JClass Demo Applets

Many of the JClass examples and demos that appear in $JCLASS_HOME/examples and $JCLASS_HOME/demos will run as applets as well as using the interpreter.

This web page links you to all the JClass demo applets for all JClass products. Note that if you haven't installed a particular JClass product, the link will not work.

To run these demos using the interpreter, you should run the JClass Gallery common launcher. To run the launcher:

  cd $JCLASS_HOME/demos/common
Category Go To...

Demos are complete programs that make use of JClass products. They have been designed to show real-world use of JClass.

Chart Demos
Chart3D Demos
Field Demos
HiGrid Demos
PageLayout Demos
Elements Demos
LiveTable Demos
Common JClass Demos

Some demos require multiple JClass products. Note that demos won't run properly unless you have copies of all the products needed by each demo!


Examples are small (typically single-class) programs designed to demonstrate how to use a product feature. They are best explored by users looking for a how-to.

Chart Examples
Chart3D Java2D Examples
Chart3D Java3D Examples
DataSource Examples
Field Examples
HiGrid Examples
PageLayout Examples
Elements Examples
LiveTable Examples

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