JClass DesktopViews 6.3.0 API


c - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.value.MutableValueModel
c1 - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCAlternate
The color for rows/columns where row/column number % 2 == 0.
c2 - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCAlternate
The color for rows/columns where row/column number % 2 != 0.
cache_children - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
cacheChildren - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseMetaData
cached_cells - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.data.JCCachedDataSource
cached_column_labels - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.data.JCCachedDataSource
cached_row_labels - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.data.JCCachedDataSource
cachedFont - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.legend.JCLegend
cachedVertical - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.legend.JCLegend
cachedView - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartLegendManager
Cached data views, series, and related data used by legend drawing.
cacheResultData() - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.higrid.Aggregate
Indicates whether the result data is to be cached for display.
cacheResultData() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.BaseAggregate
Indicates whether the result data is to be cached for display.
cah - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.TableLayout
cal - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCDateTimeValidator
calc2dAnno(Graphics, JCBox, JCBox) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Anno
Calculates the extents of the annotation for 2D projection plots.
calc2DAnnoEdges() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Cube
calc3dAnno(Graphics, JCBox, JCBox) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Anno
Calculates annotation extents for 3D plots (drawn with the Java 2D api).
calc3DAnnoEdges() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Cube
This routine determines the edges which will be used for annotations.
calcActualNumRowsAndColumns() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.legend.JCMultiColLegend
Calculate the actual number of rows and columns from either the set row and column variables or, if they've been set to default, from the number of legend items associated with this legend.
calcActualNumRowsAndColumns(boolean, int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.legend.JCMultiColLegend
Calculate the actual number of rows and columns from either the passed number of groups and lines per group or, if they're default values, from the number of legend items associated with this legend.
calcAnchors(List) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Calculates the annotation anchor positions for the provided axis objects.
calcAnno(Graphics, JCBox, JCBox) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Anno
Caculates annotation extents for either the 2D or 3D plots (drawn with the Java 2D api).
calcAnnoHeight(Graphics) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dAnnoHandler
Calculates the maximum annotation height for this axis
calcAnnoLimits() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dData
Calulate the annotation limits for this data object.
calcAnnoLimits() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dGridData
Makes a first rough pass at the annotation limits, extending the axis limits out to include the origin and making sure that bars fit within the axis.
calcAnnoLimits() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dPointData
Makes a first rough pass at the annotation limits, extending the axis limits out to include the origin.
calcAutoCompleteMode(JCComboField) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.Field
Calculate auto_complete_mode value.
calcAxisBounds(JCAxis, double, double, double, boolean, double, double) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Anno
Calculates the tick increment and axis min.
calcCascadeSize() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMDIPane
calcCircularTicks(Graphics) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.JCCircularTick
If automatic, this method is called to determine and set the start/stop and increment values for laying out ticks.
calcConnectingLine(Point) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
Calculates the connecting line.
calcContours() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCContour
Calculates the contours for this data.
calcCorner(int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Cube
calcDefaults() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dDataView
Calculates default values for those values that were not provided by the user.
calcDist(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.MapPick
Find the euclidean distance (squared) between the two passed in points.
calcEdge(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Cube
Constructs the id of the leading edge from the vp_code We know that exactly one of the x,y,z groups must be zero in the vp_code for this routine to be called.
calcError(int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.util.JCNumberUtil
Calculates an appropriate error based on a precision value.
calcFace(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Cube
calcHTMLLineSize(String, int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.TextRenderer
Attempt to calculate the size of one line of a multi-line piece of text.
calcHTMLTextSize(String) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.TextRenderer
If html encoded text, let the renderer component figure out the size
calcLayoutStatus() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCFrame
Checks the render objects on the page to determine the layout status.
calcLayoutStatus() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.PageArea
Process the list of frames on the area to determine the current status
calcLegendSize(boolean) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.legend.JCGridLegend
Calculates the size of the legend based on the height and width of rows and columns.
calcLegendSize(List, boolean, Dimension, boolean[], Dimension) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3dLegend
Calculates the size of a legend.
calcLevels() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCContourLevels
Cacluates default contour levels.
calcLimits() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Calculates the data limits and axis limits.
calcLimits() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dPointData
Calculates the data limits and checks for valid Z extents (the user can only change the z limits so that they are outside of the data limits).
calcLimits(Chart3dDataView, Chart3dGridData, Chart3dGridData) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCContourLevels
Computes the contour limits (from the data).
calcLimits(Chart3dGridData) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dGridData
Calculates and sets the axis limits, grid limits, and the contour limits.
calcLinearTicks(Graphics) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.JCLinearTick
If automatic, this method is called to determine and set the start/stop and increment values for laying out ticks.
calcLineBounds(JCChartLabelLine) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
Calculates the connector between the attach point and this chart label.
calcLineSize() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartText
Attempts to calculate the size of one line of a multi-line piece of text.
calcMaxAnnoLength() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCAxis
Calculates the length of the longest annotation.
calcNewCascadePosition(Dimension) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMDIPane
calcPositions(int[], int, int[]) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.PrintCellLayout
calcPrecision(double, double) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.JCAbstractTick
Determines and sets a "nice" precision to use if useDefaultPrecision is set to true.
calcProcessingOrder() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Transform
Finds the processing order for the grid facets based on the relative position of the viewpoint to the grid.
calcRegions() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.GridRegion
calcSize() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartText
Calculates the size needed to display the existing text in this object.
calcStep(ChartDataView) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
calcStretch(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCElasticLayout
Calculates the amount to stretch an elastic component based on the parameters passed in.
calcSymbolSize(JCLegendItem, JCChartStyle, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartLegendManager
Calculates the appropriate symbol size to be used for a legend item.
calcTextWidthsFromFields(int, List, JCChart3dLegendTemplate, FontMetrics) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3dLegendManager
Runs through the given list of legend items and adjusts text sizes for the number of fields being used by JCMultiFieldString objects.
calcTicks(Graphics, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.JCAbstractTick
If automatic, this method is called to determine and set the start/stop and increment values for laying out ticks.
calcTik(double, int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartUtil
Calculates the tick and numbering increments by taking a prospective increment size and gravitating it towards a 'nice' number, (for example, one ending in 5 or 0).
calcTransientData() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Calculates data associated with view data.
calculate(RowNode) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.higrid.Aggregate
Perform the aggregation.
calculate(RowNode) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.AggregateAverage
Perform the aggregation.
calculate(RowNode) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.AggregateCount
Perform the aggregation.
calculate(RowNode) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.AggregateFirst
Perform the aggregation.
calculate(RowNode) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.AggregateLast
Perform the aggregation.
calculate(RowNode) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.AggregateMax
Perform the aggregation.
calculate(RowNode) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.AggregateMin
Perform the aggregation.
calculate(RowNode) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.AggregateSum
Perform the aggregation.
calculate(RowNode) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.BaseAggregate
Perform the aggregation.
calculateBundleSuffixes(String) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.page.FontFileLookup
Apply a list of potential suffixes for use in searching for resource bundles (derived from the default locale) to the passed base name.
calculateCalendar() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.DayTable
Find out which cell to begin drawing - first day of week may not start on Sunday.
calculateCellSize() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.DayTable
Calculates the cell size.
calculateCellSize() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.MonthTable
Calculates the cell size.
calculateDrawingArea() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.CellFormat
calculateLargestTimeLabel(String) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartDateFormat
Calculates and returns the largest time label based on a pattern
calculatePreferredHeight() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.RowFormat
Calculate the preferred height of this row format.
calculatePreferredTotalArea() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.CellFormat
calculateSpinability(Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.AbstractValidator
Determines if the value in the field can be spun further.
calculateSpinability(Object) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCValidator
Finds out whether or not further spinning is possible.
calculateTotalArea() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.CellFormat
calculateTranslationOffset() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.CellFormat
calculateWidth(FormatNode, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGrid
Calculates the width
CalendarComponent - interface com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.CalendarComponent.
Interface that defines the generic components of a Calendar Display/Editor.
CalendarContainer - class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.CalendarContainer.
Container to manage CalendarComponent children.
CalendarContainer() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.CalendarContainer
calendarModel - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.MonthPopdown
calendarModel - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.MonthSpin
calendarModel - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.MonthTable
calendarModel - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.YearSpin
calendarType - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCPopupCalendar
The type of calendar - either Date_TIME or DATE.
calendarType - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCPopupCalendar.DateEditor
The type of calendar - either Date_TIME or DATE.
calendarType - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCPopupCalendar.DateRenderer
The type of calendar - either Date_TIME or DATE.
CalendarValueModel - class com.klg.jclass.util.value.CalendarValueModel.
This is a default class which stores an object of type calendar.
CalendarValueModel() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.util.value.CalendarValueModel
Creates a CalendarValueModel with the given value.
CalendarValueModel(Calendar) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.util.value.CalendarValueModel
Creates a CalendarValueModel.
cancel - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
cancel - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
CANCEL - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.BaseWizardPage
Indicates that the Cancel button should be added to the page
CANCEL_ALL - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.LocaleBundle
CANCEL_EDIT_ACTION - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGridAction
Action constant for cancelling all edits in the current editor.
CANCEL_ROW - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.LocaleBundle
CANCEL_ROWS_ALL - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGrid
Cancel Row Changes Option: Cancel changes for all rows.
CANCEL_ROWS_CURRENT - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGrid
Cancel Row Changes Option: Cancel changes for the current row.
CANCEL_ROWS_SELECTED - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGrid
Cancel Row Changes Option: Cancel changes for the selected rows.
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChart
Performs a cancel on the chart.
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Performs a cancel operation.
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.actions.BaseAction
Called by JCChart3dArea when the action is cancelled
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.actions.CancelAction
Called by JCChart3dArea when the action is cancelled
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.actions.CustomizeAction
Called by JCChart3dArea when the action is cancelled
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.actions.EditAction
Called by JCChart3dArea when the action is cancelled
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.actions.PickAction
Called by JCChart3dArea when the action is cancelled
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.actions.ResetAction
Called by JCChart3dArea when the action is cancelled
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.actions.RotateAction
Called by JCChart3dArea when the action is cancelled
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.actions.ScaleAction
Called by JCChart3dArea when the action is cancelled
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.actions.SwitchRotateAnyAction
Called by JCChart3dArea when the action is cancelled
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.actions.SwitchRotateEyeAction
Called by JCChart3dArea when the action is cancelled
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.actions.SwitchRotateXAction
Called by JCChart3dArea when the action is cancelled
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.actions.SwitchRotateYAction
Called by JCChart3dArea when the action is cancelled
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.actions.SwitchRotateZAction
Called by JCChart3dArea when the action is cancelled
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.actions.TranslateAction
Called by JCChart3dArea when the action is cancelled
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.actions.ZoomAction
Called by JCChart3dArea when the action is cancelled
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.actions.BaseAction
Called by JCChart3dArea when the action is cancelled
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.actions.CustomizeAction
Called by JCChart3dArea when the action is cancelled
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.actions.EditAction
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.actions.PickAction
Called by JCChart3dArea when the action is cancelled
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.actions.RotateAction
Called by JCChart3dArea when the action is cancelled
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.actions.ScaleAction
Called by JCChart3dArea when the action is cancelled
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.actions.TranslateAction
Called by JCChart3dArea when the action is cancelled
cancel() - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCAction
Called by JCChart3dArea when the action is cancelled
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCActionAdapter
Called by JCChart3dArea when the action is cancelled.
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3d
Performs a cancel on the chart.
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3dArea
Stops any current action.
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.awt.JCAWTPrinter
Cancel the pending job and kill the waiting thread.
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.BaseWizard
Invokes the registered "cancel" action.
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCSplitWizard
Invokes the registered "cancel" action.
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCWizard
Invokes the registered "cancel" action.
cancel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.EditTraverseHandlerAbstract
Cancels the current edit on the given table, if an edit is in progress
cancel(boolean) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.table.EditTraverseHandler
Cancels the current edit on the given table, if an edit is in progress
cancel(boolean) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.EditTraverseHandlerAbstract
Cancels the current edit on the given table, if an edit is in progress
cancelAction - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.BaseWizardPage
CancelAction - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.actions.CancelAction.
Handler object for cancel actions within JClass Chart 3D Java2D.
CancelAction() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.actions.CancelAction
Default constructor.
cancelAll - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
cancelAll() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.swing.DSdbJNavigator
cancelAll() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.NavigatorDataBinding
Recursively cancels all uncommited rows.
cancelAll() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.db.DataTable
cancelAll(DataModelListener) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.Binding
Cancel edits in all levels.
cancelAll(DataModelListener) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.BindingModel
Cancel edits in all levels.
cancelAll(DataModelListener) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModel
Cancels all pending changes in all DataTables.
cancelAll(DataModelListener) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.TreeData
Cancels all pending changes in all DataTables.
cancelAll(DataModelListener) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGridData
Cancel all pending changes in all DataTables.
cancelAllRowChanges(DataModelListener) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseDataTable
Cancels all uncommited rows.
cancelAllRowChanges(DataModelListener) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans.JCData
Cancels uncommited row changes.
cancelAllRowChanges(DataModelListener) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataTableModel
Do not use this internal method; call DataModel.cancelAll() instead.
cancelAllRowChanges(DataModelListener) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.SummaryDataTable
Cancel all uncommited rows.
cancelButton - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.BaseWizardPage
cancelCellEditing() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.cell.editors.BaseCellEditor
Called when the edit process is cancelled.
cancelCellEditing() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.cell.editors.JCCheckBoxCellEditor
Called when the edit process is cancelled.
cancelCellEditing() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.cell.editors.JCComboBoxCellEditor
Called when the edit process is cancelled.
cancelCellEditing() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.cell.editors.JCImageCellEditor
Called when the edit process is cancelled.
cancelCellEditing() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.cell.editors.JCMultilineCellEditor
Called when the edit process is cancelled.
cancelCellEditing() - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.cell.JCCellEditor
Cancels the edit.
cancelCellEditing() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.cell.JCComboFieldCellEditor
Called when the edit process is cancelled.
cancelCellEditing() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.cell.JCPopupFieldCellEditor
Called when the edit process is cancelled.
cancelCellEditing() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.cell.JCSpinFieldCellEditor
Called when the edit process is cancelled.
cancelCellEditing() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.cell.JCTextFieldCellEditor
Called when the edit process is cancelled.
cancelCellEditing() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.Controller
Tells the current CellEditor to cancel editing.
cancelCellEditing() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.NullCellEditor
Called when the edit process is cancelled.
cancelCellEditing() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCTreeExplorer.TreeEditor
cancelCellEditing() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCTreeExplorer.FirstColumnEditor
cancelCellEditing() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCTreeTable.Editor
cancelChanges(DataModelListener, long) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseDataTable
Internal method, do not use.
cancelCurrent - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
cancelCurrent() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.swing.DSdbJNavigator
cancelCurrentRowChanges(DataModelListener) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.Binding
Cancel edits to the row currently in focus.
cancelCurrentRowChanges(DataModelListener) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.BindingModel
Cancel edits to the row currently in focus.
cancelDrag() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.CellAreaHandler
Resets drag variables when the drag process is cancelled.
cancelDrag() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.MouseInputHandler
Cancels the drag process if mouse release if over a frozen cell.
canceled(JCWizardEvent) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.swing.JCWizardListener
Invoked if the Cancel action is triggered.
cancelEdit(boolean) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
Cancels interactive editing of a cell and, as an option, hides the cell editor.
cancelFromPrinterThread(PrinterException) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.awt.JCAWTPrinter
Cancel the pending job and note the exception that caused the printer thread to fail.
canceling(DataSet) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.jbuilder.MetaData
cancelKey - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChart
cancelled - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent
cancelled - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGridEvent
cancelled - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCEditCellEvent
cancelled - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCResizeCellEvent
cancelled - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCSelectEvent
cancelled - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTraverseCellEvent
cancelListener - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.BaseWizard
A listener on the "cancel" button that is implemented as an anonymous inner class; it simply invokes the containing classes cancel() method.
cancelProposedAction() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent
Cancels the proposed action.
cancelProposedAction() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGridEvent
Cancels the proposed action.
cancelResize() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.MouseInputHandler
Resets the resize variables.
cancelRow() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.NavigatorDataBinding
Cancels all the changes made for the current row in the data source.
cancelRow(RowNode) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGrid
Cancel row changes for the indicated rowNode.
cancelRowChanges(DataModelListener, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.Binding
Cancel edits to the specified row.
cancelRowChanges(DataModelListener, int) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.BindingModel
Cancel edits to the specified row.
cancelRowChanges(DataModelListener, long) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseDataTable
Cancels uncommited row changes.
cancelRowChanges(DataModelListener, long) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans.JCData
Cancels uncommited row changes.
cancelRowChanges(DataModelListener, long) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataTableModel
Cancels uncommited row changes.
cancelRowChanges(DataModelListener, long) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.jbuilder.DataTable
Override BaseDataTable.cancelRowChanges.
cancelRowChanges(DataModelListener, long) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.SummaryDataTable
Cancel uncommitted row changes.
cancelRows() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.db.DataTable
cancelRows(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGrid
Cancel changes for row(s) according to the specified option.
cancelRows(int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.NavigatorDataBinding
Cancels all the changes made for the specified number of rows starting with given row index in the data source.
cancelSelected - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
cancelString - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCProgressHelper
CANDLE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChart
CANDLE_OUTLINE_INDEX - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCCandleChartFormat
canInitializeEdit - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.cell.JCKeyModifier
Determines whether the key and modifier can be used to initialize an edit.
cannot_auto_join - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
cannot_establish_connection - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
cannot_establish_connection_for_parent - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
cannot_modify_deleted - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
cannot_requery_row_for_table - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
cannot_requery_row_key_unknown - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
cannot_set_jdbc_connection - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
cannot_update_virtual_column - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
canSelectRowNode(int, RowNode, RowNode) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.Controller
Helper method to determine if selection mode allows the operation to continue.
CANT_USE_DISPLAY_LIST - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCLongValidator
canvas3D - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.ActionHandlerParams
canvas3D - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.actions.EditAction
canvas3D - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.MapPick
cap - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.beans.OutlineStyleWrapper
cap - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCLineStyle
cap - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCLineStyle
Sets the cap style.
CAPHEIGHT - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.postscript.AFMParser
cardLayout - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.BaseWizard
Layout used.
cardOwner - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.BaseWizard
Handle for the container which has the cardlayout.
caretPosition - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.cell.editors.BaseCellEditor
caretPosition - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.cell.editors.JCMultilineCellEditor
caretPosition - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.field.cell.JCTextFieldCellEditor
CASCADE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMDIPane
Constant for use with setInitialLayout(int layout).
cascadeAction - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMDIPane
cascadeFrame(JInternalFrame) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMDIPane
cascadeFrameByPreferredSize(JInternalFrame) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMDIPane
cascadeReset() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMDIPane
cascadeStartIncrement - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMDIPane
cascadeTolerance - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMDIPane
cascadeWindows() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMDIPane
Arranges non-iconified panes in cascade form.
cascadeX - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMDIPane
cascadeXIncrement - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMDIPane
cascadeXStart - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMDIPane
cascadeY - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMDIPane
cascadeYIncrement - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMDIPane
cascadeYStart - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMDIPane
case_policy - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.AbstractValidator
catalog - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseColumn
ceil(double) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3dUtil
Returns the ceiling of this value.
ceiling - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCPlotCube
The plotCube's ceiling projection.
Ceiling - class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.Ceiling.
This is a concrete implementation for the ceiling operation.
CEILING_CONTOURED - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.beans.BeanKeys
CEILING_CONTOURED - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.beans.BeanKeys
CEILING_ZONED - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.beans.BeanKeys
CEILING_ZONED - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.beans.BeanKeys
Ceiling(Expression) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.Ceiling
Define a ceiling operation on the given Expression
Ceiling(Number) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.Ceiling
Define a ceiling operation on the given Number
cell - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
CELL - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.CellArea
CELL_ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTable
CELL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTable
CELL_ALIGNMENT_NONE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTable
CELL_ALIGNMENT_TOP - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTable
cell_border_color - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCCellStyle
cell_border_color_mode - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCCellStyle
cell_border_color_mode_set - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCCellStyle
cell_border_width - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
cell_data - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCCellDisplayEvent
CELL_RECALC_HEIGHT - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.TableChangeHandler
Recalculates the row height based on a single cell change.
CELL_RECALC_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.TableChangeHandler
Recalculates the column width based on a single cell change.
CELL_REPAINT - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.TableChangeHandler
Repaints a single cell.
cell_size - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.CellArea
cell_size - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.PositionCellSize
cellAdd - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
cellAlignment - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTable.Cell
Cell alignment controls the vertical alignment of cells in this cell.
cellArea - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.CellAreaHandler
CellArea - class com.klg.jclass.table.CellArea.
A CellArea is a transparent component that manages a specific scrollable or non-scrollable region within JCTable.
CellArea(int) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.table.CellArea
Creates a new CellArea.
cellAreaHandler - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.CellAreaRenderer
cellAreaHandler - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
CellAreaHandler - class com.klg.jclass.table.CellAreaHandler.
CellAreaHandler controls the creation and removal of CellAreas within the table.
CellAreaHandler(JCTable) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.table.CellAreaHandler
Creates a new controller for Areas.
cellAreaRenderer - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.CellAreaHandler
CellAreaRenderer - class com.klg.jclass.table.CellAreaRenderer.
CellAreaRenderer controls the painting of CellAreas within the table.
CellAreaRenderer(CellAreaHandler) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.table.CellAreaRenderer
CellBorderModel - interface com.klg.jclass.table.CellBorderModel.
Defines the requirements for a object responsible for renderering cell borders.
cellClear - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
cellClipHintsStrings - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGridConverter
String names of the cell clip hints.
cellClipHintsValues - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGridConverter
Cell clip hints value that corresponds to the list of String names.
cellDataChanged(int, String) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.DataBinding
Must be called after a single cell value was changed.
cellDataChanged(int, String) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.FieldDataBinding
Must be called after a single cell value was changed.
cellDelete - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
cellDisplay(JCCellDisplayEvent) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCCellDisplayAdapter
Invoked when the cell's value is to be displayed by the table.
cellDisplay(JCCellDisplayEvent) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.table.JCCellDisplayListener
Invoked when the cell's value is to be displayed by the table.
cellDisplayListeners - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
cellEditorListeners - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.cell.JCCellEditorSupport
Manages JCCellEditorListeners.
cellEditPolicyStrings - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGridConverter
String names of the cell edit policy.
cellEditPolicyValues - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGridConverter
Cell edit policy value that corresponds to the list of String names.
CellFormat - class com.klg.jclass.higrid.CellFormat.
The CellFormat class completely describes a given cell displayed within HiGrid.
CellFormat() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.higrid.CellFormat
Default Constructor.
CellFormat(CellStyleModel) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.higrid.CellFormat
cellFormatShowing - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
cellHeight - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTable.Cell
The height of the cell is based on the size of its contents.
cellHeight - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCTreeExplorer
cellHeight - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.treetable.TreeTableSupport
cellHorizontalAlignmentStrings - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGridConverter
String names of the cell horizontal alignment.
cellHorizontalAlignmentValues - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGridConverter
Cell horizontal alignment value that corresponds to the list of String names.
cellIndex(int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCContour
Returns the index in the ContourCells array for this cell.
cellInfo - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.cell.editors.JCCheckBoxCellEditor
cellInfo - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.cell.editors.JCImageCellEditor
cellInfo - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.cell.editors.JCWordWrapCellEditor
cellInfo - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.CellAreaHandler
cellLayout - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
CellLayoutModel - interface com.klg.jclass.table.CellLayoutModel.
Defines the requirements for an object responsible for cell dimensions.
cellList - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTable.Row
The cell list is an ordered list of cell in the row.
cellOrigin - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.CellAreaHandler
cellPosition - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGridColumnSelectionEvent
CellPosition - class com.klg.jclass.higrid.CellPosition.
A CellPosition object describes a cell by specifying its rowNode and column index.
CellPosition() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.higrid.CellPosition
CellPosition(int, int) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.higrid.CellPosition
CellPosition(RowNode, int) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.higrid.CellPosition
CellPosition(RowNode, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.higrid.CellPosition
Default Constructor
CellRangeFlavor - class com.klg.jclass.table.CellRangeFlavor.
CellRangeFlavor is a Transferable object that passes cell data through a Vector of cells.
CellRangeFlavor(JCTable, JCCellRange) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.table.CellRangeFlavor
Create a new CellRangeFlavor given a range of cells from table and creates a copy of the data in vector format.
CellRangeValue - class com.klg.jclass.table.CellRangeValue.
Contains a JCCellRange and associated object.
CellRangeValue(int, int, int, int, Object) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.table.CellRangeValue
Creates a new series value.
cellRect - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.CellAreaHandler
cellRenderer - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.LiveTable
cellRendererPane - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartRegion
cellRendererPane - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
cellRendererPane - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.legend.JCLegend
CellRendererPane object used in rendering HTML text.
CellResizeEditor - class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.CellResizeEditor.
Custom property editor for CellResize property.
CellResizeEditor() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.CellResizeEditor
cellRowNode - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.DefaultDataModelListener
cells - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.CellRangeFlavor
cells - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.data.JCVectorDataSource
CellSide - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.CellSide.
Data structure internal to JCChart3d.
cellSize - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.DayTable
CellSize - class com.klg.jclass.table.CellSize.
The CellSize class controls the dimensions for single row or column.
CellSize(int) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.table.CellSize
Creates a new CellSize object based on character dimensions.
CellSize(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.table.CellSize
Creates a new CellSize object based on pixel dimensions.
CellSize(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.table.CellSize
Creates a new CellSize object based on all sizing options.
CellSize(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.table.CellSize
Creates a new CellSize objet based on all sizing options, including visibility.
CellSizeEditor - class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.CellSizeEditor.
Editor for cellSize series.
CellSizeEditor() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.CellSizeEditor
CellSizeWrapper - class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.CellSizeWrapper.
CellSizeWrapper wraps up string representations of the width, and height series.
CellSizeWrapper(PositionCellSize[], PositionCellSize[]) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.CellSizeWrapper
Creates a CellSizeWrapper instance for the given strings representing the width and height series.
CellStyle - class com.klg.jclass.higrid.CellStyle.
The CellStyle class is an implementation of the CellStyleModel interface and provides CellRenderer and CellEditor objects formatting information that can be used in drawing.
CellStyle() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.higrid.CellStyle
CellStyleChangeSupport - class com.klg.jclass.table.CellStyleChangeSupport.
The CellStyleChangeSupport class provides methods to notify PropertyChange listeners of style changes.
CellStyleChangeSupport(CellStyleModel) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.table.CellStyleChangeSupport
Creates a new CellStyleChangeSupport for a style.
CellStyleModel - interface com.klg.jclass.higrid.CellStyleModel.
The CellStyleModel class provides CellRenderer and CellEditor objects formatting information that can be used in drawing.
CellStyleModel - interface com.klg.jclass.table.CellStyleModel.
The CellStyleModel class provides CellRenderer and CellEditor objects formatting information that can be used in drawing.
cellStyles - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
cellSummaryColumn - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
cellValues - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.DataWrapper
cellVerticalAlignmentStrings - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGridConverter
String names of the cell vertical alignment.
cellVerticalAlignmentValues - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGridConverter
Cell vertical alignment value that corresponds to the list of String names.
center - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.JCCircularGauge
The center object.
center - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMultiSelectList.JCFixedCenterLayout
CENTER - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.cell.JCCellInfo
Alignment value.
CENTER - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartText
CENTER - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
CENTER - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
CENTER - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCFillStyle
CENTER - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
CENTER - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.StyleEditor
CENTER - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.table.CellStyleModel
Alignment value
CENTER - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.table.JCTableEnum
Center alignment constant.
CENTER_ABOVE_BASELINE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCDrawStyle
The center of the object aligns to the center of the text ascender (space used above the baseline).
CENTER_ALIGNMENT - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCMultiFieldString
CENTER_IN_LINE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCDrawStyle
The center of the object aligns to the center of the text (between the top of the ascender and bottom of the descender).
CENTER_ON_BASELINE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCDrawStyle
The center of the object aligns to the text baseline.
center() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.GotoRowDialog
Centers the dialog relative to the parent frame or screen.
center() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCExitFrame
center(JFrame) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCExitFrame
centralRegistry - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.cell.EditorRendererRegistry
The central registry instance
CHANGE_CHART_TYPE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataEvent
Enum indicating that the chart type has changed.
CHANGE_COLUMN - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTableDataEvent
Indicates that a column has changed one or more of its values in the data source.
CHANGE_COLUMN_LABEL - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTableDataEvent
Indicates that a column label has changed in the data source.
CHANGE_ROW - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTableDataEvent
Indicates that a row has changed one or more of its values in the data source.
CHANGE_ROW_LABEL - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTableDataEvent
Indicates that a row label has changed in the data source.
CHANGE_VALUE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTableDataEvent
Indicates that a cell value has changed in the data source.
Changeable - interface com.klg.jclass.chart.Changeable.
A template for objects that have a changed flag or changed semantic involving some kind of recalculation.
Changeable - interface com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Changeable.
A template for objects that have a changed flag or changed semantic involving some kind of recalculation.
Changeable - interface com.klg.jclass.util.Changeable.
The Changeable interface is used as a template for objects that have a changed flag or changed semantic involving some kind of recalculation.
changeChart(JCChart3dEvent) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.event.JCChart3dAdapter
Implements the changeChart chart 3D listener method.
changeChart(JCChart3dEvent) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.chart3d.event.JCChart3dListener
Method called whenever chart 3D has been modified in some way.
changeChart(JCChartEvent) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartAdapter
Implements the changeChart chart listener method.
changeChart(JCChartEvent) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartListener
Method called whenever chart has been modified in some way.
changed - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataView
changed - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Boolean representing the value of the Changed property.
changed - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.TrackChange
Boolean representing the value of the Changed property.
changed - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3dArea
Boolean that represents the value of the Changed property.
changed - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.TrackChange
Boolean representing the value of the Changed property.
changed - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.legend.JCLegend
Boolean representing the value of the Changed property.
changedFlag - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataView
changedFlag - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartRegion
changedFlag - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.TrackChange
changedFlag - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3dArea
changedFlag - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.TrackChange
changedFlag - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.legend.JCLegend
A flag to record what has changed
changedUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCPopupCalendar
Gives notification that an attribute or set of attributes changed.
changeEvent - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.JCAbstractNeedle
Reuse the same event for notifications.
changeListeners - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.JCAbstractNeedle
List of listeners interested in knowing when a needle's value has changed.
changeSize() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.cell.editors.JCImageCellEditor
changeSupport - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCCellStyle
changeText(TextEvent) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.AbstractValidator
Changes the specified text from the start_position to the end_position by inserting/replacing it by rge specified new_text.
changeText(TextEvent) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCBigDecimalValidator
Changes the specified text from the start_position to the end_position by inserting/replacing it by a range specified in new_text.
changeText(TextEvent) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCIPAddressValidator
Called whenever a user enters a character interactively.
changeText(TextEvent) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCLongValidator
Changes the specified text from the start_position to the end_position by inserting/replacing it by specified new_text.
changeText(TextEvent) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCStringValidator
Processes all changes in the text field.
changeText(TextEvent) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCValidator
Called by a TextChangedListener; gives the validator an opportunity to control the change of text.
char_value - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.CellSize
characterEncoding - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.postscript.JCPostScriptPrinter
characterRange - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.TrueTypeFontProperties
Rules for outputting document text int he resulding PDF file.
CHARBBOX - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.postscript.AFMParser
CHARNAME - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.postscript.AFMParser
CHARSET_ASCII - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.io.Properties
CHARSET_ISO - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.io.Properties
CHARSET_UTF_8 - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.io.Properties
charsetName - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.data.JCInputStreamDataSource
The name of a supported charset
charsets - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.io.Properties
chart - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataView
chart - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartLegendManager
The JCChart instance for which this class is managing.
CHART_EVENT - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.beans.BeanKeys
CHART_EVENT - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.beans.BeanKeys
chart3d - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dDataView
The parent JCChart3d object.
chart3d - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.actions.BaseAction
chart3d - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.CubeJava3d
chart3d - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.InputBehavior
chart3d - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.JCCanvas3D
chart3d - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.JCChart3dUniverse
chart3d - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.MapPick
chart3d - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3dArea
The chart3d to be placed in this chart3d area.
chart3d - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3dLegendManager
The 3d chart instance containing the legend.
Chart3dAnnoHandler - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dAnnoHandler.
Class that handles annotations for a given JCAxis.
Chart3dAnnoHandler(JCAxis) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dAnnoHandler
Constructor that sets the parent JCAxis object.
chart3dArea - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.actions.BaseAction
Parent object on which the action occurs.
chart3dArea - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.ActionHandlerParams
chart3dArea - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.actions.BaseAction
Parent object on which the action occurs.
chart3dArea - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3d
The component that manages the area where the chart is drawn.
chart3dAreaLayoutHints - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3d
Gives the layout manager info about the position and size of the chart area.
Chart3dCustomizerJava2d - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.Chart3dCustomizerJava2d.
Chart3dCustomizerJava2d() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.Chart3dCustomizerJava2d
Chart3dCustomizerJava3d - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.Chart3dCustomizerJava3d.
Chart3dCustomizerJava3d() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.Chart3dCustomizerJava3d
Chart3dData - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dData.
Base object for JCChart3d's internal data.
chart3dDataChange(Chart3dDataEvent) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dDataView
chart3dDataChange is called whenever the chart 3D data has changed.
chart3dDataChange(Chart3dDataEvent) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.chart3d.event.Chart3dDataListener
chart3dDataChange is called whenever the chart 3D data has changed.
Chart3dDataEvent - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.event.Chart3dDataEvent.
Class used to encapsulate a JClass Chart 3D data change event.
Chart3dDataEvent(Object, int, JCData3dIndex) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.event.Chart3dDataEvent
Constructor used to create a ChartDataEvent object, with the chart data changes and the data source
Chart3dDataHandler - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dDataHandler.
Data interpretation class (this class is used internally by JClass Chart 3D and should not be used by applications).
Chart3dDataHandler(Chart3dData) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dDataHandler
Creates a data handler instance for the given data
Chart3dDataListener - interface com.klg.jclass.chart3d.event.Chart3dDataListener.
A template for event listener interfaces for chart data events.
Chart3dDataManager - interface com.klg.jclass.chart3d.event.Chart3dDataManager.
An interface used to manage listeners on chart 3D data changes.
Chart3dDataModel - interface com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dDataModel.
The core data model interface for JClass Chart 3D.
Chart3dDataSupport - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.event.Chart3dDataSupport.
Class used to implement the Chart3dDataManager interface.
Chart3dDataSupport() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.event.Chart3dDataSupport
The default constructor for a Chart3dDataSupport object
Chart3dDataSupport(Object) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.event.Chart3dDataSupport
Constructor used to create a Chart3dDataSupport object with a given data source.
Chart3dDataView - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dDataView.
Class containing the internal representation of the chartable data.
Chart3dDataView() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dDataView
Null args constructor.
Chart3dDataView(JCChart3d, int) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dDataView
Constructor which provides a parent chart3d and a dataViewId.
Chart3dDataView(JCChart3d, int, int) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dDataView
Constructor which provides a parent chart3d, a dataViewId, and a chartType.
Chart3dDataViewJava3d - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.Chart3dDataViewJava3d.
Chart3dDataViewJava3d(JCChart3dJava3d, int) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.Chart3dDataViewJava3d
Chart3dDataViewJava3d(JCChart3dJava3d, int, int) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.Chart3dDataViewJava3d
Chart3dGridData - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dGridData.
Stores information that represents a grid of points.
Chart3dGridData() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dGridData
Basic constructor.
Chart3dGridData(Chart3dDataView, Chart3dGridDataModel) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dGridData
Internal constructor specifying parent data view and arrays holding data.
Chart3dGridDataEvent - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.event.Chart3dGridDataEvent.
Class used to encapsulate a chart 3D grid data change event.
Chart3dGridDataEvent(Object, int, JCData3dGridIndex) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.event.Chart3dGridDataEvent
Constructor used to create a ChartDataEvent object, with the chart data changes and the data source
Chart3dGridDataHandler - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dGridDataHandler.
Data interpretation class (this class is used internally by JClass Chart 3D and should not be used by applications).
Chart3dGridDataHandler(Chart3dGridData) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dGridDataHandler
Constructor that sets the containing grid data object for this handler
Chart3dGridDataModel - interface com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dGridDataModel.
The core grid data model interface for JClass Chart 3D.
Chart3dJava2d - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.beans.Chart3dJava2d.
This is the bean class for the 2d api version of JChart3d (JCChart3dJava2d).
Chart3dJava2d() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.beans.Chart3dJava2d
No argument constructor to satisfy the bean spec requirement.
Chart3dJava3d - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.beans.Chart3dJava3d.
This is the bean class for the 2d api version of JChart3d (JCChart3dJava2d).
Chart3dJava3d() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.beans.Chart3dJava3d
No argument constructor to satisfy the bean spec requirement.
Chart3dPointData - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dPointData.
Stores information that represents a list of series of points.
Chart3dPointData() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dPointData
Basic constructor.
Chart3dPointData(Chart3dDataView, Chart3dPointDataModel) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dPointData
Internal constructor specifying parent object and point series list.
Chart3dPointDataEvent - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.event.Chart3dPointDataEvent.
Class used to encapsulate a chart 3d point data change event.
Chart3dPointDataEvent(Object, int, JCData3dPointIndex) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.event.Chart3dPointDataEvent
Constructor used to create a ChartDataEvent object, with the chart data changes and the data source
Chart3dPointDataHandler - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dPointDataHandler.
Data interpretation class (this class is used internally by JClass Chart and should not be used by applications).
Chart3dPointDataHandler(Chart3dPointData) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dPointDataHandler
Constructor that sets the containing point data object for this handler
Chart3dPointDataModel - interface com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dPointDataModel.
The core point data model interface for JClass Chart 3D.
Chart3dPointSeries - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dPointSeries.
Represents a series of points along with a JCChart3dStyle that describes how to draw the points in this series.
Chart3dPointSeries() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dPointSeries
Basic constructor.
Chart3dPointSeries(Chart3dPointData, Point3d[]) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dPointSeries
Internal constructor specifying parent data and array holding data.
chart3dUI - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3dUI
chart3dUniverse - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.JCChart3dAreaJava3d
chartApplet - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChart
chartArea - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxis
Pointer to the parent chart area
chartArea - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChart
chartAreaLayoutHints - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChart
chartAreaRect - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartArea
chartDataChange(ChartDataEvent) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataListener
chartDataChange is called whenever the chart data has changed.
chartDataChange(ChartDataEvent) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Implements the ChartDataListener interface.
ChartDataEvent - class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataEvent.
Class used to encapsulate a chart data change event.
ChartDataEvent(Object, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataEvent
Constructor used to create a ChartDataEvent object, with the = chart data changes and the data source.
ChartDataListener - interface com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataListener.
An event listener interface for chart data events.
chartDataListeners - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.data.Base3dGridDataSource
List of interested listeners.
chartDataListeners - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.data.Base3dPointDataSource
List of interested listeners.
ChartDataManageable - interface com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataManageable.
An interface used by data sources to indicate that they are being managed for chart data changes.
ChartDataManager - interface com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataManager.
An interface used to manage listeners on chart data changes.
ChartDataModel - interface com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataModel.
The core data model interface for JClass Chart.
ChartDataSourceUtil - class com.klg.jclass.chart.data.ChartDataSourceUtil.
ChartDataSourceUtil hosts a collection of useful data source related methods.
ChartDataSourceUtil() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart.data.ChartDataSourceUtil
ChartDataSupport - class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataSupport.
Class used to implement the ChartDataManager interface.
ChartDataSupport() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataSupport
The default constructor for a ChartDataSupport object.
ChartDataSupport(Object) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataSupport
Constructor used to create a ChartDataSupport object with a given data source.
ChartDataView - class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataView.
Class containing the internal representation of the chartable data.
ChartDataView() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataView
ChartDataViewSeries - class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries.
Class representing a single data series.
ChartDataViewSeries() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
Basic constructor.
ChartInteriorRegion - class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartInteriorRegion.
A utility class used inside JClass Chart to represent a drawable region on a chart.
ChartInteriorRegion() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartInteriorRegion
Default constructor for chart region.
ChartInteriorRegion(ChartRegion) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartInteriorRegion
ChartInteriorRegion(JCChart) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartInteriorRegion
Constructor that connects the ChartInteriorRegion to a parent JCChart.
chartLabelManager - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChart
ChartRegion - class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartRegion.
A utility class used inside JClass Chart to represent a drawable region on a chart.
ChartRegion() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Default constructor for chart region.
ChartRegion(JCChart) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Constructor that connects the ChartRegion to a parent JCChart.
chartStyle - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dGridData
The chartStyle used if the chart type is a scatter plot.
chartStyle - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dPointSeries
The chartStyle for this series.
ChartText - class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartText.
Any label that appears on a JClass Chart.
ChartText() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartText
Public constructor for ChartText.
ChartText(JCChart, String, ChartRegion) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartText
A smart ChartText constructor; it knows how to deal with String and ChartText objects passed in.
ChartText(JCChart, String, JCAxis) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartText
A smart ChartText constructor; it knows how to deal with String and ChartText objects passed in.
charttype - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.beans.MultiDataChartWrapper
chartType - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataView
chartType - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxis
The type of the chart this axis is associated with.
chartType - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dDataView
The chart type of this dataView.
chartType - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.DataAdjustGrid
chartType_i18n_strings - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3dEnumMappings
chartType_strings - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3dEnumMappings
chartType_values - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3dEnumMappings
ChartTypeEditor - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.beans.ChartTypeEditor.
Bean editor for chart type property.
ChartTypeEditor() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.beans.ChartTypeEditor
chartUI - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartUI
check() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.data.JCDefaultDataSource
Checks the supplied data to see if x data has been provided.
checkAggregateType(int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGridConverter
Checks aggregate type enum value.
checkAnchor(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.legend.JCLegend
checkAndReparentEditor() - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.table.EditTraverseHandler
Check to see if editor component needs reparenting.
checkAndReparentEditor() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.EditTraverseHandlerAbstract
Check to see if editor component needs reparenting.
checkArrowButtons() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.JCSpinField
checkArrowButtons() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.AbstractSpinBox
Abstract method that check if arrows should be enabled or disabled.
checkArrowButtons() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCSpinBox
Disables the arrow buttons if the end of the range is reached.
checkArrowButtons() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCSpinNumberBox
checkAutoTraverse(int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGridConverter
Checks auto show enum value.
checkAxisVertical() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Can't have inverted axes for Polar/Radar charts.
checkCellClipHints(int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGridConverter
Checks cell clip hints enum value.
checkCellEditPolicy(int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGridConverter
Checks cell edit policy enum value.
checkCellHorizontalAlignment(int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGridConverter
Checks cell horizontal alignment enum value.
checkCellVerticalAlignment(int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGridConverter
Checks cell vertical alignment enum value.
checkColumnModel(TableColumnModel) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCSortableTable
Makes sure passed in column model will work with JCSortableTable.
checkCommitPolicy(int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans.JCDataConverter
Checks commit policy enum value.
checkDataTableChanged() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.DataBinding
Process a move to row for any metadata level.
checkDataTableChanged(DataModelEvent) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.DataBinding
Process a move to row for any metadata level
checkDates(Calendar, Calendar) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.BoundsValidator
checkEnum(int, String, int[]) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.util.JCTypeConverter
Checks the validity of an enum.
checkFolderIconStyle(int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGridConverter
Checks grid scrollbar display enum value.
checkForRowResizing(NullGraphics, RowNode) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.RowFormat
checkGridScrollbarDisplay(int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGridConverter
Checks grid scrollbar display enum value.
checkIfMenuOrToolBarsNeeded() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMDIPane
Method used to rationalize the Menu and Toolbar settings.
checkJavaDataType(int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans.JCDataConverter
Checks Java data type enum value.
checkLimits(double, double) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCAxis
Ensures that the max value is greater than the min value.
checkMetaDataModelType(int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGridConverter
Checks meta data value type enum value.
checkMonths(String[], boolean) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.JCDateChooser
Checks if the passed in months array is long enough.
checkNewPoints(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Checks newly added points to see if they fit inside current axis bounds.
checkOrientation(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCBox
Validate an orientation value.
checkOutputPage(JCPage) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCDocument
(internal use only) This class handles immediate-mode printing and page flushing for completed pages, if those options are selected.
checkPointLabels(String[]) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.data.ChartDataSourceUtil
Check if there are any non-empty point labels.
checkPrintFormat(int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGridConverter
Checks print format enum value.
checkRowFormatBorderStyle(int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGridConverter
Checks row format border style enum value.
checkRowSelectionMode(int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGridConverter
Checks row selection mode enum value.
checkSortDataDirection(int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGridConverter
Checks sort data direction enum value.
checkSpinBoxMutableModel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCSpinBox
Checks if the current model is mutable.
checkSummaryColumnType(int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGridConverter
Checks summary column type enum value.
checkValidInvalid(String) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.AbstractValidator
Given a partially complete string, this routine looks through the list and constructs a String that matches as much as possible.
checkValidZExtents() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dData
Notes that user specified Z max/min values cannot be inside the data Z max/min (otherwise we need to do surface clipping).
checkVirtualColumnOperation(int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans.JCDataConverter
Checks a virtual column model operation enum value.
checkXExtents(double) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Extents
Extends the extents in the x direction based on x.
checkXYExtents(double, double) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Extents
Extends the extents in the x and/or y direction based on (x, y).
checkXYZExtents(double, double, double) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Extents
Extends the extents in the x, y and/or z direction based on (x, y, z).
checkYExtents(double) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Extents
Extends the extents in the y direction based on x.
checkZExtents(double) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Extents
Extends the extents in the z direction based on x.
child - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
children - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.TreeIterator
choiceColumn - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.TablePropertyEditor
choiceHeight - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.CellSizeEditor
choiceRow - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.TablePropertyEditor
choiceStringNone - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
choiceWidth - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.CellSizeEditor
chooser - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.DateTimePopup
A date/time chooser component to do the editing.
chooserType - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.JCDateChooser
ChooserTypeEditor - class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.ChooserTypeEditor.
ChooserTypeEditor() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.ChooserTypeEditor
Circle - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.shape.Circle.
The Circle class is an extension of the BaseShape class that draws a circle for a point.
CIRCLE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
CIRCLE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCSymbolStyle
CIRCLE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.JCIndicatorStyle
CIRCLE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.JCTickStyle
Circle() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.shape.Circle
Default constructor (required)
circularDirection_i18n_strings - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.beans.JCGaugeEnumMappings
circularDirection_strings - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.beans.JCGaugeEnumMappings
circularDirection_values - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.beans.JCGaugeEnumMappings
CircularDirectionEditor - class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.beans.CircularDirectionEditor.
Bean editor for JCScale.Direction.
CircularDirectionEditor() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.beans.CircularDirectionEditor
Bean editor for directions.
circularDirections - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.beans.JCCircularGaugeBean
circularGrid - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.beans.PolarRadarWrapper
circularNeedleInteraction_i18n_strings - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.beans.JCGaugeEnumMappings
circularNeedleInteraction_strings - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.beans.JCGaugeEnumMappings
circularNeedleInteraction_values - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.beans.JCGaugeEnumMappings
CircularNeedleInteractionEditor - class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.beans.CircularNeedleInteractionEditor.
Bean editor for needle interactions.
CircularNeedleInteractionEditor() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.beans.CircularNeedleInteractionEditor
Bean editor for needle interactions.
circularNeedleStyle_i18n_strings - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.beans.JCGaugeEnumMappings
circularNeedleStyle_strings - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.beans.JCGaugeEnumMappings
circularNeedleStyle_values - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.beans.JCGaugeEnumMappings
CircularNeedleStyleEditor - class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.beans.CircularNeedleStyleEditor.
Bean editor for needle styles.
CircularNeedleStyleEditor() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.beans.CircularNeedleStyleEditor
Bean editor for needle styles.
circularTickStyle_i18n_strings - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.beans.JCGaugeEnumMappings
circularTickStyle_strings - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.beans.JCGaugeEnumMappings
circularTickStyle_values - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.beans.JCGaugeEnumMappings
CircularTickStyleEditor - class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.beans.CircularTickStyleEditor.
Bean editor for tick styles.
CircularTickStyleEditor() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.beans.CircularTickStyleEditor
Bean editor for tick styles.
clamp(double, double, double) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.GaugeUtil
Clamp value between min and max
clamp(double, double, double) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.util.JCNumberUtil
Ensures that a value is within a provided range.
clamp(int, int, int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.util.JCNumberUtil
Ensures that a value is within a provided range.
clamp(long, long, long) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.util.JCNumberUtil
Ensures that a value is within a provided range.
class_dir - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.jarmaster.JarMasterAntTask
class_name - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
classCellsTable - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.cell.EditorRendererRegistry
classPath - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.jarmaster.JarTask
cleanChildDataSets() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.IdeMetaData
For internal use only.
cleanChildDataSets(IdeMetaData) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.IdeMetaData
For internal use only.
cleanup() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCSelection
Ensures that the last range does not duplicate another.
cleanup() - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.table.SelectionModel
Removes duplicate ranges from the selection.
clear - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
clear_defaults - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.jarmaster.JarMasterAntTask
CLEAR_FIELD - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.field.Field
CLEAR_FIELD - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.field.JCInvalidInfo
Use with invalidPolicy to clear the field after invalid entry.
clear_format - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
clear() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseMetaData
For internal use only.
clear() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.jbuilder.MetaData
Changes the query for this data control.
clear() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.jdbc.MetaData
clear() - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.MetaDataModel
Change the query for this data control.
clear() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.Store
Clear all rows.
clear() - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.StoreModel
Clear all rows.
clear() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.SqlStatement
Clear various vectors and user-defined clauses.
clear() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCDateTimeValidator.WorkingCalendar
clear() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.SummaryMetaData
Change the query for this data control.
clear() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.ExpressionList
Clear all elements from this List
clear() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.MathExpressionList
Clear all elements from this List
clear() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCIconCreator
Clears the data.
clearAutoLabels(ChartDataView) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartLabelManager
Clears the auto labels list for this data view.
clearAutoLabels(ChartDataView) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCDefaultChartLabelManager
Clears the auto labels list for this data view.
clearCells() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.data.JCVectorDataSource
Clears the values of all cells by setting them to null.
clearCurrentPath(MetaDataModel) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModel
Clear the current path of all children of this MetaDataModel.
clearCurrentPath(MetaDataModel) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.TreeData
Clear the current path of all children of this MetaDataModel.
clearCurrentPath(MetaDataModel) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGridData
Clear the current path of all children of this MetaDataModel.
clearDataTableTreeInternalData(Object) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModel
For internal use only.
clearDataTableTreeInternalData(Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.TreeData
For internal use only.
clearDataTableTreeInternalData(Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGridData
For internal use only.
clearDataTableTreeUserData(Object) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModel
Clears all user data.
clearDataTableTreeUserData(Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.TreeData
Clears all user data.
clearDataTableTreeUserData(Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGridData
Clears all user data.
clearDrawables() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Sets the drawable to null and resets hashtable.
clearEventQueue() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseDataTable
Recursively clear pending events from a transaction.
clearEventQueue() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans.JCData
Recursively clears pending events from a transaction.
clearEventQueue() - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataTableModel
Recursively clears pending events from a transaction.
clearEventQueue() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.SummaryDataTable
Recursively clear pending events from a transaction.
clearExpandedState() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.treetable.TreeTableSupport
Resets the expanded state hashtable.
clearExpandedState(boolean) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.treetable.TreeTableSupport
Resets the expanded state hashtable.
clearFieldComponents(Container) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.field.JCFormUtil
Sets all the JCFieldComponent children of the specified Container to null.
clearLimits() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Clears the data limits.
clearObjects(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.JCCubeSquareArray
clearParents() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Clears the list of parents of this JCChartStyle object.
clearParents() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.ParentTrackChange
Clears the list of parents of this ParentTrackChange object.
clearSelectedCells() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
Deselects all selected cells.
clearSelection() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMultiSelectList
Clears the selection.
clearSelection() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCSelection
Clears all selected cells and generates required JCSelectEvents.
clearSelection() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
Clears all selections.
clearSelection() - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.table.SelectionModel
Clears all selected cells.
clearSelection(boolean) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCSelection
Clears all selected cells.
clearSortIcons() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCSortableTable
Removes sorting icons from the column headers.
clearSpannedRanges() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
Removes all spanned cell ranges.
clearSpannedRanges() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.SpanHandler
Removes all spanned cell ranges.
clearThread() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.awt.JCAWTPrinter
Called by the print thread after it has finished printing (but before waking up the main thread) to clear out the variable that would impede another thread being created.
clearWithNoNotification() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCSelection
Clears the current selection without notification.
CLICK - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.JCAbstractNeedle.InteractionType
The needle snaps to a mouse click.
CLICK_DRAG - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.JCAbstractNeedle.InteractionType
The needle responds to both mouse click and mouse drag actions.
click_to_edit - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
CLICK_TO_EDIT - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.beans.JCChart3dBeanBundle
CLIENT_LICENSE_VERSION - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.Version
CLIP_ARROW_SPACING - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.SortLabelCellRenderer
CLIP_ARROWS_BOTH - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.table.JCTableEnum
A table 3 compatibility clip arrow constant.
CLIP_ARROWS_DOWN - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.table.JCTableEnum
A table 3 compatibility clip arrow constant.
CLIP_ARROWS_NONE - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.table.JCTableEnum
A table 3 compatibility clip arrow constant.
CLIP_ARROWS_RIGHT - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.table.JCTableEnum
A table 3 compatibility clip arrow constant.
clip_hints - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCCellStyle
clip_hints_set - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCCellStyle
clipHints - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.CellStyle
clipHints - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
clipHints - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.StyleEditor
clipHintsShowAll - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
clipHintsShowHorizontal - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
clipHintsShowNone - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
clipHintsShowVertical - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
clipMask - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCFrame
If different from the frame size, the rectangular region to display.
clipRectangle - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGridRepaintEvent
clipStack - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.awt.JCAWTPrinter
CLOCKWISE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.JCAbstractScale.Direction
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.data.Base3dGridDataSource
Overrides clone in class Object.
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.data.Base3dPointDataSource
Overrides clone in class Object.
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCValueLabel
Overrides clone in class Object.
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.ForwardTreeIterator
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.ReverseTreeIterator
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.TreeIterator
clone() - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.TreeIteratorModel
Return a copy of the current node.*
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCDateTimeValidator.WorkingCalendar
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.CellPosition
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCDrawStyle
Returns a style which is a copy of this one.
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCFrame
Returns a frame which is a deep copy of this one (copies included frames).
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCTab
Creates a new tab which is a copy of this one.
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCTableStyle
Returns a deep-copy of an instance of this class.
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCTextStyle
Returns a style which is a copy of this one.
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCUnit.Measure
Creates a clone of this Measure.
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCUnit.Point
Creates a clone of this Point.
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCUnit.Dimension
Creates a clone of this Dimension.
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCUnit.Margins
Creates a clone of this Margins.
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.JCLiveCellStyle
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.CellSize
Returns a copy of the CellSize object.
clone() - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.table.CellStyleModel
Returns a copy of the style object.
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCCellStyle
clone() - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.Expression
Define a clone operation for all Expressions
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.ExpressionList
Implement the clone method defined by the Expression interface
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.ExpressionVariable
Clone this variable; since variables are unique to a context, we return the variable itself.
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.MathExpressionList
Return a clone of this ExpressionList (all members are cloned as well)
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.MathValue
Return an Expression which is a copy of this MathValue
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.Operation
Return an Expression which is a clone of this Operation (all operands are also cloned)
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.QueryExpressionList
Return an Expression which is a clone of this List (NOTE: any parametrized values in indices should be substituted with their current values)
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.TableExpressionList
Return an Expression which is a clone of this TableExpressionList (NOTE: The table values are not cloned and parametrized indices are computed)
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.TableReference
Return an Expression which is a clone of this TableReference (NOTE: The referenced table data is not cloned, but if the location contains any parametrized values they are substituted with their current values)
clone() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.io.Properties
Implement Cloneable.
cloneArrays - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.data.BaseDataSource
cloneCellStyles() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
If possible, creates a clone of the cell style container stored in this table object and returns them to the caller.
cloneCheck(double[]) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.data.BaseDataSource
Convenience method used to optionally clone a double array.
cloneCheck(ImageMapInfo[]) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.data.BaseDataSource
Convenience method used to optionally clone an ImageMapInfo array.
cloneCheck(String[]) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.data.BaseDataSource
Convenience method used to optionally clone a String array.
cloneRow(long) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseDataTable
For internal use only.
cloneRow(long) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataTableAbstractionLayer
Returns a copy of a row, called by updateCell().
close - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
close_button - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCPrintPreview
CLOSE_DOCUMENT - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPrintEvent
CLOSE_TABLE_ACTION - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGridAction
Action constant for collapsing the current row.
close() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.PrintPreview
Cleanup before closing PrintPreview window.
closeButton - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.PrintPreview
closeButton - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.awt.JCAWTPreviewer
closedIcon - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCTreeExplorer
closedIcon - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.treetable.TreeTableSupport
closeDocument(JCPrintEvent) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.page.JCPrintListener
Invoked after a document has been printed.
closeDocument(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.pdf.JCPDFPrinter
Completes the document (pages tree, cross-references, trailer).
closeDocument(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.postscript.JCEPSPrinter
Completes the document (removes the dictionary and draw).
closeDocument(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.postscript.JCPostScriptPrinter
Completes the document (output the DSC trailer).
closeDocument(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.awt.JCAWTPrinter
document completion (e.g.
closeDocument(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.awt.JCAWTScreenPrinter
Document completion (for example, PDF cross-reference table and trailer).
closeDocument(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.html.JCHTMLPrinter
Completes the document.
closeDocument(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPrinter
Document completion (for example, PDF cross-ref table and trailer) and event notification.
closeDocument(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.pcl.JCPCLPrinter
Completes the print job.
closeDocument(Rectangle2D, boolean) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.awt.JCAWTPrinter
Convenience method with bogus boolean to overload the method and call super, since VisualAge doesn't understand calling the superclass from an inner class.
closeFolder(RowNode) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.RowTree
Close the current RowNode folder.
closeFolder(RowNode, boolean) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.RowTree
Close the current RowNode folder.
closeFrame(JInternalFrame) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMDIPane
Copies any children back.
closeFrame(JInternalFrame) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMDIPane.MDIDesktopManager
clusterImageMapInfo - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataView
clusterImageMapInfo - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.data.BaseDataSource
clusterOverlap - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCBarChartFormat
clusterWidth - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCBarChartFormat
CM - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCUnit
CODE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.postscript.AFMParser
CODE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCTextStyle
A text style designed for printing code samples.
CODE_INDENTED - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCTextStyle
An indented text style designed for printing code samples.
col_widths - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCGridLayout
Array of column widths.
collapsed - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.treetable.TreeTableSupport.DefaultIcon
collapsedIcon - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.treetable.TreeTableSupport
collapseFolder(RowNode) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.Controller
Collapses the passed rowNode.
collapseFolder(RowNode) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGrid
Collapses a folder given a RowNode.
collapseParent - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
collapsePath(TreePath) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCTreeTable
Ensures that the node identified by the specified path is collapsed and viewable.
collapsePath(TreePath) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.treetable.TreeTableSupport
Ensures that the node identified by the specified path is collapsed and viewable.
collapsePathRow(TreePath, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.treetable.TreeTableSupport
collapseRow(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCTreeTable
Ensures that the node in the specified row is collapsed.
collapseRow(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.treetable.TreeTableSupport
Ensures that the node in the specified row is collapsed.
collate - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.awt.JCAWTPrinter.PrinterThread
collate - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPrinter
Are multiple copies interleaved (as opposed to each page copied in turn).
collectedStream - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.pdf.JCPDFPrinter.StreamInfo
contents of current collected stream
CollectionIntComparator - class com.klg.jclass.util.CollectionIntComparator.
CollectionIntComparator class.
CollectionIntComparator(List) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.util.CollectionIntComparator
Creates an instance of the CollectionIntComparator class.
CollectionIntComparator(List, Comparator) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.util.CollectionIntComparator
Creates an instance of the CollectionIntComparator class.
collectStream - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.pdf.JCPDFPrinter.StreamInfo
true if currently collecting output for later use in compressed stream
color - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.beans.AxisGridWrapper
color - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.beans.OutlineStyleWrapper
color - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
color - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCLineStyle
color - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
color - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCFillStyle
Sets the fill color.
color - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCGridColor
The color to give selected bars.
color - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCLineStyle
Sets the line color.
color - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCSymbolStyle
The symbol color.
color - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
color - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCTextStyle
Color the text is to be drawn in.
color - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.PageArea
The background colour of this object
color - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCSortableTable.SortIcon
ColorBin - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.ColorBin.
Data structure internal to JClass Chart 3D.
ColorEditor - class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.ColorEditor.
Custom property editor for java.awt.Color-type properties.
ColorEditor() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.ColorEditor
colorEditorRGB - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
colorHandler - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataView
colorIndex - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
colorIndex - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCLineStyle
colorIndex - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
colorIndex - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCFillStyle
Sets the index of the fill color in the default color array.
colorIndex - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCLineStyle
Sets the index into the default color array.
colorIndex - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCSymbolStyle
The index into the default color for this object.
colorMap - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCIconCreator
colors - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.DefaultColors
The default color array
colorsNear(Color, Color) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.util.JCNumberUtil
Determines whether two colors are close to the same color.
colorSpaceList - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.pdf.JCPDFPrinter.StreamInfo
A List of ColorSpaces for the current Page
colorValuesToString(Color[]) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.beans.RadioWrapper
Converts array of Color values to a series String of the format "(radioId1 value1)(radioId2 value2) ...".
cols - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCGridLayout
The number of columns in the layout, as set by the user.
column - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent
column - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.BaseAggregate
The column to aggregate over
column - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGridEvent
column - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.PageTableCellInfo
The column of the cell in the table
column - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCCellDisplayEvent
column - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCCellPosition
Column number, starting at 0.
column - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCEditCellEvent
column - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCResizeCellEvent
column - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTableCellInfo
column - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTableDataEvent
column - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.TableListenerPropagator
column - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.TableReference
The column location of the cell in the table
Column - class com.klg.jclass.datasource.jbuilder.Column.
JBuilder column information.
Column - class com.klg.jclass.datasource.jdbc.Column.
A copy of the ResultSetMetaData for a column.
COLUMN - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCAlternate
Alternate lightGray/gray on columns.
COLUMN - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.SBLayoutEditor
column_count - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.data.JCResultSetDataSource
COLUMN_DOMINANCE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTable
COLUMN_DRAG_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.table.JCTableEnum
A TableAction constant that specifies column drag.
COLUMN_DRAG_ACTION - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.TableAction
Action constant for column drag.
column_label_display - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
column_label_height - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCCellLayout
column_label_offset - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
column_label_placement - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
column_labels - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.data.JCVectorDataSource
column_name - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
column_name - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.ColumnDataBinding
column_name_from - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
column_not_found - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
COLUMN_NUMBER - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.SBLayoutEditor
COLUMN_SELECT_ACTION - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGridAction
Action constant for column selection.
COLUMN_SELECT_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.table.JCTableEnum
A TableAction constant that specifies column selection.
COLUMN_SELECT_ACTION - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.TableAction
Action constant for column selection.
COLUMN_SIZING_TOLERANCE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.RowFormat
COLUMN_SORT_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.table.JCTableEnum
A TableAction constant that specifies column sort.
COLUMN_SORT_ACTION - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.TableAction
Action constant for column sort.
column_type - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
column_type - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.ColumnDataBinding
column_type - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.data.JCResultSetDataSource
COLUMN_TYPE_AGGREGATE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
COLUMN_TYPE_AGGREGATE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.SummaryColumn
COLUMN_TYPE_DATASOURCE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
COLUMN_TYPE_DATASOURCE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.SummaryColumn
COLUMN_TYPE_LABEL - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
COLUMN_TYPE_LABEL - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.SummaryColumn
COLUMN_TYPE_UNBOUND - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
COLUMN_TYPE_UNBOUND - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.SummaryColumn
COLUMN_TYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.SummaryColumn
Column(Column) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.datasource.jbuilder.Column
Constructor for jclass.datasource.ColumnModel object for JBuilder
columnBinding - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.swing.DSdbJList
columnBorder - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCTableStyle
The column border is the default border drawn between table columns.
columnChooser - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
columnClassName - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseColumn
columnCount - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCFrame
The number of columns of text which are laid out in the frame.
columnCount - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTable
Number of columns in the table.
ColumnDataBinding - class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.ColumnDataBinding.
An extension of DataBinding that further allows binding to a particular column
ColumnDataBinding(Component) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.ColumnDataBinding
ColumnDataBinding(Component, BindingModel, String) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.ColumnDataBinding
columnDisplay - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.LabelLayoutWrapper
columnID - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelException
columnIndex - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.CellPosition
columnIndexResize - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.Controller
columnLabel - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.Controller
COLUMNLABEL - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.CellArea
columnLabelArea - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.CellAreaHandler
columnLabelDisplay - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.LabelLayoutEditor
columnLabelOffset - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.LabelLayoutEditor
columnLabelPlacement - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.LabelLayoutEditor
columnLabelRect - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.CellAreaHandler
columnLabels - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.DataWrapper
columnList - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTable
The column list is an ordered list of columns in the table.
ColumnMap - class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.ColumnMap.
A helper class which maps the name of a column in a master table to its name in a detail table.
ColumnMap(String, String) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.ColumnMap
Constructs a column map.
ColumnModel - interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.ColumnModel.
Interface for information about columns.
columnModified(long, String) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseDataTable
Returns true if a column value has been modified.
columnName - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.field.db.jbuilder.JBuilderValueModel
columnName - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.SortData
columnNumber - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTable.Column
The number of this column in the table.
columnNumber - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTable.Cell
The column of the table this cell appears in.
columnOffset - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.LabelLayoutWrapper
columnOrigin - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.Controller
columnPageIndex - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.PrintGrid12
columnPages - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.PrintGrid12
columnParent - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTable.Cell
Column to which this cell belongs.
columnPlacement - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.FrozenCellLayoutEditor
columnPlacement - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.FrozenCellLayoutWrapper
columnPlacement - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.LabelLayoutWrapper
columnPosition - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.PrintCellLayout
columnPositions - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.CellSizeWrapper
columns - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseMetaData
columns - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseVirtualColumn
columns - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.jdbc.DataTable
columns - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.DataWrapper
columns - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.FrozenCellLayoutWrapper
columns - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.data.JCVectorDataSource
columns - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCSortEvent
columns - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.PrintCellLayout
columns - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.MathMatrix
Rows and Columns define the number of entries in the matrix
columnSelectionHandler - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGrid
ColumnSortable - class com.klg.jclass.higrid.ColumnSortable.
Implementation of the Comparator interface to sort specific columns.
ColumnSortable(Comparator, int[]) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.higrid.ColumnSortable
Default constructor.
columnSpace - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCFrame
The amount of space to allow for a gutter between columns.
columnWidth - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCFrame
A derived quantity determined by frame width, column count, and separation.
columnWidth - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.PrintCellLayout
columnWidths - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
columnXResize - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.Controller
colWidths - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.legend.JCGridLegend
com.klg.jclass.cell - package com.klg.jclass.cell
Contains classes and interfaces that manage cells used in JClass products.
com.klg.jclass.cell.editors - package com.klg.jclass.cell.editors
Defines the group of editors used in JClass components.
com.klg.jclass.cell.renderers - package com.klg.jclass.cell.renderers
Defines the group of renderers used in JClass components.
com.klg.jclass.cell.validate - package com.klg.jclass.cell.validate
Contains event, listener and support classes for validating cell contents.
com.klg.jclass.chart - package com.klg.jclass.chart
Contains the base classes for JClass Chart, including the JClass Chart JavaBeans.
com.klg.jclass.chart.applet - package com.klg.jclass.chart.applet
Contains the support classes for JCChart.
com.klg.jclass.chart.beans - package com.klg.jclass.chart.beans
Contains the support classes for the various JCChart JavaBeans.
com.klg.jclass.chart.data - package com.klg.jclass.chart.data
Contains support classes for reading data from various sources.
com.klg.jclass.chart.db - package com.klg.jclass.chart.db
The parent package for the IDE-specific data bound JCChart JavaBeans.
com.klg.jclass.chart.db.datasource - package com.klg.jclass.chart.db.datasource
Contains the JCChart JavaBean for binding to data accessed using JClass DataSource.
com.klg.jclass.chart.db.jbuilder - package com.klg.jclass.chart.db.jbuilder
Contains the JCChart JavaBean for binding to data accessed using JBuilder.
com.klg.jclass.chart.property.html - package com.klg.jclass.chart.property.html
Contains the support classes for JCChart.
com.klg.jclass.chart3d - package com.klg.jclass.chart3d
Contains the core classes for JClass Chart 3D.
com.klg.jclass.chart3d.beans - package com.klg.jclass.chart3d.beans
com.klg.jclass.chart3d.data - package com.klg.jclass.chart3d.data
Contains the chart data for JClass Chart 3D.
com.klg.jclass.chart3d.event - package com.klg.jclass.chart3d.event
Contains the listener and event classes for JClass Chart 3D.
com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d - package com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d
Contains support classes specific to Java 2D API.
com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.actions - package com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.actions
com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.beans - package com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.beans
com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d - package com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d
Contains support classes specific to Java 3D API.
com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.actions - package com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.actions
com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.beans - package com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.beans
com.klg.jclass.chart3d.shape - package com.klg.jclass.chart3d.shape
Contains the custom point styles for JClass Chart 3D.
com.klg.jclass.chart3d.shape3d - package com.klg.jclass.chart3d.shape3d
com.klg.jclass.datasource - package com.klg.jclass.datasource
Contains the core classes for JClass Datasource.
com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans - package com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans
Contains the support classes for the various DataSource JavaBeans.
com.klg.jclass.datasource.jbuilder - package com.klg.jclass.datasource.jbuilder
Contains the JavaBean and support classes for a hierarchically-structured data source that integrates with JBuilder data source objects.
com.klg.jclass.datasource.jdbc - package com.klg.jclass.datasource.jdbc
Contains the JavaBean and support classes for a hierarchically-structured data source that integrates with JDBC data source objects.
com.klg.jclass.datasource.swing - package com.klg.jclass.datasource.swing
Contains the JavaBean and support classes for a data source that integrates with javax.swing data source objects, such as a JLabel or a JComboBox.
com.klg.jclass.datasource.util - package com.klg.jclass.datasource.util
Contains utility classes supporting JClass DataSource.
com.klg.jclass.field - package com.klg.jclass.field
Contains a collection of data entry and validation components for your Java applications.
com.klg.jclass.field.cell - package com.klg.jclass.field.cell
Contains editors and renderers for JClass Field data entry and display cells.
com.klg.jclass.field.db.datasource - package com.klg.jclass.field.db.datasource
Contains data-aware components for use with JClass DataSource.
com.klg.jclass.field.db.jbuilder - package com.klg.jclass.field.db.jbuilder
Contains data-aware components for use with JBuilder.
com.klg.jclass.field.validate - package com.klg.jclass.field.validate
Contains the validator classes for JClass Field These are exposed so that application programmers may extend them by subclassing.
com.klg.jclass.higrid - package com.klg.jclass.higrid
Contains the base classes for JClass Higrid.
com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans - package com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans
Contains JCHiGrid, the JavaBean wrapper for JCHigrid, as well as Event, Listener, and BeanInfo classes.
com.klg.jclass.jarmaster - package com.klg.jclass.jarmaster
Contains the base classes for JClass JarMaster.
com.klg.jclass.page - package com.klg.jclass.page
Contains the base classes for JCPageLayout.
com.klg.jclass.page.adobe - package com.klg.jclass.page.adobe
Contains a resource bundle that is used to map between a font name and an alias.
com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.pdf - package com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.pdf
Contains the PDF printer.
com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.postscript - package com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.postscript
Contains the PostScript and EPS printers.
com.klg.jclass.page.awt - package com.klg.jclass.page.awt
Contains the AWT printer.
com.klg.jclass.page.html - package com.klg.jclass.page.html
Contains the HTML printer.
com.klg.jclass.page.pcl - package com.klg.jclass.page.pcl
Contains the PCL printer.
com.klg.jclass.page.render - package com.klg.jclass.page.render
com.klg.jclass.swing - package com.klg.jclass.swing
Contains the base classes for the GUI components in JClass Elements.
com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge - package com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge
Contains JCCircularGauge, a subclass of JComponent whose on-screen representation looks like an analog circular measuring instrument.
com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.beans - package com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.beans
Contains JCCircularGaugeBean, a JavaBean wrapper for JCCircularGauge.
com.klg.jclass.table - package com.klg.jclass.table
Contains the base classes for JClass LiveTable.
com.klg.jclass.table.beans - package com.klg.jclass.table.beans
Contains the LiveTable JavaBean and its support classes.
com.klg.jclass.table.data - package com.klg.jclass.table.data
Contains classes for connecting the table to data sources.
com.klg.jclass.table.db - package com.klg.jclass.table.db
Contains base classes for the various data-aware LiveTable JavaBeans.
com.klg.jclass.table.db.datasource - package com.klg.jclass.table.db.datasource
Contains the LiveTable data-aware JavaBean that uses JClass DataSource to provide a result set.
com.klg.jclass.table.db.jbuilder - package com.klg.jclass.table.db.jbuilder
Contains the LiveTable data-aware JavaBean that uses JBuilder to provide a result set.
com.klg.jclass.util - package com.klg.jclass.util
Contains a collection of utility classes.
com.klg.jclass.util.calendar - package com.klg.jclass.util.calendar
Contains the classes that support calendar functions.
com.klg.jclass.util.formulae - package com.klg.jclass.util.formulae
Contains classes that encapsulate mathematical expressions (operators) whose operands may be scalars, vectors (in the mathematical sense), and matrices.
com.klg.jclass.util.io - package com.klg.jclass.util.io
Contains classes used to control input and output for JClass Chart, ServerChart, and ServerReport.
com.klg.jclass.util.legend - package com.klg.jclass.util.legend
Contains classes used to provide a legend in a JClass Chart, JClass Chart3d or a JClass Gauge.
com.klg.jclass.util.progress - package com.klg.jclass.util.progress
Support classes for JCProgressHelper.
com.klg.jclass.util.swing - package com.klg.jclass.util.swing
Contains utility classes for JClass Elements.
com.klg.jclass.util.swing.encode - package com.klg.jclass.util.swing.encode
Contains classes for encoding components so that their images may be exported.
com.klg.jclass.util.swing.encode.page - package com.klg.jclass.util.swing.encode.page
Contains special classes for encoding components so that their images may be printed using JClass PageLayout.
com.klg.jclass.util.treetable - package com.klg.jclass.util.treetable
Contains support classes for JCTreeTable.
com.klg.jclass.util.value - package com.klg.jclass.util.value
Contains classes for setting various types of values and listening for changes to them.
com.klg.jclass.util.xml - package com.klg.jclass.util.xml
Contains an XML parser and other support classes.
combineLabels - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCAxis
If true, consecutive data labels that are identical (in other words, that refer to the same object) are combined into one label, and the resulting label is positioned at the average (or middle) label position.
COMBO_FIELD - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.field.cell.JCFieldCellRegister
Modifier type to use when a JCComboField is needed.
command - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataModelEvent
command - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTableDataEvent
commands - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.NavigatorPopupMenu
List of strings for the popup menu.
commands - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.EditPopupMenu
commands - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.db.DataTable
COMMENT - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.postscript.AFMParser
COMMIT_ALL - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.LocaleBundle
commit_leaving_ancestor - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
COMMIT_LEAVING_ANCESTOR - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.MetaDataModel
Automatically save changes to originating data source when the new bookmark is not in the same subtree as the previous bookmark.
commit_leaving_record - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
COMMIT_LEAVING_RECORD - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.MetaDataModel
Automatically save changes to originating data source when cursor bookmark changes
commit_manually - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
COMMIT_MANUALLY - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.MetaDataModel
No automatic commit.
commit_policy - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
COMMIT_ROW - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.LocaleBundle
commit() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.EditTraverseHandlerAbstract
Commits the current edit on the given table, if an edit is in progress
commit(boolean) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.table.EditTraverseHandler
Commits the current edit on the table.
commit(boolean) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.EditTraverseHandlerAbstract
Commits the current edit on the table.
commit(boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.EditTraverseHandlerAbstract
Commits the current edit on the table.
commit(JCPopupEvent) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.JCPopupField
This method is used internally.
commit(JCPopupEvent) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCPopupListener
The popup has either a selected value or a cancel value.
commit(MetaData) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.jdbc.Persistor
For internal use only.
commitAll() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.swing.DSdbJNavigator
commitAll() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.NavigatorDataBinding
Commits all the changes made in the data source.
commitAll() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.db.DataTable
commitAll(DataModelListener) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseDataTable
Commits all uncommited rows.
commitAll(DataModelListener) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans.JCData
Commits all uncommited rows.
commitAll(DataModelListener) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.Binding
Commit pending edits in all levels.
commitAll(DataModelListener) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.BindingModel
Commit pending edits in all levels.
commitAll(DataModelListener) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataTableModel
Do not use: internal method, call DataModel.updateAll() instead.
commitAll(DataModelListener) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.SummaryDataTable
Commit all uncommitted rows.
commitAndConvert() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.Controller
Tries to complete any existing CellEditor edits, validate the result and store the result in the dataModel.
commitAndTraverse(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.EditTraverseHandlerAbstract
Commits the edit and attempts a traversal in the given direction.
commitCurrent() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.swing.DSdbJNavigator
commitCurrentRow(DataModelListener) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.Binding
Commit pending edits on the row currently in focus making them permanent.
commitCurrentRow(DataModelListener) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.BindingModel
Commit pending edits on the row currently in focus making them permanent.
commitEdit() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.Field
Commits the current field under edit.
commitEdit() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.JCComboField
Commits the current field under edit.
commitEdit() - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.field.JCFieldComponent
Commits the current field under edit.
commitEdit() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.JCLabelField
Not used for this component.
commitEdit() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.JCSpinField
Commits the current field under edit.
commitEdit() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.JCTextField
Commits the current field under edit.
commitEdit(AWTEvent) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.Field
Commits the current field under edit.
commitEdit(boolean) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
Commits interactive cell editing internally, saving any changes made by the user.
commitPolicy - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseMetaData
commitPolicyStrings - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans.JCDataConverter
commitPolicyValues - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans.JCDataConverter
commitRow() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.NavigatorDataBinding
Commits all the changes made for the current row in the data source.
commitRow(DataModelListener, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.Binding
Commit pending edits on the specified row making them permanent.
commitRow(DataModelListener, int) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.BindingModel
Commit pending edits on the specified row making them permanent.
commitRow(DataModelListener, long) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseDataTable
Commits the row.
commitRow(DataModelListener, long) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans.JCData
Commits a row.
commitRow(DataModelListener, long) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataTableModel
Commits the row.
commitRow(DataModelListener, long) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.jbuilder.DataTable
commitRow(DataModelListener, long) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.SummaryDataTable
Commit row.
commitRow2(long) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.IdeDataTable
commitRow2(long) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.IdeDataTableModel
commitRows() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.db.DataTable
commitRows(int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.NavigatorDataBinding
Commits all the changes made for the specified number of rows starting with given row index in the data source.
commitSubTree(DataModelListener, long) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseDataTable
Commit all pending changes in this subtree including this row.
commitSubTree(DataModelListener, long) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans.JCData
Commits all pending changes in this subtree.
commitSubTree(DataModelListener, long) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataTableModel
Commit all pending changes in this subtree.
commitSubTree(DataModelListener, long) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.SummaryDataTable
Commit all pending changes in this subtree.
COMMITTED - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataTableModel
This row has no changes pending and is identical to the data source row.
commitTransaction() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseMetaData
Commits transaction: does nothing here, so it must be overridden.
commitTransaction() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.jdbc.MetaData
Recursivly Commits the transaction.
commitTransaction() - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.MetaDataModel
Commits transaction.
commitTransaction() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.SummaryMetaData
Commits the transaction.
comp - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGrid
Bean component.
comp - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGridEvent
comp - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.JCGaugePickEvent
The component at the click location.
comp - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.encode.page.AbstractVectorEncoder
comparator - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.CollectionIntComparator
compare(int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.CollectionIntComparator
Compares two values for the given indices.
compare(int, int) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.util.JCIntComparator
Compares two values, given their indices.
compare(JCComparableRow, JCComparableRow) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.DefaultRowComparator
Compares its two arguments for order.
compare(JCComparableRow, JCComparableRow) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCRowComparator
Compares its two arguments for order.
compare(Number, Number) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCSpinNumberBox
Compares two numbers according to the operation value.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dAnnoHandler
JCValueLabel sorting routine.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dPointData
SortPoint sorting routine.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.ContourCell
Generic segment sorting routine, for all four corners, and sides (left-to-right or top-to-bottom).
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.ColumnSortable
Compares its two arguments for order.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.DefaultSortable
Compares its two arguments for order.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.TableDataComparator
A method that compares object a to object b
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.RealComparator
compareJars(String, String) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.jarmaster.JarTask
Compares two jars and outputs the differences to System.out.
comparePosition(JCTab) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCTab
Compares two tab positions.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.KeyActionInitiator
Implementation of Comparable interface.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.MouseActionInitiator
Implementation of Comparable interface.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.pdf.JCPDFPrinter.AcroReference
Compares two references and determine which occurs previous in order.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCPopupCalendar.Bounds
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
compareToValue(Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.AbstractSpinBox
Compares any object to the stored value.
compareValues(Object, Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.AbstractValidator
Since we cannot always rely on an objects equals() method we must define our own compare method.
compareValues(Object, Object) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCValidator
Since we cannot always rely on an object's equals() method we must define out own compare method.
COMPCHAR - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.postscript.AFMParser
COMPCHARPIECE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.postscript.AFMParser
compiled_edit_formats - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCDateTimeValidator
compiled_format - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCDateTimeValidator
compiled_mask_ch - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCStringValidator
compiled_mask_sym - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCStringValidator
compileMask() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCStringValidator
This routine compiles the mask into 2 arrays.
complete() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCFrame
Completes any pending actions on the frame (for example, current line).
completeLayout() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTable
Completes the layout tasks for a table, such as computing frame and row heights.
COMPLETELY_ELASTIC_CONSTRAINT - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCElasticLayout
Constant to use when adding an elastic constraint to this object.
COMPLETELY_ELASTIC_TAG - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCElasticLayout
Constant to use when adding an String constraint to this object.
completeProgress() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCProgressHelper
Closes and disposes the JCProgressHelper.
complex - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCCandleChartFormat
compMatrix - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Anno
Used to compute the annotation orientation for an axis (vertical or horizontal) based on whether the horizontal or vertical component of the axis is dominant.
component - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.cell.renderers.JCRawImageCellRenderer
component - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
component - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.DataBinding
component - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGridFocusTraversalPolicy
component - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.awt.JCAWTScreenPrinter
component - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.EditTraverseHandlerAbstract
component - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.SwingCellBorder
component - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.TableFocusTraversalPolicy
component_border_width - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
componentAdded(ContainerEvent) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.JCPromptHelper
This method is internal.
componentAdded(ContainerEvent) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.CalendarContainer
Invoked when a component has been added to the container.
componentHandler - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.FocusManager
ComponentHandler - class com.klg.jclass.table.ComponentHandler.
ComponentHandler controls the placement of components within table and ensures that traverse from a component to table or table to component flows across and down the cells or to the left and up for reverse traversal.
ComponentHandler() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.table.ComponentHandler
Creates a new ComponentHandler instance.
ComponentHandler(JCTable) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.table.ComponentHandler
Creates new ComponentHandler instance linked to table.
ComponentHandlerNew - class com.klg.jclass.table.ComponentHandlerNew.
ComponentHandler controls the placement of components within table and ensures that traverse from a component to table or table to component flows across and down the cells or to the left and up for reverse traversal.
ComponentHandlerNew() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.table.ComponentHandlerNew
Creates a new ComponentHandler instance.
ComponentHandlerNew(JCTable) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.table.ComponentHandlerNew
Creates new ComponentHandler instance linked to table.
ComponentHandlerOld - class com.klg.jclass.table.ComponentHandlerOld.
ComponentHandler controls the placement of components within table and ensures that traverse from a component to table or table to component flows across and down the cells or to the left and up for reverse traversal.
ComponentHandlerOld() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.table.ComponentHandlerOld
Creates a new ComponentHandler instance.
ComponentHandlerOld(JCTable) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.table.ComponentHandlerOld
Creates new ComponentHandler instance linked to table.
componentHidden(ComponentEvent) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGrid
Implement ComponentListener interface.
ComponentModel - interface com.klg.jclass.table.ComponentModel.
ComponentModel defines the requirements of a class that controls the storage, placement and traversal of components in cells.
componentMoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGrid
Implement ComponentListener interface.
componentRemoved(ContainerEvent) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.JCPromptHelper
This method is internal.
componentRemoved(ContainerEvent) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.CalendarContainer
Invoked when a component has been removed from the container.
componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGrid
Implement ComponentListener interface.
components - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.GaugeLayout
List of components
componentShown(ComponentEvent) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGrid
Implement ComponentListener interface.
componentSpacing - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.DayTable
componentSpacing - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.JCDateChooser
compress(byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.encode.PNGEncoder
compress(byte[], int[], ColorModel, int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.encode.PNGEncoder
compressColor(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.encode.AbstractImageEncoder
Compress the given color into one 8 bit representation.
compressColor(int, int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.encode.AbstractImageEncoder
Compress the given color into one 8 bit representation.
compressed - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPrinter
True if output should be compressed.
compression - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.jarmaster.JarTask
compression_level - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.jarmaster.JarMasterAntTask
compressionLevel - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.jarmaster.JarTask
computeAbsoluteMatrix(JCBox) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Transform
Squishes data into a ( +/-1, +/-1, +/-1) cube.
computeBoundingRectangle(Rectangle, Rectangle) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3dUtil
Computes the bounding rectangle for two Rectangles.
computeDataDrawn() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dDataView
Will we draw anything? Computes a drawCode (for easier access to the four booleans that control the type of surface, bar, or scatter plot).
computeDataLimits() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dDataView
Computes the limits of the data (i.e.
computeEyePosition() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Transform
Create viewpoint position vector with eye at least at double the unit cube and do an inverse rotation to get it into absolute space.
computeInverseWeightedAverage(double[], double[], double, int, double) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.data.JCData3dUtil
Generates a weighted average value for a data point based on its own value, as well as contributions from values contained in the values array.
computeMeshFiltering(Chart3dDataView) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCSurface
Computes mesh filtering for both xs and ys.
computePerspectiveMatrix() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Transform
computePointLimits() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dPointData
Computes the min and max values of all points in the x, y, and z direction and uses these values to set the axis limits.
computePopupBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.EditPopupMenu
computeRotationMatrix() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Transform
computeScreenMatrix() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Transform
Adjusts projected image to show only what which lies within the viewport.
computeSize(Vector) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.RowFormat
computeTotalWidth() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.RowTree
Compute the maximum width of scrollable rows for the grid area
computeTotalWidth(FormatNode, boolean) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.RowTree
Compute the maximum width of scrollable rows for this format node and its children
computeTransformations() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.Chart3dDataViewJava3d
computeTransformations(Graphics) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Transform
computeViewMatrix() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Transform
Computes a combined xform matrix to take an absolute coordinate system vector and xform it to screen coordinates in one step.
computeWidth() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.RowFormat
computeZLimits(Chart3dGridData, double, double) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dGridData
Computes the Z min and max data values and store these in dataMin and dataMax.
conditionallyCommitYourselfAndChildren(DataModelListener) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseDataTable
Recurse on this node and each of its children and commit all changes in each if commitPolicy does not equal COMMIT_MANUALLY commitAll does not check commit policy before committing.
conditionallyCommitYourselfAndChildren(DataModelListener) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans.JCData
Since JCData has no child, it commits all of its changes if commitPolicy does not equal COMMIT_MANUALLY.
conditionallyCommitYourselfAndChildren(DataModelListener) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataTableModel
Do not use: internal method.
conditionallyCommitYourselfAndChildren(DataModelListener) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.SummaryDataTable
Recurse on this node and each of its children and commit all changes in each if commitPolicy does not equal COMMIT_MANUALLY
conditions - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.InputBehavior
Cone - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.shape3d.Cone.
CONE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCSymbolStyle
Cone() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.shape3d.Cone
configureArrowButtons() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.AbstractSpinBox
Creates and sets up the spin arrows.
configureEnclosingScrollPane() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCSortableTable
Overwrites the default implementation to remove a MouseListener from the table header.
connect - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
connect_failed - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
connect_succeeded - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
connect(String, Properties) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.jdbc.DataTableConnection
Establish a connection using property object.
connect(String, String, Properties) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.data.JCResultSetDataSource
Establishes a connection to the data source.
connect(String, String, String) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.jdbc.DataTableConnection
Establish a connection to a data database using odbc style.
connect(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.jdbc.DataTableConnection
Establish a connection to a data database using hostname and port.
connected - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
connecting - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
connection - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.jdbc.DataTableConnection
connection - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
connections_visible - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
connectionsVisible - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGrid
connectToToolBar() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCHelpPane
Implementation of toolbar activation behavior as described in setUseToolBar.
considerIconsWhenTiling - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMDIPane
constant - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.beans.AxisRelationshipWrapper
constant - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxisFormula
constant_def - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.beans.AxisRelationshipWrapper
constraintCache - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCElasticLayout
constraintMap - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCElasticLayout
Hashtable to store components added to the layout.
constraints - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.GaugeLayout
List of locations
construct() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCSwingWorker
Computes the value to be returned by the get method.
constructBarPlane(Chart3dGridData, int, int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3dUtil
Calculates the x/y extents of the bar (in data space) constuct a flat plane of these values.
consumerCount - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.IDEDataBinding
container - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMDIFrame
Substitute for content pane to make maximization easier.
containerListener - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCWizard
Container listner that listens for new pages that are added, and adds listeners to the buttons of the children so that the container knows when to post the proper "Wizard" events.
containerReserved(JCKeyModifier) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.Controller
Determines whether the specified key modifier represents an attempt by an editor to reserve a key that Table reserves for itself.
contains(int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.CellAreaHandler
Returns the CellArea that contains the given coordintates.
contains(Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.ExpressionList
Determine if the List contain the specified element
contains(Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.MathExpressionList
Determine if the List contain the specified element
contains(Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.QueryExpressionList
Determine if the List contain the specified element
contains(Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.TableExpressionList
Determine if the List contain the specified element
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.ExpressionList
Determine if all the elements of the given Collection are in the List
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.MathExpressionList
Determine if all the elements of the given Collection are in the List
containsAnnotation(JCAnno) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxis
Determines if the specified JCAnno has already been added to the axis.
containsAnnotation(String) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxis
Determines if a JCAnno with the specified name has already been added to the axis.
containsCell(int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.CellArea
Returns true if the given cell is contained in the area.
containsGrid(JCGrid) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxis
Determines if the specified JCGrid has already been added to the axis.
containsGrid(String) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCAxis
Determines if a JCGrid with the specified name has already been added to the axis.
contentList - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCMultiFieldString
contentPane - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCWizardPage
Pane returned by getContentPane.
contents - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.legend.JCLegendItem
contents - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.SettableListResourceBundle
Contents array passed back to parent class.
contentsList - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.pdf.JCPDFPrinter
A List of contents streams on the current Page
contentsPane - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCHelpPane
contentsStart - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.pdf.JCPDFPrinter.StreamInfo
The byte offset of the start of a contents stream
context - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.ExpressionVariable
The context in which the variable is defined
contextPending - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.cell.editors.JCImageCellEditor
CONTINUOUS - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3dLegendTemplate
Legend Style -- Continuous.
continuousLayout - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3dLegend
Asks if the layout is really continuous.
continuousScroll - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.AbstractSpinBox
contour - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dDataView
The JCContour object handles contouring and zoning.
contour - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.ColorBin
contour - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.JCDataBars
contour(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCContour
Generates a complete contour that starts at (xIndex, yIndex).
ContourCell - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.ContourCell.
Data structure internal to JClass Chart 3D.
contourCells - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCContour
Contouring information by cell.
ContourDataBarsQA - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.ContourDataBarsQA.
ContourDataBarsQA(JCBar, Matrix4d, Chart3dGridData, boolean, Color3f, boolean) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.ContourDataBarsQA
contoured - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCContour
Asks if the contour lines are drawn.
contoured - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCProjection
Asks if contour lines are drawn on this projection.
CONTOURED - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dDataView
contourIndex(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCContour
Returns the contour style index that corresponds to this level.
contourIndex(int) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCContourMapping
Provides a mapping from contour levels to the contour styles list.
contourLevels - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.JCDataBars
contourLevels - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCContour
A list of contour levels.
ContourLine - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.ContourLine.
Data structure internal to JClass Chart 3D.
contourLines - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCContour
A list of contour lines.
contourMapping - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCContour
A mapping of contour levels to contour styles.
CONTOURS - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Changeable
ContourSegment - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.ContourSegment.
Data structure internal to JClass Chart 3D.
contourStyleIndex - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCData3dContourIndex
The index of the contour style selected.
contourStyles - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.JCDataBars
contourStyles - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCContour
List of contour styles which determine how zones and contour lines are drawn.
contractItemList(List, List, List, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.legend.JCMultiColLegend
Removes a group from the legend vector, moving its contents to another group.
CONTROL_IN - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.cell.Utilities
Border drawn with MS-Windows style control shadows
CONTROL_IN - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
CONTROL_IN - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCBorder
Border drawn with MS-Windows style control shadows.
CONTROL_OUT - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.cell.Utilities
Border drawn with MS-Windows style control shadows
CONTROL_OUT - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
CONTROL_OUT - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCBorder
Border drawn with MS-Windows style control shadows.
controlDown - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.ComponentHandler
controller - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGrid
Controller - class com.klg.jclass.higrid.Controller.
The Controller class performs the Controller function in the Model-View-Controller (MVC) paradigm.
Controller.JColumnHeaderLabel - class com.klg.jclass.higrid.Controller.JColumnHeaderLabel.
Controller.JColumnHeaderLabel() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.higrid.Controller.JColumnHeaderLabel
Controller(HiGrid) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.higrid.Controller
conv - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGrid
convertAndSaveItem(String) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.FieldDataBinding
convert the value from a string and save it by invoking saveItem
convertAngle(int, int, double) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.util.JCNumberUtil
Converts an angle value from one unit to another.
convertCalendarToObject(Calendar, Class) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.JCCalendar
Converts the Calendar object to an object designed by the class_type, if its one of the supported class types.
convertCase(char) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.AbstractValidator
Returns the value of the character as filtered by the casePolicy of the validator.
convertChartAreaXToX(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3d
convertChartAreaYToY(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3d
convertConstraints(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGrid
Retrieves the String version of the SwingConstants constraints.
convertDoubleValue(String) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.data.JCXML3dDataSource
Convenience method to convert a String to a double .
convertFromSN(String) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.util.JCNumberUtil
convertFromSupported(Object, Class) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.AbstractValidator
Converts the supported type to the type supported by the validator.
convertFromSupported(Object, Class) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCBigDecimalValidator
Converts the supported type to the type supported by the validator.
convertFromSupported(Object, Class) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCDateTimeValidator
Converts the supported type to the type supported by the validator.
convertFromSupported(Object, Class) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCIPAddressValidator
Converts the supported type to the type supported by the validator.
convertFromSupported(Object, Class) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCLongValidator
Converts the supported type to the type supported by the validator.
convertFromSupported(Object, Class) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCStringValidator
Converts the supported type to the type supported by the validator.
convertMetaColumnTypeToClassName(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.db.datasource.DataBinding
Converts a Meta column Type to a Class name.
convertObjectToCalendar(Object, Locale) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.JCCalendar
Converts the specified type (if possible) to a supported type.
convertSwingToTextStyleAlignment(int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTableFromJCTable
Converts the SwingConstants alignment to a JCTextStyle alignment.
convertSwingToTextStyleAlignment(int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTableFromJTable
Converts the SwingConstants alignment to a JCTextStyle alignment.
convertToSupported(Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.AbstractValidator
Converts the specified type (if possible) to the type supported by the validator.
convertToSupported(Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCBigDecimalValidator
Converts the specified type (if possible) to the type supported by the validator.
convertToSupported(Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCDateTimeValidator
Converts the specified type (if possible) to the type supported by the validator.
convertToSupported(Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCIPAddressValidator
Converts the specified type (if possible) to the type supported by the validator.
convertToSupported(Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCLongValidator
Converts the specified type (if possible) to the type supported by the validator.
convertToSupported(Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCStringValidator
Converts the specified type (if possible) to the type supported by the validator.
convertXToChartAreaX(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3d
convertYToChartAreaY(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3d
coordToDataCoord(int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Same as map().
coordToDataCoord(int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dDataView
Same as map().
coordToDataIndex(int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dDataView
Similar to pick() for a specific data view.
coordToDataIndex(int, int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Similar to pick() for a specific data view.
copies - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.awt.JCAWTPrinter.PrinterThread
COPY_ACTION - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGridAction
Action constant for copy rows.
COPY_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.table.JCTableEnum
A TableAction constant that specifies copy.
COPY_ACTION - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.TableAction
Action constant for copy range.
copy(boolean) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.TableExpressionList
Create a copy of this TableExpressionList (not necessarily a clone, since we may choose to use hard co-ordinates rather than parametric ones)
copy(boolean) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.TableReference
Create a copy of this table reference (not necessarily a clone, since we may choose to use hard co-ordinates rather than parametric ones
copyCalendar(Calendar) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.DayTable.DayModel
Return a copy of the calender.
copyCalendar(Calendar) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.JCCalendar
Convenience method to clone a calendar.
copyChain(PolygonChain) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCContour
Copies an entire chain to a new one, and returns the new one.
copyFromCellStyle(CellStyleModel) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.CellStyle
Copies the passed cellStyle's attributes into this CellStyle.
copyFromCellStyle(CellStyleModel) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.higrid.CellStyleModel
Replaces cellStyleModel attributes with the passed one.
copyInto(JCCellStyle) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCCellStyle
copyPlafFromCellStyle(CellStyleModel) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.CellStyle
Copies the passed cellStyle's PLAF attributes into this CellStyle.
copyPlafFromCellStyle(CellStyleModel) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.higrid.CellStyleModel
Replaces PLAF cellStyleModel attributes with the passed one, only if the PLAF attributes were not already overridden.
copyTable() - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.IdeDataTableModel
copyTable() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.jbuilder.DataTable
copyValue(Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.AbstractValidator
Since the clone() method is protected in the Object class we cannot actually clone a generic object without knowing what it is; therefore the validator must provide this routine to do the copying for JCField.
copyValue(Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCDateTimeValidator
Creates a new instance of the object with the same value.
copyValue(Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCIPAddressValidator
Since the clone() method is protected in the Object class, we cannot actually clone a generic object without knowing what it is; therefore the validator must provide this routine to do the copying for JCField.
copyValue(Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCNumberValidator
Since the clone() method is protected in the Object class we cannot actually clone a generic object without knowing what it is; therefore the validator must provide this routine to do the copying for JCField.
copyValue(Object) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCStringValidator
Since the clone() method is protected in the Object class we cannot actually clone a generic object without knowing what it is; therefore, the validator must provide this routine to do the copying for JCField.
copyValue(Object) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCValidator
Since the clone() method is protected in the Object class, we cannot actually clone a generic object without knowing what it is; therefore the validator must provide this routine to do the copying for Field.
CORNER_CURSOR - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.MouseInputHandler
CORNER_RESIZE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.MouseInputHandler
CORNER_XMAX_YMAX - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Transform
CORNER_XMAX_YMIN - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Transform
CORNER_XMIN_YMAX - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Transform
CORNER_XMIN_YMIN - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Transform
corners - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.ContourCell
A contour intersection list for each corner of the cell.
Count - class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.Count.
This is a concrete implementation for the count operation.
Count(Expression) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.Count
Count the given operand (usually a list of expressions)
Count(Expression, Expression) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.Count
Count a pair of operands
counter - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseMetaData
COUNTERCLOCKWISE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.JCAbstractScale.Direction
countInString(String, String) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.util.JCNumberUtil
Counts the occurrences of String token within the larger target String.
countInString(String, String) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.TextRenderer
Count the occurrences of string token within larger target string
countKidsToRemove(Object, TreePath) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.treetable.TreeTableSupport
countTokens(char) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.JCStringTokenizer
Returns the next number of tokens in the String using the specified delimiter.
cr - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.CellRangeFlavor
create(DataModel, MetaDataModel, NodeProperties) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans.MetaDataCreator
Overrides to create a meta data for different data source type.
create(DataModel, MetaDataModel, NodeProperties) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.jbuilder.MetaDataCreator
Create a Visual Cafe meta data.
create(DataModel, MetaDataModel, NodeProperties) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.jdbc.MetaDataCreator
Helper method to create a JDBC meta data.
create(int, int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.table.data.JCSpreadLabel
Creates a row or column-style spreadsheet label.
createActionHandlerParams() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.JCChart3dJava3d
Creates an ActionHandlerParams object containing all the parameters (scene BranchGroup, BoundingSphere, and so on) required by the action handlers.
createActionTable() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.JCChart3dJava2d
Creates a new action table.
createActionTable() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.JCChart3dJava3d
createActionTable() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3d
Creates the action table for the chart.
createAfterDetailsMetaTree() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGridData
Create the after details meta tree with the same hierarchy as the meta tree for the record type.
createApplyButton() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.DateTimeEditor
Create an apply button.
createArray(Vector) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.LiveTable
createArray2D(Vector) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.LiveTable
createAutoLabel(String, ChartDataViewSeries, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCDefaultChartLabelManager
Creates one automatically generated chart label.
createAutoLabelText(ChartDataView, int, int) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartLabelManager
Creates the text for an auto label given the series and point.
createAutoLabelText(ChartDataView, int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCDefaultChartLabelManager
Creates the text for an auto label given the series and point.
createBeforeDetailsMetaTree() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGridData
Create the before details meta tree with the same hierarchy as the meta tree for the record type.
createButton() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCAction
createButton(boolean) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCAction
createButtonBox(int, boolean) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.BaseWizardPage
creates the bottom button box with the specified buttons.
createByte(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.encode.AbstractImageEncoder
createByteArrayFromBinaryStream(InputStream) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseMetaData
Returns a byte array created from an input stream.
createCellArea(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.CellAreaHandler
Creates a new CellArea of the specified type.
createCellStyle() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.LiveTable
Returns the new CellStyleModel object.
createCellStyle() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
Creates a new cell style object.
createChart3dArea() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3d
Creates and adds a JCChart3dArea to chart.
createChart3dAreaJava3d() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.JCChart3dJava3d
Creates and adds the legend to the chart.
createChartArea() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChart
Creates and adds legend to chart.
createClasspath() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.jarmaster.JarMasterAntTask
Creates a nested classpath element.
createColumn(JCUnit.Measure, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTable
Creates a Column and adds it to the column list.
createColumnLabel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.Controller
Creates the moving column header label for run-time user placement of columns.
createComponents(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.JCDateChooser
Creates the date chooser components based on the chooser type.
createCubicSampledDataModel(Chart3dGridDataModel, double[], double[]) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.data.JCData3dUtil
Constructs a data model by taking xSamples.length and ySamples.length samples along the x and y axes of the source.
createCubicSampledDataModel(Chart3dGridDataModel, RectangularShape, int, int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.data.JCData3dUtil
Constructs a data model by taking xSampleSize and ySampleSize samples along the x and y axes of the source.
createCubicSplineCoefficients(double[], double[], double[], double[], double[], double[], int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.data.JCData3dUtil
Fits a piecewise cubic spline to the series of x,y points.
createDataBar(Matrix4d, double, double, double, double, Color3f, double, double, Color3f, boolean, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.ContourDataBarsQA
createDataBar(Matrix4d, double, double, double, double, Color3f, double, double, Color3f, boolean, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.JCDataBars
createDataBar(Matrix4d, double, double, double, double, Color3f, double, double, Color3f, boolean, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.JCMeshDataBars
createDataBar(Matrix4d, double, double, double, double, Color3f, double, double, Color3f, boolean, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.JCZonedDataBars
createDataBar(Matrix4d, double, double, double, double, Color3f, double, double, Color3f, boolean, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.JCZonedMeshDataBars
createDataBars(JCBar, Matrix4d, Chart3dGridData, boolean, Color3f, boolean) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.JCDataBars
createDataCopy(Chart3dGridDataModel) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.data.JCData3dUtil
Constructs a copy of the Chart3dGridDataModel source and returns it.
createDataObject() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.Chart3dDataViewJava3d
createDataSourceFromFile(String) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.data.JCFile3dDataSource
Do not use a constructor on this class.
createDataTableModelFromProviderData(MetaDataModel, long, Object[][]) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseDataTable
Build a DataTableModel from the matrix returned the the ProviderModel.
createDataViewObject() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.Chart3dDataViewJava3d
Create Java3D scene graph object(s) representing the data.
createDecrArrow() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.AbstractSpinBox
Creates the decrement arrow.
createDefaultActions() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.Controller
Re-creates all standard actions.
createDefaultCellLayout() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
Creates the default CellLayoutModel manager.
createDefaultCellStyleSeries() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
Creates the default CellStyleModel series object.
createDefaultColumnsFromModel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCSortableTable
Overridden from superclass to allow autocreation of our own column model.
createDefaultColumnWidthSeries() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
Creates the default column width series.
createDefaultComponentModel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.FocusManager
Creates the default component handler.
createDefaultComponentModel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.FocusManagerNew
Creates the default component handler.
createDefaultComponentModel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.FocusManagerOld
Creates the default component handler.
createDefaultComponentModel() - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.table.FocusModel
Creates the default Component handler.
createDefaultComponentModel(String) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.FocusManager
Creates the default component handler.
createDefaultDataSource() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
Creates the default data source with 10 rows and 5 columns.
createDefaultDataView() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
Creates the default data view manager.
createDefaultEditorBorder(Color, int, Insets) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGrid
Creates a default common border used for all cell editors.
createDefaultEditTraverseHandler() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.FocusManager
Creates the default edit handler.
createDefaultEditTraverseHandler() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.FocusManagerNew
Creates the default edit handler for JDKs 1.4 or later
createDefaultEditTraverseHandler() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.FocusManagerOld
Creates the default edit handler for JDKs prior to 1.4
createDefaultHeaderRenderer() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCTreeTable.SwitchTableColumn
Overridden to provide a renderer that reserves a location on the right for a sort icon, if one exists.
createDefaultHeaderRenderer() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCSortableTable.SortableTableColumn
Overridden to provide a renderer that reserves a location on the right for a sort icon if one exists.
createDefaultRowHeightSeries() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
Creates the default row height series.
createDefaultSelectionModel() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
Creates the default SelectionModel manager.
createDefaultSpanHandler() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
Creates the default span manager.
createDefaultTrees() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGrid
Ensures that we are ready to display the grid.
createDefaultUserDataSeries() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
Creates the default UserData series object.
createDisplayFormat(Locale) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCBigDecimalValidator
createDisplayFormat(Locale) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCLongValidator
createDisplayFormat(Locale) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCNumberValidator
createDraw() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Chart3dDataView
Creates the correct draw object based on the data type.
createDraw() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.Chart3dDataViewJava3d
Creates the correct draw object based on the data type.
createDrawFacet(DrawGrid, Graphics) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.DrawFacetFactory
createEditFormat(Locale) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCBigDecimalValidator
createEditFormat(Locale) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCLongValidator
createEditFormat(Locale) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCNumberValidator
createEditor() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.Controller
Creates a CellEditor for the current cell
createEditor(AWTEvent) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.Controller
Creates a CellEditor for the current cell
createEditor(Class) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.cell.EditorRendererRegistry.ClassCells
createEditStatus(HiGrid) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.RowFormat
Creates the edit status indicator column.
createElasticConstraint(int, int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCElasticLayout
Creates a JCElastic constraint with the elasticity specified.
createExcludePackage() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.jarmaster.JarMasterAntTask
Add a name entry to the list of packages to exclude.
createField(JCValidator) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.JCComboField
createField(JCValidator) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.JCLabelField
Creates the field object which controls the validation.
createField(JCValidator) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.JCSpinField
createField(JCValidator) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.JCTextField
Creates the field object which controls the validation.
createFooter() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChart
Creates and adds footer to chart.
createFooter() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3d
Creates and adds a new JLabel footer to the chart.
createFooterMetaTree() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGridData
Create the footer meta tree with the same hierarchy as the meta tree for the record type.
createFormats(FormatNode, MetaDataModel[]) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.FormatTree
Creates the specified RowFormat objects described by the passed FormatNode,
createFormatTreeFromDataModel(DataModel) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.FormatTree
(Re-)creates a default FormatTree from the passed DataModel's MetaDataModel.
createFormatTreeFromNode(FormatNode, MetaDataModel[], int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.FormatTree
Recursive helper routine for createFormatTreeFromDataModel() above
createGlyphVector(Font, FontRenderContext, char[]) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.page.FontBase
Correctly remaps a call to createGlyphVector() for the current JDK level
createGlyphVector(Font, FontRenderContext, CharacterIterator) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.page.FontBase
Correctly remaps a call to createGlyphVector() for the current JDK level
createGlyphVector(Font, FontRenderContext, String) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.page.FontBase
Correctly remaps a call to createGlyphVector() for the current JDK level
createGridProperties(int, boolean) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGrid
Creates a GridProperties or a ExternalGridProperties.
createGridProperties(String, ClassLoader) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGrid
Creates a GridProperties or a ExternalGridProperties.
createHeader() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChart
Creates and adds header to chart.
createHeader() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3d
Creates and adds a new JLabel header to the chart.
createHeaders() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTable
Creates a header table for this table.
createHorizontalBox() - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCBox
createHorizontalBrace(int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCBrace
Creates a horizontal JCBrace with the specified width.
createHorizontalSpring() - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCSpring
Creates a spring that is only horizontally stretchable with an elasticity of 1.
createHorizontalSpring(int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCSpring
Creates a spring that is only horizontally stretchable with the specified elasticity.
createIncrArrow() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.AbstractSpinBox
Creates the increment arrow.
createIndicatorFormats(HiGrid) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.RowFormat
Setup the indicator formats.
createInputSource(File) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.util.xml.JCXMLDTDResolver
createJar - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.jarmaster.JarTask
createJava2dChart() - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3d
Creates an instance of the Java 2d version of JClass Chart 3D, that is the subclass of JCChart3d that implements three-dimensional chart functionality using the Java 2d API.
createJava3dChart() - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3d
Creates an instance of the Java 3d version of JClass Chart 3D, that is the subclass of JCChart3d that implements three-dimensional chart functionality using the Java 3d API.
createJava3dChart(boolean) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3d
Creates an instance of the Java 3d version of JClass Chart 3D, that is the subclass of JCChart3d that implements three-dimensional chart functionality using the Java 3d API.
createLegend() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChart
Creates and adds legend to chart.
createLegend() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3d
Creates and adds a legend to the chart.
createLegendItem(String, int, int, int, Color) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.DefaultLegendPopulatorRenderer
Creates a legend item.
createLegendPopulatorRenderer(JCGauge, JCScale) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.gauge.GaugeUtil
Creates a LegendPopulatorRenderer for a given gauge and scale.
createLinearSampledDataModel(Chart3dGridDataModel, double[], double[]) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.data.JCData3dUtil
Constructs a data model by taking xSamples.length and ySamples.length samples along the x and y axes of the source.
createLinearSampledDataModel(Chart3dGridDataModel, RectangularShape, int, int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.data.JCData3dUtil
Constructs a data model by taking xSampleSize and ySampleSize samples along the x and y axes of the source.
createLinearSplineCoefficients(double[], double[], double[], double[], int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.data.JCData3dUtil
Fits a piecewise linear spline to the series of x,y points.
createLocalImage(int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChart
Creates image for use in drawing rotated text and other components.
createManifest() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.jarmaster.JarMasterAntTask
Add a manifest file to the list of manifest files
createMapping(Chart3dData) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.MapPick
Create a new mapping, depending on the type of input data
createMapping(Chart3dData) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.MapPick
Create a new mapping, depending on the type of input data
createMapping(Chart3dData) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Mapping
Create a mapping instance based on the data type
createMenu() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCAction
createMenu(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.EditPopupMenu
Create a menu component from the default popup menu list.
createMenuItem() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCAction
createMenuItem(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.EditPopupMenu
Create a menu item component from the default popup menu list.
createMetaData() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans.IdeJCTreeData
Creates meta data for the tree data bean.
createMetaData() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans.JCData
createMetaData() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans.JCTreeData
Creates meta data for the tree data Bean.
createMetaData() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.IdeJCHiGrid
Creates meta data for the tree data bean.
createMetaData() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.beans.JCHiGrid
Creates meta data for the tree data Bean.
createMetaData(DataModel, MetaDataModel, NodeProperties) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans.MetaDataCreator
Creates a child MetaDataModel of a parent MetaDataModel.
createMetaData(DataModel, NodeProperties) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans.MetaDataCreator
Creates a MetaDataModel with no parent.
createMouseInputListener() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCTreeTable.TreeTableUI
Creates a mouse input listener (for example, a handler).
createNecessaryFontObjects(Hashtable) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.pdf.JCPDFPrinter
Given a List of font names, created the necessary font entry objects and store them in the master font list.
createNewRow() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseDataTable
Creates a new row, called by addRow().
createNewRow() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans.JCData
Creates a new (blank) row that can be used as an argument to one of the addRow() methods.
createNewRow() - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataTableAbstractionLayer
Creates a new row, called by addRow().
createNewRow() - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataTableModel
Creates a new (blank) row that can be used as an argument to one of the addRow() methods.
createNewRow() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.jdbc.DataTable
Creates a new row, called by addRow().
createNewRow() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.SummaryDataTable
Creates a new (blank) row that can be used as an argument to one of the addRow() methods.
createNodeFormat(HiGrid) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.RowFormat
Creates the node column.
createObjects(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.JCChart3dJava2d
Creates the objects needed for this Chart3d object.
createObjects(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.JCChart3dJava3d
Creates the objects needed for this Chart3d object.
createOutput(OutputStream) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.encode.page.AbstractVectorEncoder
createOutput(OutputStream) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.encode.page.EPSEncoder
createOutput(OutputStream) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.encode.page.PCLEncoder
createOutput(OutputStream) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.encode.page.PDFEncoder
createOutput(OutputStream) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.encode.page.PSEncoder
createPage() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.PrintPreview
Creates an image of the page to preview.
createPage(Dimension) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.page.awt.JCAWTPreviewer
Creates an image of the page to preview.
createParallelProjection(BufferedImage, JCProjection) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCPlotCube
Creates a parallel projection of the chart (without the annotation) and stores it in a passed in image, filling the entire image with the projection.
createParallelProjection(BufferedImage, JCProjection, Color) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCPlotCube
Creates a parallel projection of the chart (without the annotation) and stores it in a passed in image, filling the entire image with the projection.
createParallelProjection(BufferedImage, JCProjection, int, int, int, int, Color) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCPlotCube
Creates a parallel projection of the chart (without the annotation) and stores it in a passed in image, at a given position, and with a given width and height within the image.
createPopupComponent() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.AbstractValidator
Returns the popup component.
createPopupComponent() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCDateTimeValidator
Returns the popup component for this validator.
createPopupComponent() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCDateValidator
Returns the popup component for this validator.
createPopupComponent() - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCValidator
Returns the PopupFieldEditor.
createPopupMenu() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.db.DataTable
Creates data binding specific portion of the popup menu.
createPopupMenu() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
Creates a new popup menu.
createPosition(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.field.Field.TextFieldContent
Creates a position within the content that will track change as the content is mutated.
createPrintTimeTree(FormatTree, int[]) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.RowTree
Creates the print time row tree.
createProgressListener() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCProgressHelper
Returns a listener that uses this JCProgressHelper that is suitable for attaching to any Bean that implements an addProgressListener(JCProgressListener) method.
createProjections() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.JCPlotCubeJava3d
Creates projections of the chart on to the floor and ceiling of the plotcube.
createQueryGraphics() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChart
Create a copy of the current graphics object that will be used for querying only.
createRenderer(Class) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.cell.EditorRendererRegistry.ClassCells
createRequiredCellAreas() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.CellAreaHandler
Ensures that all required Areas exist.
createRowNode(FormatNode, RowFormat, DataTableModel, long) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.RowTree
Helper method to create a row node.
createRuntimeChildren(RowNode) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.RowTree
A helper routine that is called by createRuntimeChildren.
createRuntimeChildren(RowNode, DataTableModel) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.RowTree
Add a row node for a given data table model to the specified row node parent.
createRuntimeChildren(RowNode, FormatNode, DataTableModel, boolean, RowNode) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.RowTree
A helper routine that is called by createRuntimeTree.
createRuntimeTree(FormatTree) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.RowTree
Creates the runtime RowTree.
createSceneGraph(Canvas3D) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.JC3DUniverse
Creates the Java3D scene graph.
createShadedDataModel(Chart3dGridDataModel, Chart3dGridDataModel, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.data.JCData3dUtil
Constructs an array of z values for the specified Chart3dGridDataModel source where each z value is a measurement of light on the closed range [0,1].
createShadedDataModel(Chart3dGridDataModel, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.data.JCData3dUtil
Constructs an array of z values for the specified Chart3dGridDataModel source where each z value is a measurement of light on the closed range [0,1].
createSmoothedDataModel(Chart3dGridDataModel, Chart3dGridDataModel, double) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.data.JCData3dUtil
Constructs a data model with a data surface with the same x and y grid values of source, but with "smoothed" z values.
createSmoothedDataModel(Chart3dGridDataModel, double) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.data.JCData3dUtil
Constructs a data model with a data surface with the same x and y grid values of source, but with "smoothed" z values.
createSortableTableColumn(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCTreeTable
Creates the TableColumn needed.
createSortableTableColumn(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCSortableTable
This method creates a TableColumn for use in JCSorttableTable.
createSummaryDataTable(HiGrid, DataTableModel, FormatNode) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGridData
Create the summary data table for the given data table model.
createSummaryMetaData(int, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGridData
Create a new summary meta data object.
createSummaryMetaTree() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGridData
Create the summary meta trees with the same hierarchy as the meta tree for the record type.
createSummaryMetaTree(DataSourceTreeModel, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGridData
Create a summary meta tree with the same hierarchy as the meta tree for the record type.
createSummaryMetaTreeFromNode(DataSourceTreeModel, MetaDataModel, MetaDataModel, int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGridData
Recursive helper routine to create the summary meta tree.
createTable(DataModelListener, long, TreeNode) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseDataTable
Creates and returns the DataTable which corresponds to the specifed row of this parent for the indicated child MetaData object.
createTable(DataModelListener, long, TreeNode) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.beans.JCData
createTable(DataModelListener, long, TreeNode) - Method in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataTableModel
Creates and returns the DataTable which corresponds to the specifed row of this parent for the indicated child MetaData object.
createTable(DataModelListener, long, TreeNode) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.SummaryDataTable
Create and return the DataTable which corresponds to the specifed row of this parent for the indicated child MetaData object.
createTable(JCDocument, JCTable, boolean) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTableFromJCTable
Creates a JCPageTable from a JClass JCTable.
createTable(JCDocument, JTable, boolean) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTableFromJTable
Creates a JCPageTable from a swing JTable.
createTable(JCDocument, ResultSet) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTableFromJDBC
Creates a JCPageTable from a JDBC ResultSet and populates it with the data from that result set.
createTable(JCDocument, ResultSet, boolean) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTableFromJDBC
Creates a JCPageTable from a JDBC ResultSet.
createTable(JCDocument, TableDataModel, boolean) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTableFromJCTable
Creates a JCPageTable from a JClass TableDataModel.
createTable(JCDocument, TableDataModel, JCTable, boolean) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTableFromJCTable
Creates a JCPageTable from a JClass JCTable.
createTable(JCDocument, TableModel, boolean) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTableFromJTable
Creates a JCPageTable from a swing TableModel.
createTable(JCDocument, TableModel, JTable, boolean) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCPageTableFromJTable
Creates a JCPageTable from either a swing TableModel or a swing JTable.
createTableHeaderMouseListener() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCTreeTable
Adds a MouseListener to the table header.
createTableHeaderMouseListener() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCSortableTable
Creates a new table header mouse listener.
createTemplatePage(JCUnit.Dimension) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.encode.page.AbstractVectorEncoder
createTexture(BufferedImage, boolean, int, int, Color) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.JCTexture2D
Constructs a JCTexture2D object from the specified image which must be non-null.
createTexture(String, boolean, int, int, Color) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.JCTexture2D
Constructs a JCTexture2D object from an image file specified by filename.
createTexture(String, Color) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.JCTexture2D
Constructs a JCTexture2D object from an image file specified by filename.
createTimeComponent(int, Calendar) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.DateTimeEditor
Create the time component based on the passed in type.
createTimeContainer(Calendar) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.calendar.DateTimeEditor
Create the time component and the the container which holds it.
createToolTip() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChart
Override this method to add a dwell label to the tool tip.
createToolTip() - Method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.GridArea
Retrieves the HiGridTip.
createUI(JComponent) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChartUI
createUI(JComponent) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3dUI
createUI(JComponent) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.HiGridUI
Returns a HiGridUI instance.
createUI(JComponent) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTableUI
Returns a JCTableUI instance.
createValidator(Class) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.field.DataPropertiesRegistry
Creates an instance of the default validator for the given data_type.
createValueModel(Class) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.field.DataPropertiesRegistry
Creates a value mode based on the class passed in.
createVariable(Object, String) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.ExpressionVariable
Create a variable Expression given a context and name
createVector() - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.table.data.AbstractVectorDataSource
Default constructor, constructs a vector with initial capacity of 1 and a growth capacityIncrement of 10.
createVector(int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.table.data.AbstractVectorDataSource
Constructs a vector with the specified initial size and a capacityIncrement of 10
createVector(int, int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.table.data.AbstractVectorDataSource
Constructs an empty vector with the specified initial capacity and capacity increment.
createVector(Object[]) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.table.data.AbstractVectorDataSource
Creates a JCVector using an array of objects.
createVector(String[]) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.LiveTable
createVector(String[][]) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.table.beans.LiveTable
createVector(Vector) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.table.data.AbstractVectorDataSource
Creates a new Vector instance from a Vector.
createVerticalBox() - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCBox
createVerticalBrace(int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCBrace
Creates a vertical JCBrace with the specified width.
createVerticalSpring() - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCSpring
Creates a spring that is only vertically stretchable with an elasticity of 1.
createVerticalSpring(int) - Static method in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCSpring
Creates a spring that is only vertically stretchable with the specified elasticity.
creator - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.SortLabelCellRenderer
Cross - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.shape.Cross.
The Cross class is an extension of the BaseShape class that draws a cross for a point.
CROSS - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
CROSS - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCSymbolStyle
CROSS_HATCHED - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
CROSS_HATCHED - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCFillStyle
CROSS_HATCHED_PIXELS - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
CROSS_HATCHED_PIXELS - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCFillStyle
Cross() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.shape.Cross
Default constructor (required)
CSV - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.table.JCTableEnum
Comma-separated values in a table data souce.
ctor(InputStream) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.data.JCInputStreamDataSource
Parses the specified input stream and populates this data source.
ctor(Reader) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.data.JCDataInterpreter
Abstract method to be overridden by specific interpreter implementations.
ctor(Reader) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.data.JCDefaultDataInterpreter
Parses the specified input stream according to the default chart data format and populates the previously set data source.
ctor(Reader) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.data.JCInputStreamDataSource
Version of ctor() that takes a Reader.
ctor(Reader) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart.data.JCXMLDataInterpreter
Parses the specified input stream according to the XML chart data format and populates the previously set data source.
CTRL - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.beans.JCChart3dBeanBundle
ctrl_action - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.beans.TriggerWrapper
cube - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3dArea
Cube - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Cube.
Cube - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.shape3d.Cube.
CUBE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCSymbolStyle
CUBE_SCALE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Anno
Used to translate font measurements to "cube" space (absolute space)
Cube() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Cube
Null constructor
Cube() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.shape3d.Cube
Cube(JCChart3dArea) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Cube
cubeDrawString(Graphics, JCAxis, Matrix4d, String, Color, boolean) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Anno
Transforms and draws string on the cube.
CubeJava3d - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.CubeJava3d.
CubeJava3d() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.CubeJava3d
Null constructor
CubeJava3d(JCChart3dJava3d) - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.CubeJava3d
cubePoints - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Cube
cubeSpace(Matrix4d, Chart3dGridData, int, boolean) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.DrawGrid
Given a grid index, maps its value to absolute (or Cube) space.
cubeTextWidth(Graphics, JCAxis, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Anno
Finds the text width relative to the cube size.
currency_locale - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCNumberValidator
currencySymbols - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.JCNumberValidator
current - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.field.Field
current_bookmark_error - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
current_column - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
current_column - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTraverseCellEvent
current_column_width - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCResizeCellEvent
current_level - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.LocaleBundle
current_page - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCPrintPreview
current_page - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCPrintTable
current_row - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTable
current_row - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCTraverseCellEvent
current_row_height - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.JCResizeCellEvent
current_unit - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.progress.JCProgressEvent
currentAction - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.Controller
currentBookmark - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseMetaData
currentBookmark - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.TreeData
Previous row_identifier, used for cursor
currentButton - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.AbstractSpinBox
currentCell - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.Controller
currentCellEditor - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.Controller
currentColumn - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseDataTable
currentColumn - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCFlowInfo
The current column of a multi-column frame which is receiving input.
currentDataTable - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseMetaData
currentDataTable - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.TreeData
Previous data table, used for cursor
currentDrawStyle - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCFlow
The style applied to graphics being rendered.
currentDwellLabel - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCDefaultChartLabelManager
currentFrame - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCFlow
The active frame on the page currently receiving the contents of the flow.
currentLayoutLeft - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCSortableTable.SortableHeaderRenderer
currentLine - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.postscript.AFMParser
currentLine - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.EndOfFrameException
A list of render objects comprising the current (partially complete) line
currentLine - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCFlowInfo
The list of objects in the current (last) line which must be placed.
currentMenuBar - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCMDIPane
We track the current menu bar because we cannot rely on Swing to actually change it when requested; therefore, we cache the menu bar that we believe we are working with.
currentNode - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.TreeIterator
currentPage - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.PrintGrid12
currentPage - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.PrintPreview
currentPage - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.awt.JCAWTPrinter.PrinterThread
currentPage - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCFlow
The page currently receiving the contents of the flow.
currentPage - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.swing.JCWizardEvent
currentPageArea - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCFlowEvent
The frame or page in which the event has occurred.
currentPageFormat - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.higrid.PrintGrid12
currentPageNumber - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCFlow
User-controllable page numbering (not absolute number).
currentPageObjectNumber - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.pdf.JCPDFPrinter
The object reference number of the current Page object
currentPageSize - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.adobe.pdf.JCPDFPrinter
Track the size of the current page being printed
currentPageSize - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.pcl.JCPCLPrinter
Stores the size of the current page.
currentPos - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.field.validate.TextCursorEvent
currentPosition - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.formulae.TableExpressionListIterator
The current position in the list
currentRowChanged(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.DataBinding
Changes the current row in the component.
currentRowChanged(int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.util.FieldDataBinding
Changes the current row in the component.
currentSectionNumber - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCFlow
The number of the current section in the document.
currentStackPosition - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCHelpPane
currentTab - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCFlowInfo
The tab object which is controlling current text layout.
currentTextStyle - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.EndOfFrameException
The style that was last used to flow to the frame
currentTextStyle - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCFlow
The style applied to text being rendered.
currentTextStyle - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.page.JCFlowInfo
The style which has been most recently applied to this frame.
currentViewport - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.Transform
curRow - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.swing.JCIconCreator
currXform - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.actions.BaseAction
curSegment - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCContour
cursor - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.BaseDataTable
CURSOR_BEFORE_FIRST - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.datasource.DataTableModel
Table's private cursor is before the first row
cursor_move_failed - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
CUSTOM - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCLineStyle
CUSTOM - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCLineStyle
CUSTOM - Static variable in interface com.klg.jclass.table.JCTableEnum
Custom file format in a table data souce.
CUSTOM_ALL - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.legend.JCLegend
CUSTOM_FILL - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
CUSTOM_FILL - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCFillStyle
CUSTOM_PAINT - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
CUSTOM_PAINT - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCFillStyle
CUSTOM_STACK - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
CUSTOM_STACK - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCFillStyle
CUSTOM_SYMBOL - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.util.legend.JCLegend
CUSTOMIZE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.EventTrigger
CustomizeAction - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.actions.CustomizeAction.
Handler object for launching the customizer from within JClass Chart 3D.
CustomizeAction - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.actions.CustomizeAction.
Handler object for launching the customizer from within JClass Chart 3D.
CustomizeAction() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.actions.CustomizeAction
Default constructor.
CustomizeAction() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.actions.CustomizeAction
Default constructor.
customizer - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChart
customizer - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCChart3d
References the Customizer, if it exists.
customizer - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.datasource.LocaleBundle
customizerName - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCChart
customizerName - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j2d.JCChart3dJava2d
customizerName - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.j3d.JCChart3dJava3d
customPaint - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
customPaint - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCFillStyle
Custom fill paint property that has been set by the user.
customParser - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.table.data.JCInputStreamDataSource
customShape - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
cValue - Variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.PolygonChain
Contoured value (zone data).
cvtToTableValue(String) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.util.xml.JCTableXMLParser
Converts a String from the xml data into a table value.
CYCLE_CLOCKWISE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCContour
CYCLE_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCContour
cycleArray(Object[], int) - Method in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCContour
Cycles the array's lower most four elements by n.
Cylinder - class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.shape3d.Cylinder.
CYLINDER - Static variable in class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.JCSymbolStyle
Cylinder() - Constructor for class com.klg.jclass.chart3d.shape3d.Cylinder

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