Uses of Interface

Packages that use JRChartPlot
net.sf.jasperreports.charts Contains interfaces for chart plots and chart datasets. 
net.sf.jasperreports.charts.base Contains base implementations for chart related interfaces. Contains design time implementations for chart related interfaces. 
net.sf.jasperreports.charts.fill Contains fill time implementations for chart related interfaces. 
net.sf.jasperreports.engine Provides access to the library's main functionality through façade classes for compiling, filling and exporting reports and also publishes the library's main interfaces and classes. 
net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base Contains base implementations for the library's main interfaces. Contains design time implementations for the library's main interfaces as well as report compiling tools. 
net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill Contains fill time implementations for the library's main interfaces and the entire engine used in the filling process (the actual core of JasperReports). 
net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util Utility classes. 

Uses of JRChartPlot in net.sf.jasperreports.charts

Subinterfaces of JRChartPlot in net.sf.jasperreports.charts
 interface JRAreaPlot
 interface JRBar3DPlot
 interface JRBarPlot
 interface JRBubblePlot
 interface JRCandlestickPlot
 interface JRCategoryPlot
 interface JRHighLowPlot
 interface JRLinePlot
 interface JRMeterPlot
          Represents the display options of a Meter Chart.
 interface JRMultiAxisPlot
          Represents the display options and nested charts of a multiple axis chart.
 interface JRPie3DPlot
 interface JRPiePlot
 interface JRScatterPlot
 interface JRThermometerPlot
          Represents the display options of a Thermometer chart.
 interface JRTimeSeriesPlot

Uses of JRChartPlot in net.sf.jasperreports.charts.base

Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.charts.base that implement JRChartPlot
 class JRBaseAreaPlot
 class JRBaseBar3DPlot
 class JRBaseBarPlot
 class JRBaseBubblePlot
 class JRBaseCandlestickPlot
 class JRBaseHighLowPlot
 class JRBaseLinePlot
 class JRBaseMeterPlot
          An immutable representation of the layout of a Meter chart.
 class JRBaseMultiAxisPlot
          An immutable representation of the layout options of a multiple axis chart.
 class JRBasePie3DPlot
 class JRBasePiePlot
 class JRBaseScatterPlot
 class JRBaseThermometerPlot
          An immutable representation of the layout of a thermometer plot.
 class JRBaseTimeSeriesPlot

Constructors in net.sf.jasperreports.charts.base with parameters of type JRChartPlot
JRBaseAreaPlot(JRChartPlot plot, JRChart chart)
JRBaseBar3DPlot(JRChartPlot plot, JRChart chart)
JRBaseBarPlot(JRChartPlot plot, JRChart chart)
JRBaseBubblePlot(JRChartPlot plot, JRChart chart)
JRBaseCandlestickPlot(JRChartPlot plot, JRChart chart)
JRBaseHighLowPlot(JRChartPlot plot, JRChart chart)
JRBaseLinePlot(JRChartPlot plot, JRChart chart)
JRBaseMeterPlot(JRChartPlot plot, JRChart chart)
          Constructs a copy of an existing meter.
JRBaseMultiAxisPlot(JRChartPlot multiAxisPlot, JRChart chart)
          Constructs a copy of an existing multiple axis chart plot.
JRBasePie3DPlot(JRChartPlot chartPlot, JRChart chart)
JRBasePiePlot(JRChartPlot chartPlot, JRChart chart)
JRBaseScatterPlot(JRChartPlot plot, JRChart chart)
JRBaseThermometerPlot(JRChartPlot plot, JRChart chart)
          Constructs a new thermometer plot that is a copy of an existing one.
JRBaseTimeSeriesPlot(JRChartPlot plot, JRChart chart)

Uses of JRChartPlot in

Classes in that implement JRChartPlot
 class JRDesignAreaPlot
 class JRDesignBar3DPlot
 class JRDesignBarPlot
 class JRDesignBubblePlot
 class JRDesignCandlestickPlot
 class JRDesignHighLowPlot
 class JRDesignLinePlot
 class JRDesignMeterPlot
          A meter plot that displays a single value against a range of values.
 class JRDesignMultiAxisPlot
          Contains information on how a multiple axis chart should be displayed.
 class JRDesignPie3DPlot
 class JRDesignPiePlot
 class JRDesignScatterPlot
 class JRDesignThermometerPlot
          The layout options of a thermometer chart.
 class JRDesignTimeSeriesPlot

Constructors in with parameters of type JRChartPlot
JRDesignAreaPlot(JRChartPlot plot, JRChart chart)
JRDesignBar3DPlot(JRChartPlot plot, JRChart chart)
JRDesignBarPlot(JRChartPlot plot, JRChart chart)
JRDesignBubblePlot(JRChartPlot plot, JRChart chart)
JRDesignCandlestickPlot(JRChartPlot plot, JRChart chart)
JRDesignHighLowPlot(JRChartPlot plot, JRChart chart)
JRDesignLinePlot(JRChartPlot plot, JRChart chart)
JRDesignMeterPlot(JRChartPlot plot, JRChart chart)
          Construct a new meter plot by copying an existing one.
JRDesignMultiAxisPlot(JRChartPlot multiAxisPlot, JRChart chart)
          Constructs a new plot by copying an existing one.
JRDesignPie3DPlot(JRChartPlot pie3DPlot, JRChart chart)
JRDesignPiePlot(JRChartPlot piePlot, JRChart chart)
JRDesignScatterPlot(JRChartPlot plot, JRChart chart)
JRDesignThermometerPlot(JRChartPlot plot, JRChart chart)
          Constructs a new plot that is a copy of an existing one.
JRDesignTimeSeriesPlot(JRChartPlot plot, JRChart chart)

Uses of JRChartPlot in net.sf.jasperreports.charts.fill

Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.charts.fill that implement JRChartPlot
 class JRFillAreaPlot
 class JRFillBar3DPlot
 class JRFillBarPlot
 class JRFillBubblePlot
 class JRFillCandlestickPlot
 class JRFillHighLowPlot
 class JRFillLinePlot
 class JRFillMeterPlot
 class JRFillMultiAxisPlot
 class JRFillPie3DPlot
 class JRFillPiePlot
 class JRFillScatterPlot
 class JRFillThermometerPlot
 class JRFillTimeSeriesPlot

Uses of JRChartPlot in net.sf.jasperreports.engine

Methods in net.sf.jasperreports.engine that return JRChartPlot
 JRChartPlot JRChart.getPlot()
          Gets the chart plot.

Uses of JRChartPlot in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base

Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base that implement JRChartPlot
 class JRBaseChartPlot

Fields in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base declared as JRChartPlot
protected  JRChartPlot JRBaseChart.plot

Methods in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base that return JRChartPlot
 JRChartPlot JRBaseChart.getPlot()

Constructors in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base with parameters of type JRChartPlot
JRBaseChartPlot(JRChartPlot plot, JRBaseObjectFactory factory)
JRBaseChartPlot(JRChartPlot plot, JRChart chart)

Uses of JRChartPlot in

Fields in declared as JRChartPlot
protected  JRChartPlot JRDesignChart.plot

Methods in that return JRChartPlot
 JRChartPlot JRDesignChart.getPlot()

Uses of JRChartPlot in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill

Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill that implement JRChartPlot
 class JRFillChartPlot

Fields in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill declared as JRChartPlot
protected  JRChartPlot JRFillChartPlot.parent
protected  JRChartPlot JRFillChart.plot

Methods in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill that return JRChartPlot
protected  JRChartPlot DefaultChartTheme.getPlot()
 JRChartPlot JRFillChart.getPlot()

Constructors in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill with parameters of type JRChartPlot
JRFillChartPlot(JRChartPlot plot, JRFillObjectFactory factory)

Uses of JRChartPlot in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util

Methods in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util with parameters of type JRChartPlot
static java.awt.Color JRStyleResolver.getBackcolor(JRChartPlot plot)
static java.awt.Color JRStyleResolver.getCategoryAxisLabelColor(JRCategoryAxisFormat axisFormat, JRChartPlot plot)
static java.awt.Color JRStyleResolver.getCategoryAxisLineColor(JRCategoryAxisFormat axisFormat, JRChartPlot plot)
static java.awt.Color JRStyleResolver.getCategoryAxisTickLabelColor(JRCategoryAxisFormat axisFormat, JRChartPlot plot)
static java.awt.Color JRStyleResolver.getForecolor(JRChartPlot plot)
static java.awt.Color JRStyleResolver.getTimeAxisLabelColor(JRTimeAxisFormat axisFormat, JRChartPlot plot)
static java.awt.Color JRStyleResolver.getTimeAxisLineColor(JRTimeAxisFormat axisFormat, JRChartPlot plot)
static java.awt.Color JRStyleResolver.getTimeAxisTickLabelColor(JRTimeAxisFormat axisFormat, JRChartPlot plot)
static java.awt.Color JRStyleResolver.getValueAxisLabelColor(JRValueAxisFormat axisFormat, JRChartPlot plot)
static java.awt.Color JRStyleResolver.getValueAxisLineColor(JRValueAxisFormat axisFormat, JRChartPlot plot)
static java.awt.Color JRStyleResolver.getValueAxisTickLabelColor(JRValueAxisFormat axisFormat, JRChartPlot plot)
static java.awt.Color JRStyleResolver.getXAxisLabelColor(JRXAxisFormat axisFormat, JRChartPlot plot)
static java.awt.Color JRStyleResolver.getXAxisLineColor(JRXAxisFormat axisFormat, JRChartPlot plot)
static java.awt.Color JRStyleResolver.getXAxisTickLabelColor(JRXAxisFormat axisFormat, JRChartPlot plot)
static java.awt.Color JRStyleResolver.getYAxisLabelColor(JRYAxisFormat axisFormat, JRChartPlot plot)
static java.awt.Color JRStyleResolver.getYAxisLineColor(JRYAxisFormat axisFormat, JRChartPlot plot)
static java.awt.Color JRStyleResolver.getYAxisTickLabelColor(JRYAxisFormat axisFormat, JRChartPlot plot)

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