Uses of Interface

Packages that use JRPropertiesHolder
net.sf.jasperreports.engine Provides access to the library's main functionality through façade classes for compiling, filling and exporting reports and also publishes the library's main interfaces and classes. 
net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base Contains base implementations for the library's main interfaces. Contains design time implementations for the library's main interfaces as well as report compiling tools. 
net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export Provides utility classes for exporting reports to various popular formats. 
net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill Contains fill time implementations for the library's main interfaces and the entire engine used in the filling process (the actual core of JasperReports). 
net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util Utility classes. 
net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml Contains classes for loading report templates from XML files. 

Uses of JRPropertiesHolder in net.sf.jasperreports.components.barcode4j

Methods in net.sf.jasperreports.components.barcode4j with parameters of type JRPropertiesHolder
static BarcodeImageProducer BarcodeUtils.getImageProducer(JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder)
          Deprecated. Replaced by BarcodeUtils.getProducer(JRPropertiesHolder).
 BarcodeImageProducer BarcodeUtils.getProducer(JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder)

Uses of JRPropertiesHolder in net.sf.jasperreports.components.list

Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.components.list that implement JRPropertiesHolder
 class FillDatasetRun
          Used to iterate on the list subdataset at fill time.

Uses of JRPropertiesHolder in net.sf.jasperreports.components.table

Subinterfaces of JRPropertiesHolder in net.sf.jasperreports.components.table
 interface BaseColumn
 interface Column
 interface ColumnGroup

Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.components.table that implement JRPropertiesHolder
 class StandardBaseColumn
 class StandardColumn
 class StandardColumnGroup

Methods in net.sf.jasperreports.components.table that return JRPropertiesHolder
 JRPropertiesHolder StandardBaseColumn.getParentProperties()

Uses of JRPropertiesHolder in net.sf.jasperreports.components.table.fill

Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.components.table.fill that implement JRPropertiesHolder
 class FillColumn
 class FillTableSubreport
 class TableReport
 class TableReportDataset
 class TableSubreport

Methods in net.sf.jasperreports.components.table.fill that return JRPropertiesHolder
 JRPropertiesHolder TableReportDataset.getParentProperties()
 JRPropertiesHolder TableReport.getParentProperties()
 JRPropertiesHolder FillColumn.getParentProperties()

Uses of JRPropertiesHolder in net.sf.jasperreports.crosstabs

Subinterfaces of JRPropertiesHolder in net.sf.jasperreports.crosstabs
 interface JRCrosstab
          Crosstab element interface.
 interface JRCrosstabParameter
          Crosstab parameters interface.

Uses of JRPropertiesHolder in net.sf.jasperreports.crosstabs.base

Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.crosstabs.base that implement JRPropertiesHolder
 class JRBaseCrosstab
          Base read-only crosstab implementation.
 class JRBaseCrosstabParameter
          Base read-only implementation of crosstab parameters.

Uses of JRPropertiesHolder in

Classes in that implement JRPropertiesHolder
 class JRDesignCrosstab
          Design-time crosstab implementation.
 class JRDesignCrosstabParameter
          Implementation of crosstab parameters to be used for report designing.

Uses of JRPropertiesHolder in net.sf.jasperreports.crosstabs.fill

Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.crosstabs.fill that implement JRPropertiesHolder
 class JRFillCrosstabParameter
          Crosstab parameter implementation used at fill time.

Uses of JRPropertiesHolder in net.sf.jasperreports.engine

Subinterfaces of JRPropertiesHolder in net.sf.jasperreports.engine
 interface JRBreak
          An abstract representation of a break element.
 interface JRChart
          Implementations of this interface can be used for rendering chart components.
 interface JRComponentElement
          A report element that wraps an abstract component.
 interface JRDataset
          Interface representing a data set that can be used in a report.
 interface JRDatasetRun
          Interface of an sub dataset instantiation.
 interface JRElement
          An abstract representation of a report element.
 interface JREllipse
          An abstract representation of a graphic element representing an ellipse.
 interface JRField
          An abstract representation of a data source field.
 interface JRFrame
          An abstract representation of a report elements container.
 interface JRGenericElement
          A "generic" report element that will produce a generic print element in the generated report.
 interface JRGenericPrintElement
          A generic print element.
 interface JRGraphicElement
          An abstract representation of a report graphic element.
 interface JRImage
          An abstract representation of a graphic element representing an image.
 interface JRLine
          An abstract representation of a graphic element representing a straight line.
 interface JRParameter
 interface JRPrintElement
 interface JRPrintEllipse
 interface JRPrintFrame
          A print elements container.
 interface JRPrintGraphicElement
 interface JRPrintImage
 interface JRPrintLine
 interface JRPrintRectangle
 interface JRPrintText
 interface JRRectangle
          An abstract representation of a graphic element representing a rectangle.
 interface JRReport
          An abstract representation of a Jasper report.
 interface JRScriptlet
 interface JRStaticText
          An abstract representation of a report static text.
 interface JRSubreport
 interface JRTextElement
          An abstract representation of a report text element.
 interface JRTextField
          An abstract representation of a report static text.
 interface JRValueParameter
          A report/dataset parameter having an assigned value.

Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine that implement JRPropertiesHolder
 class ElementDecorator
 class JasperPrint
          An instance of this class represents a page-oriented document that can be viewed, printed or exported to other formats.
 class JasperReport
          The actual representation of a compiled report.

Methods in net.sf.jasperreports.engine that return JRPropertiesHolder
 JRPropertiesHolder ElementDecorator.getParentProperties()
 JRPropertiesHolder JasperPrint.getParentProperties()
 JRPropertiesHolder JRPropertiesHolder.getParentProperties()
          Returns the parent properties holder, whose properties are used as defaults for this object.

Methods in net.sf.jasperreports.engine with parameters of type JRPropertiesHolder
 java.util.List<JRPropertiesUtil.PropertySuffix> JRPropertiesUtil.getAllProperties(JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder, java.lang.String prefix)
          Returns the list of all properties for a key prefix, including global properties.
 boolean JRPropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty(JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder, java.lang.String key, boolean defaultValue)
          Returns the value of a property as a boolean, looking first in the supplied properties holder and then in the system properties.
 float JRPropertiesUtil.getFloatProperty(JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder, java.lang.String key, float defaultValue)
          Returns the value of a property as a float, looking first in the supplied properties holder and then in the system properties.
 int JRPropertiesUtil.getIntegerProperty(JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder, java.lang.String key, int defaultValue)
          Returns the value of a property as an integer, looking first in the supplied properties holder and then in the system properties.
 long JRPropertiesUtil.getLongProperty(JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder, java.lang.String key, int defaultValue)
          Returns the value of a property as a long, looking first in the supplied properties holder and then in the system properties.
protected static JRPropertiesMap JRPropertiesUtil.getOwnProperties(JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder)
static java.lang.String JRPropertiesUtil.getOwnProperty(JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder, java.lang.String key)
static java.util.List<JRPropertiesUtil.PropertySuffix> JRPropertiesUtil.getProperties(JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder, java.lang.String prefix)
          Returns the list of all properties for a key prefix.
static JRPropertiesMap JRPropertiesMap.getPropertiesClone(JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder)
          Clones the properties map of a properties holder.
 java.lang.String JRPropertiesUtil.getProperty(JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder, java.lang.String key)
          Returns the value of a property, looking first in the supplied properties holder and then in the system properties.
 java.lang.String JRPropertiesUtil.getProperty(java.lang.String key, JRPropertiesHolder... propertiesHolders)
          Returns the value of a property, looking for it in several properties holders and then in the system properties.
protected  void JRPropertiesUtil.transfer(JRPropertiesMap source, JRPropertiesHolder destination, java.lang.String tranferPropertiesPrefix)
 void JRPropertiesUtil.transferProperties(JRPropertiesHolder source, JRPropertiesHolder destination, java.lang.String tranferPropertiesPrefix)
          Copies properties from one object to another.
 void JRPropertiesUtil.transferProperties(JRPropertiesMap source, JRPropertiesHolder destination, java.lang.String tranferPropertiesPrefix)
          Copies properties from one object to another.

Uses of JRPropertiesHolder in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base

Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base that implement JRPropertiesHolder
 class JRBaseBreak
          The actual implementation of a break element.
 class JRBaseChart
 class JRBaseComponentElement
          A read-only JRComponentElement implementation which is included in compiled reports.
 class JRBaseDataset
          The base implementation of JRDataset.
 class JRBaseDatasetRun
          Base implementation of the JRDatasetRun interface.
 class JRBaseElement
          This class provides a skeleton implementation for a report element.
 class JRBaseEllipse
          The actual implementation of a graphic element representing an ellipse.
 class JRBaseField
 class JRBaseFrame
          Base read-only implementation of JRFrame.
 class JRBaseGenericElement
          A read-only implementation of JRGenericElement that is included in compiled reports.
 class JRBaseGenericPrintElement
          A basic implementation of JRGenericPrintElement.
 class JRBaseGraphicElement
          This class provides functionality common to graphic elements.
 class JRBaseImage
          The actual implementation of a graphic element representing an image.
 class JRBaseLine
          The actual implementation of a graphic element representing a straight line.
 class JRBaseParameter
 class JRBasePrintElement
 class JRBasePrintEllipse
 class JRBasePrintFrame
          Base implementation of JRPrintFrame.
 class JRBasePrintGraphicElement
 class JRBasePrintImage
 class JRBasePrintLine
 class JRBasePrintRectangle
 class JRBasePrintText
 class JRBaseRectangle
          The actual implementation of a graphic element representing a rectangle.
 class JRBaseReport
 class JRBaseScriptlet
 class JRBaseStaticText
          This class is used for representing a static text element.
 class JRBaseSubreport
 class JRBaseTextElement
          This class provides functionality common to text elements.
 class JRBaseTextField
          This class is used for representing a text field.
static class JRVirtualPrintPage.JRIdHolderTemplateElement

Methods in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base that return JRPropertiesHolder
 JRPropertiesHolder JRBaseDataset.getParentProperties()
 JRPropertiesHolder JRBaseParameter.getParentProperties()
 JRPropertiesHolder JRBaseField.getParentProperties()
 JRPropertiesHolder JRBaseDatasetRun.getParentProperties()
 JRPropertiesHolder JRBasePrintElement.getParentProperties()
 JRPropertiesHolder JRBaseElement.getParentProperties()
 JRPropertiesHolder JRBaseReport.getParentProperties()
 JRPropertiesHolder JRBaseScriptlet.getParentProperties()

Uses of JRPropertiesHolder in

Classes in that implement JRPropertiesHolder
 class JasperDesign
          JasperDesign is used for in-memory representation of a report design.
 class JRDesignBreak
          The actual implementation of a break element, used at design time.
 class JRDesignChart
 class JRDesignComponentElement
          A JRComponentElement implementation which is to be used at report design time.
 class JRDesignDataset
          Implementation of JRDataset to be used for report desing.
 class JRDesignDatasetRun
          Implementation of JRDatasetRun to be used for report desing.
 class JRDesignElement
          This class provides a skeleton implementation for a design time report element.
 class JRDesignEllipse
          The actual implementation of a graphic element representing an ellipse, used at design time.
 class JRDesignField
 class JRDesignFrame
          Implementation of JRFrame to be used at design time.
 class JRDesignGenericElement
          A implementation of JRGenericElement that is to be used at report design time.
 class JRDesignGraphicElement
          This class contains functionality common to graphic elements at design time.
 class JRDesignImage
          The actual implementation of a graphic element representing an image, used at design time.
 class JRDesignLine
          The actual implementation of a graphic element representing a straight line, used at design time.
 class JRDesignParameter
 class JRDesignRectangle
          The actual implementation of a graphic element representing a rectangle, used at design time.
 class JRDesignScriptlet
 class JRDesignStaticText
          This class is used for representing a design static text element.
 class JRDesignSubreport
 class JRDesignTextElement
          This class provides functionality common to design text elements.
 class JRDesignTextField

Uses of JRPropertiesHolder in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export

Methods in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export with parameters of type JRPropertiesHolder
protected  void JRXmlExporter.exportProperties(JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder)

Uses of JRPropertiesHolder in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill

Subinterfaces of JRPropertiesHolder in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill
 interface JRRecordedValuesPrintElement
          Interface implemented by print elements that can record field/variable values.

Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill that implement JRPropertiesHolder
 class JRFillBreak
 class JRFillChart
 class JRFillComponentElement
          A JRComponentElement which is used during report fill.
 class JRFillCrosstab
          Fill-time implementation of a crosstab.
 class JRFillDataset
 class JRFillDatasetRun
          Class used to instantiate sub datasets.
 class JRFillElement
 class JRFillEllipse
 class JRFillField
 class JRFillFrame
          Fill time implementation of a frame element.
 class JRFillGenericElement
          A JRGenericElement used during report fill.
 class JRFillGraphicElement
 class JRFillImage
 class JRFillLine
 class JRFillParameter
 class JRFillRectangle
 class JRFillScriptlet
 class JRFillStaticText
 class JRFillSubreport
 class JRFillTextElement
 class JRFillTextField
 class JRRecordedValuesGenericPrintElement
          Generic print element implementation that supports recorded values.
 class JRRecordedValuesPrintImage
          Print image implementation that supports recorded values.
 class JRRecordedValuesPrintText
          Print text implementation that supports recorded values.
 class JRTemplateElement
          Base class consisting of print element information shared by multiple print elements.
 class JRTemplateEllipse
          Ellipse information shared by multiple print ellipse objects.
 class JRTemplateFrame
          Frame information shared by multiple print frame objects.
 class JRTemplateGenericElement
          Generic print element information shared by multiple elements.
 class JRTemplateGenericPrintElement
          Implementation of JRGenericPrintElement that uses a JRTemplateGenericElement instance to store common attributes.
 class JRTemplateGraphicElement
          Base class consisting of graphic print element information shared by multiple print element instances.
 class JRTemplateImage
          Image information shared by multiple print image objects.
 class JRTemplateLine
          Line element information shared by multiple print line objects.
 class JRTemplatePrintElement
          Base implementation of JRPrintElement that uses a JRTemplateElement instance to store common attributes.
 class JRTemplatePrintEllipse
          Base implementation of JRPrintEllipse that uses a JRTemplateEllipse instance to store common attributes.
 class JRTemplatePrintFrame
          Implementation of JRPrintFrame that uses template frames to store common attributes.
 class JRTemplatePrintGraphicElement
          Base implementation of JRPrintGraphicElement that uses a JRTemplateGraphicElement instance to store common attributes.
 class JRTemplatePrintImage
          Implementation of JRPrintImage that uses a JRTemplateImage instance to store common attributes.
 class JRTemplatePrintLine
          Implementation of JRPrintLine that uses a JRTemplateLine instance to store common attributes.
 class JRTemplatePrintRectangle
          Implementation of JRPrintRectangle that uses a JRTemplateRectangle instance to store common attributes.
 class JRTemplatePrintText
          Implementation of JRPrintText that uses a JRTemplateText instance to store common attributes.
 class JRTemplateRectangle
          Rectangle information shared by multiple print rectangle objects.
 class JRTemplateText
          Text element information shared by multiple print text objects.

Methods in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill that return JRPropertiesHolder
 JRPropertiesHolder JRFillField.getParentProperties()
 JRPropertiesHolder JRFillElement.getParentProperties()
 JRPropertiesHolder JRTemplatePrintElement.getParentProperties()
 JRPropertiesHolder JRTemplateElement.getParentProperties()
 JRPropertiesHolder JRFillScriptlet.getParentProperties()
 JRPropertiesHolder JRFillDataset.getParentProperties()
 JRPropertiesHolder JRFillDatasetRun.getParentProperties()
 JRPropertiesHolder JRFillParameter.getParentProperties()
protected  JRPropertiesHolder TextMeasurer.getTextPropertiesHolder()

Uses of JRPropertiesHolder in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query

Methods in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query with parameters of type JRPropertiesHolder
protected  java.util.Calendar JRJdbcQueryExecuter.getParameterCalendar(JRPropertiesHolder properties)
protected  void JRJdbcQueryExecuter.setDate(int parameterIndex, java.lang.Object parameterValue, JRPropertiesHolder properties)
protected  void JRJdbcQueryExecuter.setStatementMultiParameter(int parameterIndex, java.lang.String parameterName, int valueIndex, java.lang.Object value, JRPropertiesHolder properties)
protected  void JRJdbcQueryExecuter.setStatementParameter(int parameterIndex, java.lang.Class<?> parameterType, java.lang.Object parameterValue, JRPropertiesHolder properties)
protected  void JRJdbcQueryExecuter.setTime(int parameterIndex, java.lang.Object parameterValue, JRPropertiesHolder properties)
protected  void JRJdbcQueryExecuter.setTimestamp(int parameterIndex, java.lang.Object parameterValue, JRPropertiesHolder properties)

Uses of JRPropertiesHolder in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util

Classes in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util that implement JRPropertiesHolder
 class DelegatePropertiesHolder

Methods in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util that return JRPropertiesHolder
 JRPropertiesHolder DelegatePropertiesHolder.getParentProperties()

Methods in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util with parameters of type JRPropertiesHolder
 JRTextMeasurer JRTextMeasurerUtil.createTextMeasurer(JRCommonText text, JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder)
          Creates a text measurer for a text object.
static java.util.List<JRProperties.PropertySuffix> JRProperties.getAllProperties(JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder, java.lang.String prefix)
          Deprecated. Returns the list of all properties for a key prefix, including global properties.
static java.lang.Boolean JRProperties.getBooleanProperty(JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder, java.lang.String key)
          Deprecated. Returns the value of a property as a Boolean object, looking first in the supplied properties holder and then in the system properties.
static boolean JRProperties.getBooleanProperty(JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder, java.lang.String key, boolean defaultValue)
          Deprecated. Returns the value of a property as a boolean, looking first in the supplied properties holder and then in the system properties.
 JRTextMeasurerFactory JRTextMeasurerUtil.getFactory(JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder)
          Returns the text measurer factory given a set of properties.
static float JRProperties.getFloatProperty(JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder, java.lang.String key, float defaultValue)
          Deprecated. Returns the value of a property as a float, looking first in the supplied properties holder and then in the system properties.
static int JRProperties.getIntegerProperty(JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder, java.lang.String key, int defaultValue)
          Deprecated. Returns the value of a property as an integer, looking first in the supplied properties holder and then in the system properties.
static long JRProperties.getLongProperty(JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder, java.lang.String key, int defaultValue)
          Deprecated. Returns the value of a property as a long, looking first in the supplied properties holder and then in the system properties.
protected static JRPropertiesMap JRProperties.getOwnProperties(JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder)
static java.util.List<JRProperties.PropertySuffix> JRProperties.getProperties(JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder, java.lang.String prefix)
          Deprecated. Returns the list of all properties for a key prefix.
static java.lang.String JRProperties.getProperty(JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder, java.lang.String key)
          Deprecated. Returns the value of a property, looking first in the supplied properties holder and then in the system properties.
static java.lang.String JRProperties.getProperty(java.lang.String key, JRPropertiesHolder... propertiesHolders)
          Deprecated. Returns the value of a property, looking for it in several properties holders and then in the system properties.
 JRTextMeasurerFactory JRTextMeasurerUtil.getTextMeasurerFactory(JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder)
          Deprecated. Replaced by JRTextMeasurerUtil.getFactory(JRPropertiesHolder).
protected  java.lang.String JRTextMeasurerUtil.getTextMeasurerFactoryClass(JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder)
protected static void JRProperties.transfer(JRPropertiesMap source, JRPropertiesHolder destination, java.lang.String tranferPropertiesPrefix)
static void JRProperties.transferProperties(JRPropertiesHolder source, JRPropertiesHolder destination, java.lang.String tranferPropertiesPrefix)
          Deprecated. Copies properties from one object to another.
static void JRProperties.transferProperties(JRPropertiesMap source, JRPropertiesHolder destination, java.lang.String tranferPropertiesPrefix)
          Deprecated. Copies properties from one object to another.

Constructors in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util with parameters of type JRPropertiesHolder
DelegatePropertiesHolder(JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder, JRPropertiesHolder parentProperties)

Uses of JRPropertiesHolder in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml

Methods in net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml with parameters of type JRPropertiesHolder
 void JRXmlWriter.writeProperties(JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder)

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