Process Parameters

The Process Parameters table displays the values of the various varibles contained within the process. Possible processes are:

P1 - Break Crust
P2 - Random Roughness
P5 - Ridges and Dikes
P11 - Aggregate Crushing
P12 - Soil Loosening
P13 - Soil Layer Mixing
P14 - Soil Layer Inversion
P24 - Flatten Standing Biomass
P25 - Bury Flat Biomass
P26 - Resurface Buried Biomass
P30 - Defoliate Growing Crop
P31 - Kill or Defoliate Growing Crop
P32 - Cut/Remove Biomass to Height
P33 - Cut/Remove Biomass by Fraction
P34 - Change Standing Biomass Fall Rate
P37 - Thin Biomass to Population
P38 - Thin Biomass by Fraction
P40 - End Crop Biomass Manipulation
P42 - Cut/Remove Biomass to Height (Flags)
P43 - Cut/Remove Biomass by Fraction (Flags)
P47 - Thin Biomass to Population (Flags)
P48 - Thin Biomass by Fraction (Flags)
P50 - Set Crop Residue Amounts
P51 - Seeding Configuration
P61 - Remove Plant/Residue Material
P62 - Remove (by Age Pool) Plant/Residue Material
P65 - Add Crop Residue Amounts
P66 - Add Manure Residue Amount
P71 - Irrigation (Obsolete)
P72 - Monitor Irrigation
P73 - Single Irrigation
P74 - Terminate Irrigation Monitor