JClass DesktopViews 6.3.0 API


u - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Anno
List of points used during calculations
UNAMED_STYLE_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCDrawStyle
UNAMED_STYLE_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCTextStyle
unbound - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
UNBOUND - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans.NodeProperties
Unbound data source type
unboundClass - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
unboundColumns - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans.NodeProperties
UNDEREDIT - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.field.Field
UNDEREDIT - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.field.JCFieldComponent
underline - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCTextStyle
Underlining mode (enumerated type).
UNDERLINE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCFontChooser
The underline style support constant.
UNDERLINE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCFontChooserBar
The underline style support constant.
UNDERLINE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCFontChooserPane
The underline style support constant.
UNDERLINE_STYLE_CHANGE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCFontEvent
Font underline style change event.
underlineCheckbox - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCFontChooserPane
UNDERLINEPOSITION - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.postscript.AFMParser
underlineStyleButton - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCFontChooserBar
UNDERLINETHICKNESS - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.postscript.AFMParser
UNICODE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.TrueTypeFontProperties
Characters in document text lie in the UNICODE range, that is character codes between 0 and 65535.
UNINITIALISED_CELL - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTable
UNINITIALISED_ROW - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTable
uninstallUI(JComponent) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartUI
uninstallUI(JComponent) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3dUI
uninstallUI(JComponent) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGridUI
uninstallUI(JComponent) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTableUI
unit_count - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.progress.JCProgressEvent
unit_name - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.progress.JCProgressEvent
units - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCUnit.Measure
JCUnit object representing the units of linear measurement.
units - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCUnit.Point
JCUnit object representing the units of linear measurement.
units - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCUnit.Dimension
JCUnit object representing the units of linear measurement.
units - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCUnit.Margins
JCUnit object representing the units of linear measurement.
UNITS - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCUnit
List of available built-in units.
unitZ - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.actions.EditAction
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans.NodeProperties
Unknown data source type
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.SortGrid
unmap(double, double) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Performs an unmap operation by taking floating-point x and y values meant to represent a point along the x and y axes of the data.
unmap(Point3d) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dDataView
Performs an unmap operation by taking a point in 3d data space and transforming it to screen space.
unmap(Point3d) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.MapPick
Performs an unmap operation by transforming the given data point to the position on the screen where it would be drawn.
unmap(Point3d) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.MapPick
Performs an unmap operation by transforming the given data point to the position on the screen where it would be drawn.
unmap(Point3d) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Mapping
Performs an unmap operation by transforming the given data point to the position on the screen where it would be drawn.
unmaximize() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMDIPane
Method to unmaximize an MDI frame.
unmaximizeFrame() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMDIPane
unpick(Chart3dDataView, JCData3dIndex) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3d
Returns the position in screen pixels of a particular point in a particular data set (grid data or point data).
unpick(ChartDataView, int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChart
Returns the position in screen pixels of a particular point in a particular data series.
unpick(int, ChartDataViewSeries) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChart
Returns the position in screen pixels of a particular point in a particular data series.
unpick(JCData3dIndex) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.MapPick
Dummy implementation.
unpick(JCData3dIndex) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.MapPickGrid
Performs an unpick operation by returning the screen point that corresponds to the given data index.
unpick(JCData3dIndex) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.MapPickPoint
Performs an unpick operation by returning the screen point that corresponds to the given data index.
unpick(JCData3dIndex) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.MapPick
Dummy implementation.
unpick(JCData3dIndex) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.MapPickGrid
Performs an unpick operation by returning the screen point that corresponds to the given data index.
unpick(JCData3dIndex) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.MapPickPoint
Performs an unpick operation by returning the screen point that corresponds to the given data index.
unpick(JCData3dIndex) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Mapping
Performs an unpick operation by returning the screen point that corresponds to the given data index.
unsort() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.DefaultRowSortTableModel
Restores the unsorted order.
unsort() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCSortableTable
Restores the unsorted order.
unwrapText(String) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.cell.editors.JCWordWrapCellEditor
UP - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCValidator
Enum for mask returned by calculateSpinability().
UP - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.table.EditTraverseHandler
UP - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.ArrowIcon
upArrow - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.AbstractSpinBox
update - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
update_allowed - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
UPDATE_ALLOWED_INDEX - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans.NodeProperties
update_not_allowed - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
UPDATE_ROWS_ALL - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGrid
Update Row Changes Option: Commit the changes for all rows.
UPDATE_ROWS_CURRENT - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGrid
Update Row Changes Option: Commit the changes for the current row .
UPDATE_ROWS_SELECTED - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGrid
Update Row Changes Option: Commit the changes for the selected rows.
update_statement - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.jdbc.Persistor
update() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChart
Forces the chart to re-layout and recalculate.
update() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.JCChart3dJava3d
Forces the chart to be recalculated and laid out again.
update() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3d
Forces the chart to re-layout and recalculate.
update(Graphics) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.swing.DSdbJImage
update(Graphics) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.swing.DSdbJNavigator
Overwrites default update to avoid the component to be cleared and filled it with the background color that causes flickering.
updateAll - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
updateAll(DataModelListener) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModel
Writes all pending changes in all DataTables to the data source.
updateAll(DataModelListener) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.TreeData
Writes all pending changes in all DataTables to the data source.
updateAll(DataModelListener) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGridData
Write all pending changes in all DataTables to the data source.
updateAnnoDefaultPrecision(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxis
This method is invoked by the setChartType() method of ChartDataView.
updateAnnoDefPrecision(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxis
This method updates the default precision of the DEFAULT_LABELS JCAnno object.
updateAnnoHandler(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxis
This method instantiates either an AnnotationHandler or a CircularChartAnnoHandler depending on the chart type parameter.
updateAnnotation() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.JCChart3dAreaJava3d
updateAnnotations() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxis
At the end of the layout process, update the default start, stop, and increment values of tick objects.
updateBoundingBox(Graphics, int, int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCPlotCube
Erases and then draws the bounding box preview cube.
updateButtons() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMultiSelectList
updateCell(DataModelListener, long, String, Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseDataTable
Updates a cell.
updateCell(DataModelListener, long, String, Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans.JCData
Updates a cell.
updateCell(DataModelListener, long, String, Object) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataTableModel
Updates a cell.
updateCell(DataModelListener, long, String, Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.SummaryDataTable
Update a cell.
updateCell(Object, int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.NavigatorDataBinding
Set the value in the data source.
updateCellArea(int, boolean) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.CellAreaHandler
Update the CellArea to which the type refers.
updateChart(int, int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.data.JCDefaultDataSource
Internal method to inform the listeners when the chart data has changed.
updateChart(JCChart, String, int, Object, LoadProperties) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartFactory
Updates a JCChart instance by reading HTML-style chart parameters from an input source.
updateChartFromFile(JCChart, String, LoadProperties, String, int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartFactory
Updates a JCChart instance by reading HTML-style chart parameters from a file.
updateChartFromFile(JCChart, String, String, int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartFactory
Updates a JCChart instance by reading HTML-style chart parameters from a file.
updateChartFromReader(JCChart, Reader, LoadProperties, String, int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartFactory
Updates a JCChart instance by reading HTML-style chart parameters from a reader.
updateChartFromReader(JCChart, Reader, String, int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartFactory
Updates a JCChart instance by reading HTML-style chart parameters from a reader.
updateChartFromStream(JCChart, InputStream, LoadProperties, String, int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartFactory
Updates a JCChart instance by reading HTML-style chart parameters from an input stream.
updateChartFromStream(JCChart, InputStream, String, int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartFactory
Updates a JCChart instance by reading HTML-style chart parameters from an input stream.
updateChartFromString(JCChart, String, LoadProperties, String, int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartFactory
Updates a JCChart instance by reading HTML-style chart parameters from a String.
updateChartFromString(JCChart, String, String, int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartFactory
Updates a JCChart instance by reading HTML-style chart parameters from a String.
updateChartWithData(JCChart, int, Object, int, LoadProperties) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartFactory
Updates a JCChart instance with new data coming from a file, an input stream, or a reader.
updateChartWithData(JCChart, int, Object, LoadProperties) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartFactory
Updates a JCChart instance with new data coming from a file, an input stream, or a reader.
updateChartWithData(JCChart, int, Object, String, LoadProperties) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartFactory
Updates a JCChart instance with new data coming from a file, an input stream, or a reader.
updateComboBoxEditor(Date) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCPopupCalendar
Update the combo box editor with a new date.
updateComboBoxModel(Date) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCPopupCalendar
Update the combo box model with a new date.
updateComboBoxRenderer() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCPopupCalendar
Update the combo box renderer (this gets done when the popup calendar).
updateComponents - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.TablePropertyEditor
updateContext() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.Graphics2DBase
Exposes protected superclass method to com.klg.jclass.page package
updateControls() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCFontChooserBar
Updates the control buttons.
updateControls() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCFontChooserPane
Updates the dialog controls.
updateCurrent - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
UPDATED - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataTableModel
One or more of this row's cells have been modified.
updated(DataSet) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.jbuilder.MetaData
updateData() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.DataEditor
updatedRows - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseDataTable
updateEditors() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.db.DataTable
Updates cell editors according to the datasource table column types.
updateEditStatus(long) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.DefaultDataModelListener
Update the edit status for an existing row node for a given bookmark
updateError(DataSet, ReadWriteRow, DataSetException, ErrorResponse) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.jbuilder.MetaData
updateFillOrientation(Rectangle, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Updates the fill orientation properties for a pending fill operation.
updateFillOrientation(Rectangle, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCFillStyle
Updates the fill orientation properties for a pending fill operation.
updateFlags(boolean, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.TrackChange
Update the "changed" flag and the "ChangedFlag" mask.
updateFrozenCellLayout() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.FrozenCellLayoutEditor
updateGraphics(Graphics) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Updates the Graphics object with the elements of this line style (paint fills and colors), with the patterned fills being centered around the anchor rectangle that may have been set.
updateGraphics(Graphics) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCLineStyle
Updates the Graphics object with the elements of this line style (strokes and colors).
updateGraphics(Graphics) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCFillStyle
Updates the graphics object with the elements of this line style (paint fills and colors), with the patterned fills being centered around the anchor rectangle that may have been set.
updateGraphics(Graphics) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCLineStyle
Updates the graphics object with the elements of this line style (strokes and colors).
updateGraphics(Graphics, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCLineStyle
Updates the Graphics object with the elements of this line style (strokes and colors).
updateGraphics(Graphics, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCLineStyle
Updates the graphics object with the elements of this line style (strokes and colors).
updateGraphicsToHighlight(Graphics) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Updates the Graphics object with the highlight elements of this line style (paint fills and colors) centered around the anchor rectangle that may have been set.
updateGraphicsToHighlight(Graphics) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCFillStyle
Updates the graphics object with the highlight elements of this line style (paint fills and colors), centered around the anchor rectangle that may have been set.
updateGraphicsToShadow(Graphics) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Updates the Graphics object with the shadow elements of this line style (paint fills and colors) centered around the anchor rectangle that may have been set.
updateGraphicsToShadow(Graphics) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCFillStyle
Updates the graphics object with the shadow elements of this line style (paint fills and colors), centered around the anchor rectangle that may have been set.
updateGridArea() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.RowTree
updateGridArea(int, RowNode) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.RowTree
Update the visible grid area info.
updateGridObject(JCGrid, double, double, double) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxis
updateGrids() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxis
updateGridState() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.RowTree
Whenever the visible grid has changed, the state has to be updated
updateIconsInMenuBar(JInternalFrame) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMDIPane
updateJar() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.jarmaster.JarTask
Refreshes the jar with name jarName.
updateJar(String) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.jarmaster.JarTask
Refreshes the jar with given name.
updateJar(String, boolean) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.jarmaster.JarTask
Refreshes the jar with name jarName.
updateLabel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.TimeLabel
Create label text based on the current model value and the date formatter and set the text on the label.
updateLabelLayout() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.LabelLayoutEditor
updateLayout(boolean) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.DateTimeEditor
Update the layout so that we get the dateChooser, then the timeContainer if it is required, and then the apply button if it is required.
updateLayoutStatus(JCFlow, JCPage) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCFrame
Attempts to evaluate unresolved macros in this frame according to the given information (page and flow determine the current context).
updateLayoutStatus(JCFlow, JCPage) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.PageArea
Attempt to resolve macros in this area given the flow and the current page
updatePage() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCSplitWizard
updates splicWizard page items like current list item, if any and enabling/disabling next and previous buttons depending upn which page is visible.
updatePageFormat - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.awt.JCAWTPrinter
True if the PageFormat should be updated with information from the passed page template (for the first page) or the document (for other pages).
updatePageFormat(JCPage) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.awt.JCAWTPrinter
Update the current PageFormat object with properties from the current page being printed.
updatePageNumbers(JCPage) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCFlow
Updates the page numbers being tracked by the flow, including the current page number and the page counts for the section and the document.
updateParent - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartInteriorRegion
Used to turn off updates to parent in certain cases.
updateParent - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Used to turn off updates to parent in certain cases.
updateParent - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3dArea
updateParent - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.legend.JCLegend
Used to turn off updates to the parent in certain cases.
updateParent(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartInteriorRegion
Updates the parent based on the passed in flag.
updateParent(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartRegion
updateParent(int) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartLabelManager
Updates the parent chart based on the type of change made to the child chart label.
updateParent(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCDefaultChartLabelManager
Updates the parent chart based on the type of change made to the child chart label.
updateParent(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3dArea
Updates our parent with the changed flag mask information, and possibly repaints.
updateParent(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.legend.JCLegend
updatePermissions - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseMetaData
updatePlotCube() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.JCChart3dAreaJava3d
updatePopupEditor(Date) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCPopupCalendar
Update the popup editor with a new date.
updateProgress(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCProgressHelper
Updates the value in the progress bar.
updateProjections() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.JCPlotCubeJava3d
Replaces existing floor and ceiling projections.
updatePropertyPanel(JCCellRange) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.CellSizeEditor
updatePropertyPanel(JCCellRange) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.DataEditor
updatePropertyPanel(JCCellRange) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.FrozenCellLayoutEditor
updatePropertyPanel(JCCellRange) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.LabelLayoutEditor
updatePropertyPanel(JCCellRange) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.SBLayoutEditor
updatePropertyPanel(JCCellRange) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.SpannedCellsEditor
updatePropertyPanel(JCCellRange) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.StyleEditor
updatePropertyPanel(JCCellRange) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.TablePropertyEditor
updateRow(RowNode) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGrid
Update row changes for the indicated rowNode.
updateRows(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGrid
Update changes for row(s) according to the specified option.
updateRowtip(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.GridScrollbar
updates_not_allowed - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
updateSamplePanel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCFontChooserPane
Updates the sample text area.
updateSampleTable(JCCellRange) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.StyleEditor
updateSBLayout() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.SBLayoutEditor
updateSelected - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
updateSelection() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.TablePropertyEditor
updateSelection(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.TablePropertyEditor
updateSize() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.TablePropertyEditor
updateSizePanel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.TablePropertyEditor
Updates the sizes reflected in the size panel of the editor
updateStyle() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.StyleEditor
updateTable(Component) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.ComponentHandler
Update table to reflect that the passed in component in its cell is now the new current cell (it has focus).
updateTableSize() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.TablePropertyEditor
Updates the size of the table in the series editor
updateTextField(JTextField, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.SBLayoutEditor
updateTimeComponent(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.DateTimeEditor
Update the time component in response to the user changing the chooser type.
updateUI() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChart
Updates the UI for JCChart.
updateUI() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3d
Updates the UI for JCChart3d.
updateUI() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.JCComboField
Updates the look and feel for this component.
updateUI() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.JCPopupField
Updates the look and feel for this component.
updateUI() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGrid
Updates the UI for HiGrid.
updateUI() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMultiSelectList
Updates the look and feel.
updateUI() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCPopupCalendar
Resets the UI property to a value from the current look and feel.
updateUI() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCTreeTable
updateUI() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
Updates the UI for JCTable.
updateUI() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.DayTable
Update the UI.
updateUI() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.AbstractSpinBox
Update UI.
updateUI() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCCheckBoxList
Resets the UI property with the value from the current look and feel.
updateView() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMultiSelectList
Initializes and adds a button to the component.
updateWindowsMenu() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMDIPane
updating(DataSet, ReadWriteRow, ReadRow) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.jbuilder.MetaData
upDownPressed - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.field.Field
upIcon - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCSortableTable
UPPER_LEFT_QUARTER_CIRCLE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.JCCircularGauge.GaugeType
A quadrant whose arc lies northwest.
UPPER_RIGHT_QUARTER_CIRCLE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.JCCircularGauge.GaugeType
A quadrant whose arc lies northeast.
UPPERCASE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.field.Field
UPPERCASE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.AbstractValidator
Converts characters to upper case in the CasePolicy property.
upperContourRangeValue - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCData3dContourIndex
The upper value of the range for the selected contour.
url - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
URL - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.io.Properties
URL_FILE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.FontFileLookup
URL representing a file (note: this does not have to be an URL that begins with "file:", just that the last part of the URL represents a concrete file).
URL_STREAM - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.FontFileLookup
URL representing a the location of something that returns a byte stream, such as a servlet.
urlStack - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCHelpPane
USE_BUTTON1_ALWAYS - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.EventTrigger
USE_BUTTON1_EXCEPT_META - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.EventTrigger
USE_BUTTON1_NEVER - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.EventTrigger
USE_CELL_BACKGROUND - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.table.JCTableEnum
A SelectedBackgroundMode constant that indicates the selected color is based on the cell background.
USE_CELL_BORDER_COLOR - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.StyleEditor
USE_CELL_BORDER_COLOR - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.table.JCTableEnum
A CellStyleModel CellBorderColorMode constant indicating that the border color is based on the CellBorderColor property.
USE_CELL_FOREGROUND - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.table.JCTableEnum
A SelectedForegroundMode constant that indicates the selected color is based on the cell foreground.
use_intl_currency_symbol - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCNumberValidator
use_parent_connection - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
USE_SELECTED_BACKGROUND - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.table.JCTableEnum
A SelectedBackgroundMode/SelectedForegroundMode constant that indicates the selected color is based on the SelectedBackground property.
USE_SELECTED_FOREGROUND - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.table.JCTableEnum
A SelectedBackgroundMode/SelectedForegroundMode constant that indicates the selected color is based on the SelectedForeground property.
use_system_tables - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
useAnnoTicks - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxis
If true, and the annotation method is TIME_LABELS, POINT_LABELS, or VALUE_LABELS, draw ticks specified by all the JCAnno objects.
useAutoStrokeAdjustment - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.pdf.JCPDFPrinter
Determines whether to use PDF Line Stroke Adjustment mode or not.
useButton1 - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.EventTrigger
used - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.CellSide
useDatasourceEditable - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.db.DataTable
useDefaultSortData - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.SortGrid
useFieldCellAsDefault() - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.field.cell.JCFieldCellRegister
This method will register the Field cell editors and renderers in the central registry and use them as defaults for the data types it can handle.
useFormatting - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCBigDecimalValidator
USER_DEFINED - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAnno
userCancelledProgress(JCProgressCancelledEvent) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.util.progress.JCProgressCancelledListener
Invoked when the user cancels the progress in the JCProgressHelper.
userData - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseDataTable
userData - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
userFont - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.CalendarContainer
userFont - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.AbstractSpinBox
userFontBundleLookups - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.FontLibrary
Corresponding List of FontFileLookup objects that were used to find the font bundles.
userFontBundles - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.FontLibrary
Array of ResourceBundle lists representing the font name resource bundles for user-added font packages.
userLabels - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3dLegend
List of user-specified legend labels.
userObject - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChart
userObject - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.io.LoadProperties
User-specified object.
userSetDays - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.DayTable
userSetMonths - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.MonthLabel
userSetMonths - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.MonthPopdown
userSetMonths - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.MonthSpin
userSetMonths - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.MonthTable
userValueLabels - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dAnnoHandler
User value labels list.
useToolBar - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCHelpPane
useZoomFactorForMax - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.JCLinearScale
Asks: "Does zoomFactor have effect in the maximum extent direction?".
useZoomFactorForMin - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.JCLinearScale
Asks: "Does zoomFactor have effect in the minimum extent direction?".
usingDoublePixels - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxis
usingDoublePixels - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChart
utilities - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.cell.renderers.JCImageCellRenderer
utilities - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.cell.renderers.JCStringCellRenderer
utilities - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.cell.renderers.JCWordWrapCellRenderer
Utilities - class com.klg.jclass.cell.Utilities.
Useful utilities for use with Cell Renderers and Editors
Utilities() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.cell.Utilities

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