.io.raes.RaesKeyException
Constructs an instance of RaesKeyException with the specified cause.
RaesOutputStream - Class in de.schlichtherle.crypto.io.raes
An OutputStream to produce a file with data ecnrypted according to the Random Access Encryption Specification (RAES).
RaesParameters - Interface in de.schlichtherle.crypto.io.raes
A marker interface for RAES parameters.
RaesParametersAgent - Interface in de.schlichtherle.crypto.io.raes
These RaesParameters delegate to some other instance of a sibling interface or itself in order to locate the parameters required to read or write a certain RAES type.
RaesParametersException - Exception in de.schlichtherle.crypto.io.raes
Thrown to indicate that no suitable RAES parameters have been provided or something is wrong with the parameters.
RaesParametersException() - Constructor for exception de.schlichtherle.crypto.io.raes.RaesParametersException
Creates a new instance of RaesParametersException with a detail message indicating that no suitable RaesParameters have been found.
RaesParametersException(String) - Constructor for exception de.schlichtherle.crypto.io.raes.RaesParametersException
Constructs an instance of RaesParametersException with the specified detail message.
RaesParametersException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.schlichtherle.crypto.io.raes.RaesParametersException
Constructs an instance of RaesParametersException with the specified cause.
RaesReadOnlyFile - Class in de.schlichtherle.crypto.io.raes
This class implements a ReadOnlyFile in order to provide transparent random read only access to the plain text data which has been encrypted and stored in a file according to the Random Access Encryption Specification (RAES).
read() - Method in class de.schlichtherle.crypto.io.CipherReadOnlyFile
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.crypto.io.CipherReadOnlyFile
read(byte[]) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.FileInputStream
read(byte[]) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.rof.AbstractReadOnlyFile
read() - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.rof.BufferedReadOnlyFile
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.rof.BufferedReadOnlyFile
read() - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.rof.ChannelReadOnlyFile
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.rof.ChannelReadOnlyFile
read() - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.rof.FastReadOnlyFile
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.rof.FastReadOnlyFile
read() - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.rof.FilterReadOnlyFile
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.rof.FilterReadOnlyFile
read() - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.rof.MemoryMappedReadOnlyFile
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.rof.MemoryMappedReadOnlyFile
read() - Method in interface de.schlichtherle.io.rof.ReadOnlyFile
read(byte[]) - Method in interface de.schlichtherle.io.rof.ReadOnlyFile
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface de.schlichtherle.io.rof.ReadOnlyFile
Reads up to len bytes of data from this read only file into the given array.
read() - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.rof.ReadOnlyFileInputStream
read(byte[]) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.rof.ReadOnlyFileInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.rof.ReadOnlyFileInputStream
read() - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.util.SynchronizedInputStream
read(byte[]) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.util.SynchronizedInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.util.SynchronizedInputStream
readFully(byte[]) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.rof.AbstractReadOnlyFile
readFully(byte[], int, int) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.rof.AbstractReadOnlyFile
readFully(byte[]) - Method in interface de.schlichtherle.io.rof.ReadOnlyFile
readFully(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface de.schlichtherle.io.rof.ReadOnlyFile
readLine(String) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.key.passwd.console.PromptingKeyProviderUI
readLine(String, Object) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.key.passwd.console.PromptingKeyProviderUI
ReadOnlyFile - Interface in de.schlichtherle.io.rof
A minimal interface to allow random read only access to a file.
ReadOnlyFileInputStream - Class in de.schlichtherle.io.rof
An adapter class turning a provided ReadOnlyFile into an InputStream.
ReadOnlyFileInputStream(ReadOnlyFile) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.rof.ReadOnlyFileInputStream
Adapts the given ReadOnlyFile.
ReadOnlySfxDriver - Class in de.schlichtherle.io.archive.zip
An archive driver which reads Self Executable (SFX/EXE) ZIP files, but doesn't support to create or update them.
ReadOnlySfxDriver() - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.archive.zip.ReadOnlySfxDriver
Equivalent to this(DEFAULT_CHARSET, null, null, false, DEFAULT_LEVEL).
ReadOnlySfxDriver(String) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.archive.zip.ReadOnlySfxDriver
Equivalent to this(charset, null, null, false, DEFAULT_LEVEL).
ReadOnlySfxDriver(int) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.archive.zip.ReadOnlySfxDriver
Equivalent to this(DEFAULT_CHARSET, null, null, false, level).
ReadOnlySfxDriver(String, Icon, Icon, boolean, int) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.archive.zip.ReadOnlySfxDriver
Constructs a new read-only SFX/EXE driver.
readPassword(String) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.key.passwd.console.PromptingKeyProviderUI
ReadWriteSfxDriver - Class in de.schlichtherle.io.archive.zip
An archive driver which reads and writes Self Executable (SFX/EXE) ZIP files.
ReadWriteSfxDriver() - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.archive.zip.ReadWriteSfxDriver
Equivalent to this(DEFAULT_CHARSET, null, null, false, DEFAULT_LEVEL).
ReadWriteSfxDriver(String) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.archive.zip.ReadWriteSfxDriver
Equivalent to this(charset, null, null, false, DEFAULT_LEVEL).
ReadWriteSfxDriver(int) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.archive.zip.ReadWriteSfxDriver
Equivalent to this(DEFAULT_CHARSET, null, null, false, level).
ReadWriteSfxDriver(String, Icon, Icon, boolean, int) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.archive.zip.ReadWriteSfxDriver
Constructs a new read-write SFX/EXE driver.
refresh() - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.swing.JFileTree
Refreshes the entire tree, restores the expanded and selected paths and scrolls to the lead selection path if necessary.
refresh(File) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.swing.JFileTree
Refreshes the subtree for the given node, restores the expanded and selected paths and scrolls to the lead selection path if necessary.
refresh(TreePath[]) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.swing.JFileTree
Refreshes the subtree for the given paths, restores the expanded and selected paths and scrolls to the lead selection path if necessary.
refresh() - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.swing.tree.FileTreeModel
Refreshes the tree structure for the entire tree.
refresh(File) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.swing.tree.FileTreeModel
Alias for FileTreeModel.structureChanged(java.io.File).
register(String, Class) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.key.PromptingKeyManager
Deprecated. Use mapPromptingKeyProviderUIType(uiClassID, uiClass) instead.
remove(Object) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.util.CanonicalStringSet
Removes the canonical form of all strings in the given list from this set.
removeAll(CanonicalStringSet) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.util.CanonicalStringSet
Removes all canonical strings in the given set from this set.
removeAll(String) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.util.CanonicalStringSet
Removes the canonical form of all strings in the given list from this set.
removeFromKeyManager(String) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.key.AbstractKeyProvider
Remove this instance as the key provider for the given resource identifier from the map in the KeyManager.
removeFromKeyManager(String) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.key.PromptingKeyProvider
removePanelListener(PanelListener) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.swing.EnhancedPanel
Removes the listener from the list of receivers for PanelEvents.
removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.swing.tree.FileTreeModel
Removes a listener from this model.
renameTo(File) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.File
Equivalent to renameTo(dst, getArchiveDetector()).
renameTo(File, ArchiveDetector) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.File
Behaves similar to the super class, but renames this file or directory by recursively copying its data if this object or the dst object is either an archive file or an entry located in an archive file.
renameTo(File, File) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.swing.JFileTree
Forwards the call to the FileTreeModel, restores the expanded paths, selects node and scrolls to it if necessary.
renameTo(File, File) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.swing.tree.FileTreeModel
Renames oldNode to newNode and updates the tree accordingly.
REPLACEMENT - Static variable in class de.schlichtherle.nio.charset.OctetCharset
Use this character in the lookup table provided to the constructor for every character that does not have a replacement in 16 bit Unicode.
reset() - Method in class de.schlichtherle.crypto.modes.SICSeekableBlockCipher
reset() - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.rof.ReadOnlyFileInputStream
reset() - Method in class de.schlichtherle.io.util.SynchronizedInputStream
reset() - Method in class de.schlichtherle.key.AbstractKeyProvider
This hook may be overridden to reset this key provider instance.
reset() - Method in class de.schlichtherle.key.PromptingKeyProvider
Resets this key provider and finally calls PromptingKeyProvider.onReset().
reset(CharSequence) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.util.regex.ThreadLocalMatcher
Resets the thread local matcher with the given character sequence and returns it.
resetAndClearKeyProviders() - Static method in class de.schlichtherle.key.KeyManager
Deprecated. Use KeyManager.resetAndRemoveKeyProviders() instead.
resetAndRemoveKeyProvider(String) - Static method in class de.schlichtherle.key.KeyManager
Resets the key provider for the given resource identifier, causing it to forget its common key, and throws the key provider away.
resetAndRemoveKeyProviders() - Static method in class de.schlichtherle.key.KeyManager
Resets all key providers, causing them to forget their key, and removes them from the map.
resetCancelledPrompts() - Static method in class de.schlichtherle.key.PromptingKeyManager
Resets all cancelled key prompts, forcing a new prompt on the next call to AbstractKeyProvider.getOpenKey() or AbstractKeyProvider.getCreateKey().
resetCreateKey() - Method in class de.schlichtherle.key.passwd.swing.CreateKeyPanel
Deprecated. Create a new CreateKeyPanel instead.
resetKey() - Method in class de.schlichtherle.key.AbstractKeyProvider
Deprecated. You should not use or override this method. This method will vanish in the next major version release.
resetKeyProvider(String) - Static method in class de.schlichtherle.key.KeyManager
Resets the key provider for the given resource identifier, causing it to forget its common key.
resetKeyProviders() - Static method in class de.schlichtherle.key.KeyManager
Resets all key providers, causing them to forget their respective common key.
resetPasswd() - Method in class de.schlichtherle.key.passwd.swing.CreateKeyPanel
Deprecated. Create a new CreateKeyPanel instead.
resources - Static variable in class de.schlichtherle.key.passwd.console.PromptingKeyProviderUI
retainAll(CanonicalStringSet) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.util.CanonicalStringSet
Retains all canonical strings in the given set in this set.
retainAll(String) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.util.CanonicalStringSet
Retains the canonical form of all strings in the given list in this set.
RfsEntry - Class in de.schlichtherle.io.archive.spi
A utility class which adapts a File instance to an ArchiveEntry (RFS means Real File System).
RfsEntry(File) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.archive.spi.RfsEntry
Constructs a new RfsEntry.
RfsEntry(File, String) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.io.archive.spi.RfsEntry
Constructs a new RfsEntry.
rof - Variable in class de.schlichtherle.io.rof.FilterReadOnlyFile
The read only file to be filtered.
rof - Variable in class de.schlichtherle.io.rof.ReadOnlyFileInputStream
The underlying ReadOnlyFile.
roundUp(long) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.util.zip.DateTimeConverter
Returns whether a Java time should be rounded up or down to the next two second interval when converting it to a DOS date/time.
run(String, KeyProvider) - Method in interface de.schlichtherle.key.KeyManager.KeyProviderCommand
run() - Method in class de.schlichtherle.key.passwd.swing.BasicFeedback
Starts the visual/audible feedback.
run() - Method in interface de.schlichtherle.key.passwd.swing.Feedback
Starts the visual/audible feedback.
runWithException(String[]) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.Decrypt
runWithException(String[]) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.Encrypt
runWithException(String[]) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.NZip
Runs this command line utility.