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400 Chepil, W.S. Wind erosion control with shelterbelts in North China. Agron. J. 41:127-129; 1949.
402 Zingg, A.W. A study of the movement of surface wind. Agric. Engin. 30:11-13, 19; 1949.
403 Zingg, A.W. and W.S. Chepil. Aerodynamics of wind erosion. Agric. Engin. 31:279-282, 284; 1950.
410 Chepil, W.S. Properties of soil which influence wind erosion: I. The governing principle of surface roughness. Soil Sci. 69:149-162; 1950.
414 Chepil, W.S. Properties of soil which influence wind erosion: II. Dry aggregate structure as an index of erodibility. Soil Sci. 69:403-414; 1950.
417 Zingg, A.W. The intensity-frequency of Kansas winds. USDA, SCS-TP-88; April 1950.
420 Chepil, W.S. Methods of estimating apparent density of discrete soil grains and aggregates. Soil Sci. 70:351-362; 1950.
423 Chepil, W.S. Properties of soil which influence wind erosion: III. The effect of apparent density on erodibility. Soil Sci. 71:141-153; 1951.
424 Zingg, A.W. A portable wind tunnel and dust collector developed to evaluate the erodibility of field surfaces. Agron. J. 43:189-191; 1951.
425 Zingg, A.W. and N.P. Woodruff. Calibration of a portable wind tunnel for the simple determination of roughness and drag on field surfaces. Agron. J. 43:191-193; 1951.
429 Chepil, W.S. An air elutriator for determining the dry aggregate soil structure in relation to erodibility by wind. Soil Sci. 71:197-207; 1951.
431 Zingg, A.W. Evaluation of the erodibility of field surfaces with a portable wind tunnel. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 15:11-17; 1951.
435 Chepil, W.S. Properties of soil which influence wind erosion: IV. State of dry aggregate structure. Soil Sci. 72:387-401; 1951.
443 Chepil, W.S. Properties of soil which influence wind erosion: V. Mechanical stability of structure. Soil Sci. 72:465-478; 1951.
444 Chepil, W.S. and C.L. Englehorn. Report on causes and effects of wind erosion in east-central Kansas in March 1950. Mimeographed distribution; April 2, 1951.
445 Zingg, A.W. Some characteristics of aeolian sand movement by saltation process. Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 13, Quai Anatole France, Paris, (7e), pp. 197-208; 1953.
446 Zingg, A.W., N.P. Woodruff, and C.L. Englehorn. Effect of wind-row orientation on erodibility of land in sorghum stubble. Agron. J. 44:227-230; 1952.
448 Englehorn, C.L., A.W. Zingg, and N.P. Woodruff. The effects of plant residue cover and clod structure on soil loses by wind. Soil Sci. Proc. 16:29-33; 1952.
449 Chepil, W.S., C.L. Englehorn, and A.W. Zingg. The effects of cultivation on erodibility of soils by wind. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 16:19-21; 1952.
450 Zingg, A.W., W.S. Chepil, and N.P. Woodruff. Sediment transportation mechanics: Wind erosion and transportation. In: Sedimentation Engineering, ASCE M & R No. 54, Chapt. II, pp. 230-245, New York, New York; 1975.
451 Chepil, W.S., A.W. Zingg, and N.P. Woodruff. Sediment measurement techniques: E. Airborne sediment. In: Sedimentation Engineering, ASCE M & R No. 54, Chapt III, pp. 389-401, New York, New York; 1975.
452 Chepil, W.S. Improved rotary sieve for measuring state and stability of dry soil structure. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 16:113-117; 1952.
457 Woodruff, N.P. and A.W. Zingg. Wind-tunnel studies of fundamental problems related to windbreaks. USDA, SCS-TP-112; August 1952.
462 Chepil, W.S. Factors that influence clod structure and erodibility of soil by wind: I. Soil texture. Soil Sci. 75:473-483; 1953.
470 Zingg, A.W. Wind-tunnel studies of the movement of sedimentary material. Proc. of the Fifth Hydraulics Conference Bul. 34, State University of Iowa Studies in Engienering, pp. 111-135; 1953.
472 Chepil, W.S. Field structure of cultivated soils with special reference to erodibility by wind. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 17:185-190; 1953.
473 Zingg, A.W. Discussion of paper entitled "The use of grass in the conservation program of New Zealand" by Douglas A. Campbell. Sixth Int'l. Grassland Congress, Sec. G., Soil and Water Conservation, Vol. II, pp. 1035-1037; August 1952: Penn State College, State College, PA.
474 Woodruff, N.P. and A.W. Zingg. Wind tunnel studies of shelterbelt models. J. Forestry 51:173-178; 1953.
475 Mazurak, A.P., A.W. Zingg, and W.S. Chepil. Effect of 39 years of cropping practices on wind erodibility and related properties of an irrigated Chestnut soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 17:181-185; 1953.
476 Chepil, W.S. Factors that influence clod structure and erodibility of soil by wind: II. Water-stable structure. Soil Sci. 76:389-399; 1953.
481 Zingg, A.W. Speculations on climate as a factor in the wind erosion problem of the Great Plains. Trans. Kans. Academy of Sci. 56-371-377; 1953.
484 Zingg, A.W., W.S. Chepil, and N.P. Woodruff. Analyses of wind erosion phenomena in Roosevelt and Curry Counties, New Mexico. Published by Region VI, USDA, SCS, Albuquerque, New Mexico, M 436; May 1953.
488 Zingg, A.W. The wind erosion problem in the Great Plains. Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 35:252-258; 1954.
490 Chepil, W.S. The effect of synthetic conditioners on some phases of soil structure and erodibility by wind. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 18:386-391; 1954.
492 Zingg, A.W. Material for Agricultural Engineering Handbook, Section 3: SOIL AND WATER, D. Erosion Control, 3. Erosion Control Practices, e. Wind erosion control; June 1953.
493 Chepil, W.S. Seasonal fluctuations in soil structure and erodibility of soil by wind. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 18:13-16; 1954.
494 Chepil, W.S. Factors that influence clod structure and erodibility of soil by wind: III. Calcium carbonate and decomposed organic matter. Soil Sci. 77:473-480; 1954.
495 Woodruff, N.P. and A.W. Zingg. A comparative analysis of wind tunnel and atmospheric air flow patterns about single and successive barriers. Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 36:203-208; 1955.
5-- Woodruff, N.P. Barriers reduce wind velocity, evaporation, and control snow drifting. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 10:151; 1955.
503 Chepil, W.S., N.P. Woodruff, and A.W. Zingg. Field study of wind erosion in Western Texas. USDA, SCS-TP-125; February 1955.
504 Chepil, W.S. and N.P. Woodruff. Estimations of wind erodibility of field surfaces. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 9:257-265, 285; 1954.
505 Chepil, W.S. Effects of asphalt on some phases of soil structure and erodibility by wind. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 19:125-128; 1955.
507 Woodruff, N.P. Shelterbelt and surface barrier effects on wind velocities, evaporation, house heating, snow drifting. Kans. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 77, December, 1954.
516 Chepil, W.S. and N.P Woodruff. How to reduce dust storms. Kans. Agric. Expt. Stn. Cir. No. 318; March 1955.
517 Chepil, W.S. Factors that influence clod structure and erodibility of soil by wind: IV. Sand, silt, and clay. Soil Sci. 80:155-162; 1955.
519 Chepil, W.S. Influence of moisture on erodibility of soil by wind. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 20:288-292; 1956.
524 Woodruff, N.P. The spacing interval for supplemental shelterbelts. J. Forestry 54:115-122; 1956.
525 Chepil, W.S. Factors that influence clod structure and erodibility of soil by wind: V. Organic matter at various stages of decomposition. Soil Sci. 80:413-421; 1955.
537 Chepil, W.S. Permanent methods of wind erosion control. The Kansas Crop Improvement Association Certified Seed Directory, pp. 66-67; Spring 1956.
547 Chepil, W.S. Sedimentary characteristics of dust storms: I. Sorting of wind- eroded soil material. Am. J. Sci. 255:12-22; 1957.
548 Chepil, W.S. and N.P. Woodruff. Sedimentary characteristics of dust storms: II. Visibility and dust concentration. Am. J. Sci. 255:104-114; 1957.
549 Chepil, W.S. Sedimentary characteristics of dust storms: III. Composition of suspended dust. Am. J. Sci. 255:206-213; 1957.
552 Woodruff, N.P. and W.S. Chepil. Implements for wind erosion control. Agric. Engin. 37:751-754, 758; 1956.
553 Chepil, W.S. Erosion of soil by wind. USDA Yearbook of Agriculture, pp. 308-314; 1957.
554 Woodruff, N.P. Wind-blown soil abrasive injuries to winter wheat plants. Agron. J. 48:499-504; 1956.
573 Chepil, W.S. Dust bowl: Causes and effects. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 12:108-111; 1957.
576 Woodruff, N.P., W.S. Chepil, and R.D. Lynch. Emergency chiseling to control wind erosion. Kans. Agric. Expt. Stn. Tech. Bul. No. 90; July 1957.
582 Chepil, W.S. The use of evenly spaced hemispheres to evaluate aerodynamic forces on a soil surface. Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 39:397-404; 1958.
592 Chepil, W.S. Soil conditions that influence wind erosion. USDA Tech. Bul. No. 1185; June 1958.
597 Chepil, W.S. Width of field strips to control wind erosion. Kans. Agric. Expt. Sta. Tech. Bul. No. 92; December 1957.
6-- Lyles, L. and N.P. Woodruff. Moisture and tillage tools influence soil cloddiness. Crops and Soils 13(4):21; 1961.
6-- Chepil, W.S., N.P. Woodruff, F.H. Siddoway, and L. Lyles. Stabilization of soil surfaces for wind erosion control in relation to grass establishment. Dept. of the Navy, Bureau of Yards and Docks, Navdocks No. P-323. Washington, DC; June 1959.
6-- Chepil, W.S., N.P. Woodruff, F.H. Siddoway, and L. Lyles. Stabilization of soil surfaces against erosion by wind. Dept. of the Navy, Bureau of Yards and Docks, Navdocks Suppl. 1, P-323. Washington, DC; September 1960.
601 Hanks, R.J. and N.P. Woodruff. Influence of wind on water vapor transfer through soil, gravel, and straw mulches. Soil Sci. 86:160-164; 1958.
602 Chepil, W.S. and N.P. Woodruff. Estimations of wind erodibility of farm fields. USDA, ARS Prod. Res. Rpt. No. 25; March 1959.
606 Chepil, W.S. Agronomic trends and problems in the Great Plains: VII. Wind erosion problems. Advances in Agronomy 10:56-66; 1958.
609 Woodruff, N.P. and W.S. Chepil. Influence of one-way disk and subsurface-sweep tillage on factors affecting wind erosion. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 1:81-85; 1958.
614 Woodruff, N.P., R.A. Read, and W.S. Chepil. Influence of a field windbreak on summer wind movement and air temperature. Kans. Agric. Expt. Stn. Tech. Bul. No. 100; June 1959.
621 Chepil, W.S. Equilibrium of soil grains at the threshold of movement by wind. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 23:422-428; 1959.
624 Chepil, W.S. and F.H. Siddoway. Strain-gage anemometer for analyzing various characteristics of wind turbulence. J. of Meteor. 16(4):411-418; 1959.
625 Chepil, W.S. Stripcropping for wind erosion control. Soil Conserv. Magazine 24:153-156; February 1959.
630 Chepil, W.S. Wind erodibility of farm fields. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 14(5):214-219; 1959.
642 Chepil, W.S., N.P. Woodruff, and F.H. Siddoway. Soil erosion by wind and measures for its control on agricultural lands. Part of F.A.O. Agricultural Development Paper No. 71, Rome; 1960.
646 Lyles, L. and N.P. Woodruff. How moisture and tillage affect soil cloddiness for wind erosion control. Agric. Engin. 43(3):150-153; 1962.
649 Chepil, W.S. Conversion of relative field erodibility to annual soil loss by wind. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 24(2):143-145; 1960.
654 Chepil, W.S. How to determine required width of field strips to control wind erosion. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 15:72-75; 1960.
655 Lyles, L. and N.P. Woodruff. Moisture control techniques for experimental field plots. Agron. J. 52:298-299; 1960.
661 Hanks, R.J. and S.A. Bowers. Non-steady-state moisture, temperature, and soil air pressure approximation with an electric simulator. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 24(4):247-252; 1960.
670 Lyles, L. and N.P. Woodruff. Abrasive action of windblown soil on plant seedlings. Agron. J. 52:533-536; 1960.
671 Chepil, W.S., N.P. Woodruff, and F.H. Siddoway. How to control soil blowing. USDA Farmers' Bul. No. 2169; July 1961.
679 Hanks, R.J. Soil crusting and seedling emergence. Seventh Intern. Congress of Soil Sci. 1:340-346; 1960.
680 Lyles, L. and N.P. Woodruff. Surface soil cloddiness in relation to soil density at time of tillage. Soil Sci. 91:178-182; 1961.
694 Hanks, R.J., S.A. Bowers, and L.D. Bark. Influence of soil surface conditions on net radiation, soil temperature, and evaporation. Soil Sci. 91(4):233-238; 1961.
7-- Chepil, W.S., E. Burnett, and F.L. Duley. Management of sandy soils in the Central United States. USDA Farmers' Bul. No. 2195; November 1963.
700 Chepil, W.S., N.P. Woodruff, F.H. Siddoway, and L. Lyles. Anchoring vegetative mulches. Agric. Engin. 41(11):754-755, 759; 1960.
702 Chepil, W.S. The cycle of wind erosion. Proc. Seventh Intern. Congress of Soil Sci. 1:225-231; 1960.
703 Bowers, S.A. and R.J. Hanks. Effect of DDAC on evaporation and infiltration of soil moisture. Soil Sci. 92(5):340-346; 1961.
714 Chepil, W.S. A compact rotary sieve and the importance of dry sieving in physical soil analysis. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 26(1):4-6; 1962.
715 Chepil, W.S. The use of spheres to measure lift and drag on wind-eroded soil grains. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 25(5):343-345; 1961.
725 Woodruff, N.P., D.W. Fryrear, and L. Lyles. Engineering similitude and momentum transfer principles applied to shelterbelt studies. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 6(1):41-47; 1963.
729 Niles, J.S. A universal equation for measuring wind erosion. ARS Special Rpt. No. 22-69; June 1961.
731 Lyles, L. and N.P. Woodruff. Effects of moisture and soil packers on consolidation and cloddiness of soil. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 6(4):273-275; 1963.
746 Chepil, W.S., W.C. Moldenhauer, J.A. Hobbs, N.L. Nossaman, and H.M. Taylor. Deep plowing of sandy soil. USDA, ARS Prod. Res. Rpt. No. 64; December 1962.
752 Chepil, W.S., F.H. Siddoway, and D.V. Armbrust. Climatic factor for estimating wind erodibility of farm fields. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 17(4):162-165; 1962.
755 Kemper, W.D. and W.S. Chepil. Size distribution of aggregates. ASA Monograph, Series No. 9, Methods of Soil Analysis, Part I, pp. 499-510; 1965.
761 Chepil, W.S., N.P. Woodruff, F.H. Siddoway, D.W. Fryrear, and D.V. Armbrust. Vegetative and nonvegetative materials to control wind and water erosion. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 27(1):86-89; 1963.
763 Hanks, R.J. and S.A. Bowers. Numerical solution of the moisture flow equation for infiltration into layered soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 26(6):530-534; 1962.
764 Bowers, S.A. and R.J. Hanks. Specific heat capacity of soils and minerals as determined with a radiation calorimeter. Soil Sci. 94(6):392-396; 1962.
767 Bowers, S.A., R.J. Hanks, and F.C. Stickler. Distribution of net radiation within sorghum plots. Agron. J. 55:204-205; 1963.
772 Chepil, W.S. Stubble mulching to control erosion. Proc. of the Great Plains Council Workshop on Stubble Mulch Farming, Lincoln, Nebraska; February 1962.
773 Woodruff, N.P. The relative values and methods of measuring residues. Proc. of the Great Plains Council Workshop on Stubble Mulch Farming, Lincoln, Nebraska; February 1962.
789 Hanks, R.J. and S.A. Bowers. Influence of variations in the diffusivity-water content relation on infiltration. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 27(3):263-265; 1963.
793 Chepil, W.S., F.H. Siddoway, and D.V. Armbrust. Climatic index of wind erosion conditions in the Great Plains. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 27(4):449-452; 1963.
795 Chepil, W.S. and N.P. Woodruff. The physics of wind erosion and its control. Adv. in Agron. 15:211-302; 1963.
796 Woodruff, N.P., D.W. Fryrear, and L. Lyles. Reducing wind velocity with field shelterbelts. Kans. Agric. Expt. Stn. Tech. Bul. No. 131; November 1963.
8-- Fryrear, D.W. Annual crops as wind barriers. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 6(4):340-342, 352 6(4):340-342, 352; 1963.
8-- Woodruff, N.P. Wind erosion laboratory finds answers. Soil Conserv. 29(7):152-154; February 1964.
800 Stamey, W.L. and R.M. Smith. A conservation definition of erosion tolerance. Soil Sci. 97(3):183-186; 1964.
801 Chepil, W.S., N.P. Woodruff, F.H. Siddoway, and D.V. Armbrust. Mulches for wind and water erosion control. USDA, ARS 41-84; July 1963.
804 Chepil, W.S. Transport of soil and snow by wind. Am. Met. Soc., Chapt. 7, "Agricultural Meteorology," Meteorological Monographs 6(28):123-132; 1965.
809 Chepil, W.S. Function and significance of wind in sedimentology. Proc. of the Federal Inter-Agency Sedimentation Conf., USDA Misc. Pub. No. 970, pp. 89-94; 1963.
811 Chepil, W.S., F.H. Siddoway, and D.V. Armbrust. In the Great Plains prevailing wind erosion direction. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 19(2):67-70; 1964.
836 Chepil, W.S., F.H. Siddoway, and D.V. Armbrust. Wind erodibility of knolly terrain. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 19(5):179-181; 1964.
838 Armbrust, D.V., W.S. Chepil, and F.H. Siddoway. Effects of ridges on erosion of soil by wind. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 28(4):557-560; 1964.
845 Smith, R.M. and W.L. Stamey. How to establish erosion tolerances. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 19(3):110-111; 1964.
847 Woodruff, N.P., C.R. Fenster, W.S. Chepil, and F.H. Siddoway. Performance of tillage implements in a stubble mulch system: I. Residue conservation. Agron. J. 57:45-49; 1965.
848 Woodruff, N.P., C.R. Fenster, W.S. Chepil, and F.H. Siddoway. Performance of tillage implements in a stubble mulch system: II. Effects on soil cloddiness. Agron. J. 57:49-51; 1965.
849 Fenster, C.R., N.P. Woodruff, W.S. Chepil, and F.H. Siddoway. Performance of tillage implements in a stubble mulch system: III. Effects of tillage sequences on residues, soil cloddiness, weed control, and wheat yield. Agron. J. 57:52-55; 1965.
870 Bowers, S.A. and R.J. Hanks. Reflection of radiant energy from soils. Soil Sci. 100(2):130-138; 1965.
881 Siddoway, F.H., W.S. Chepil, and D.V. Armbrust. Effect of kind, amount, and placement of residue on wind erosion control. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 8(3):327-331; 1965.
897 Woodruff, N.P. and F.H. Siddoway. A wind erosion equation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 29(5):602-608; 1965.
899 Smith, R.M. and W.L. Stamey. Determining the range of tolerable erosion. Soil Sci. 100(6):414-424; 1965.
9-- Fryrear, D.W. Sudangrass and sorghum make best wind barriers. Crops and Soils p. 23; March 1964.
9-- Woodruff, N.P. Residue maintenance by various types of farm machines. Prepared for "Guide for Wind Erosion Control on Cropland in the Great Plains States." USDA, SCS, pp. 96-97; July 1964.
9-- Woodruff, N.P. Windbreaks and other wind barriers for wind erosion control. Prepared for "Guide for Wind Erosion Control on Cropland in the Great Plains States." USDA, SCS, pp. 99-101; July 1964.
9-- Mech, S.J. and N.P Woodruff. Wind erosion on irrigated lands. Agron. Monograph No. 11, Irrigation of Agricultural Lands, Am. Soc. Agron. pp. 976-973; 1967.
9-- Anonymous. Can we utilize dust? Agric. Res. 13(11):13; May 1965.
9-- Lyles, L. Effect of dryland leveling on soil moisture storage and grain sorghum yield. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 10(4):523-525; 1967.
901 Skidmore, E.L. Assessing wind erosion forces: Directions and relative magnitudes. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 29(5):587-590; 1965.
903 Smith, R.M. and P.C. Twiss. Extensive gaging of dust deposition rates. Trans. Kans. Acad. of Sci. 68(2):311-321; 1965.
939 Skidmore, E.L. Wind and sandblast injury to seedling green beans. Agron. J. 58:311-315; 1966.
940 Skidmore, E.L., N.L. Nossaman, and N.P. Woodruff. Wind erosion as influenced by row spacing, row direction, and grain sorghum population. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 30(4):505-509; 1966.
948 Woodruff, N.P. Wind erosion mechanics and control. Proc. First Pan American Congress of Soil Conservation, pp. 253-262, Sao Paulo, Brazil; April 1966.
959 Woodruff, N.P., C.R. Fenster, W.W. Harris, and M. Lundquist. Stubble-mulch tillage and planting in crop residue in the Great Plains. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 9(6):849-853; 1966.
960 Lyles, L. and J.D. Dickerson. General design criteria for impact tools to increase cloddiness potential and reduce wind erodibility of sandy loam soils. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 10(2):220-222; 1967.
970 Dickerson, J.D., N.P. Woodruff, and C.R. Fenster. Power requirements and cloddiness and residue conservation characteristics of some stubble-mulch tillage implements. Kans. Agr. Exp. Sta. Tech Bul. 152, June 1967.
984 Skidmore, E.L. and N.P. Woodruff. Wind erosion forces in the United States and their use in predicting soil loss. USDA, ARS, Agriculture Handbook No. 346, 42 pp.; April 1968.
995 Smith, R.M. and R. Yates. Renewal, erosion, and net change functions in soil conservation science. Trans. 9th Intern. Congress Soil Sci., Adelaide, Australia 4:743-753; 1968.
10-- Woodruff, N.P., B.L. Schmidt, E.L. Skidmore, J.D. Dickerson, R.L. Meeker, and L.M. Feusner. A study of wind erosion in northwestern Ohio. Mimeographed Report, 55 pp.; July 1968.
10-- Woodruff, N.P., J.D. Dickerson, E.L. Skidmore, C.R. Amerman, D. Curwen, A.E. Peterson, G. Waddell, and J. Tuschl. A study of wind erosion in central Wisconsin. Mimeographed Report, 51 pp.; August 1969.
10-- Skidmore,E.L., P.S. Fisher, and N.P. Woodruff. Computer equation aids wind erosion control. Crops and Soils 22(8):19-20; June-July 1970.
1004 Lyles, L., L.A. Disrud, and N.P. Woodruff. Effects of soil physical properties, rainfall characteristics, and wind velocity on clod disintegration by simulated rainfall. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 33(2):302-306; 1969.
1011 Woodruff, N.P. and L. Lyles. Tillage and land modification to control wind erosion. Tillage for Greater Crop Production Conference Proc., ASAE Publication PROC-168, pp. 63-67, 70; December 1967.
1015 Brown, M.J., R.K. Krauss, and R.M. Smith. Dust deposition and weather. Weatherwise. 21(2):66-69, 94, 1968.
1020 Woodruff, N.P. Advances in wind erosion control in the Great Plains. Conservation Tillage Workshop Proc., Lincoln, Nebraska, Great Plains Agric. Counc. Pub. No. 32, pp. 27-36; February 1968.
1031 Woodruff, N.P. and D.V. Armbrust. A monthly climatic factor for the wind erosion equation. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 23(3):103-104; May-June 1968.
1034 Krauss, R.K. and R.M. Smith. Variability in atmospheric dust sampling. Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 72(2):167-176; 1969.
1035 Twiss, P.C. Dust accumulation in the Great Plains. Conserv. Tillage Workshop Proc., Lincoln, Nebraska, Great Plains Agric. Counc. Pub. No. 32, pp. 137-137j; 1968.
1039 Twiss, P.C., E. Suess, and R.M. Smith. Morphological classification of grass phytoliths. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 33(1):109-115; 1969.
1044 Disrud, L.A., L. Lyles, and E.L. Skidmore. How wind affects the size and shape of raindrops. Agric. Engin. 50(10):617; 1969.
1051 Skidmore, E.L., H.S. Jacobs, and W.L. Powers. Potential evapotranspiration as influenced by wind. Agron. J. 61:543-546; 1969.
1054 Armbrust, D.V., J.D. Dickerson, and J.K. Greig. Effect of soil moisture on the recovery of sandblasted tomato seedlings. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 94(3):214-217; 1969.
1064 Adriano, D.C., D.V. Armbrust, and L.S. Murphy. Foliar absorption of urea by sandblasted wheat seedlings. Agron. J. 61:575-576; 1969.
1076 Smith, R.M., P.C. Twiss, R.K. Krauss, and M.J. Brown. Dust deposition in relation to site, season, and climatic variables. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 34(1):112-117; 1970.
1077 Lyles, L., D.V. Armbrust, J.D. Dickerson, and N.P. Woodruff. Spray-on adhesives for temporary wind erosion control. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 24(5):190-193; 1969.
1081 Lyles, L., J.D. Dickerson, and L.A. Disrud. Modified rotary sieve for improved accuracy. Soil Sci. 109(3):207-210; 1970.
1089 Woodruff, N.P. Control of airborne pollutants. Proc. of seminar "Modifying the Soil and Water Environment for Approaching the Agricultural Potential of the Great Plains," Great Plains Agric. Counc. Pub. No. 34, Vol. 1, pp. 129-146; March 1969.
1090 Dickerson, J.D. and N.P. Woodruff. Trees, shrubs, and annual crops for wind barriers in central and western Kansas--an interim report of growth, survival, and shelter effect. Kans. Agric. Expt. Stn. Tech. Bul. No. 153, 30 pp.; December 1969.
1093 Skidmore, E.L. Modifying the microclimate with wind barriers. Proc. of seminar "Modifying the Soil and Water Environment for Approaching the Agricultural Potential of the Great Plains," Great Plains Agric. Counc. Pub. No. 34, Vol. 1, pp. 107-120; March 1969.
1095 Hagen, L.J. and E.L. Skidmore. Windbreak drag as influenced by porosity. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 14(3):464-465; 1971.
1097 Skidmore, E.L. and L.J. Hagen. Evaporation in sheltered areas as influenced by windbreak porosity. Agric. Meteorol. 7:363-374; 1970.
11-- Skidmore, E.L., H.S. Jacobs, L.J. Hagen, and W.L. Powers. Micrometeorological investigation of the energy budget: Effect of summer winds. Kans. Water Resources Res. Insti. Mimeo. Project Completion Rpt., 61 pp.; 1970.
11-- Woodruff, N.P. Closure "Sediment measurement techniques: E. Airborne sediment". J. Hydraulics Div., Proc. of ASCE, Vol. 97, No. HY1, Proc. Paper 7783, pp. 173-174; January 1971.
1115 Disrud, L.A. and R.K. Krauss. Examining the process of soil detachment from clods exposed to wind-driven simulated rainfall. Tras. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 14(1):90-92; 1971.
1116 Lyles, L., L.A. Disrud, and R.K. Krauss. Turbulence intensity as influenced by surface roughness and mean velocity in a wind tunnel boundary layer. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 14(2):285-289; 1971.
1124 Hagen, L.J. and E.L. Skidmore. Turbulent velocity fluctuations and vertical flow as affected by windbreak porosity. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 14(4):634-637; 1971.
1125 Disrud, L.A. Magnitude, probability, and effect on kinetic energy of winds associated with rains of Kansas. Trans. Kans. Acad. sci. 73(2):237-246, 1970.
1130 Skidmore, E.L., P.S. Fisher, and N.P. Woodruff. Wind erosion equation: Computer solution and application. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 34(5):931-935; 1970.
1134 Woodruff, N.P., L. Lyles, F.H. Siddoway, and D.W. Fryrear. How to control wind erosion. USDA, ARS Agric. Inf. Bul. No. 354, 22 pp.; June 1972.
1137 Skidmore, E.L. Approach to regional research on evapotranspiration in the Great Plains. Proc. of the Great Plains Evapotranspiration Seminar, Bushland, Texas, Great Plains Agric. Counc. Pub. No. 50, pp. 395-398; 1970.
1139 Fisher, P.S. and E.L. Skidmore. WEROS: A Fortran IV program to solve the wind erosion equation. USDA, ARS 41-174, 13 pp.; October 1970.
1140 Armbrust, D.V. and J.D. Dickerson. Temporary wind erosion control: Cost and effectiveness of 34 commercial materials. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 26(4):154-157; 1971.
1143 Skidmore, E.L. and L.J. Hagen. Evapotranspiration and the aerial environment as influenced by windbreaks. Proc. Great Plains Evapotranspiration Seminar, Bushland, Texas, Great Plains Agric. Counc. Pub. No. 50, pp. 339-368; 1970.
1159 Lyles, L. and R.K. Krauss. Threshold velocities and initial particle motion as influenced by air turbulence. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 14(3):563-566; 1971.
1160 Skidmore, E.L. and L.J. Hagen. Potential evaporation as influenced by barrier-induced microclimate. Ecological Studies. 4:237-244, 1973, Springer-Verlag, New York.
1182 Skidmore, E.L., H.S. Jacobs, and L.J. Hagen. Microclimate modification by slat-fence windbreaks. Agron. J. 64(2):160-162; 1972.
1186 Lyles, L. and N.P. Woodruff. Boundary-layer flow structure: Effects on detachment of noncohesive particles. Chapt. 2, pp. 1-16, Sedimentation (Einstein) by H.W. Shen; Fall 1971.
1194 Armbrust, D.V. Recovery and nutrient content of sandblasted soybean seedlings. Agron. J. 64:707-708; 1972.
12-- Greb, B.W., D.E. Smika, N.P. Woodruff, and C.J. Whitfield. Summer fallow in the Central Great Plains. USDA, ARS, Conserv. Research Rpt. No. 17, Chapt. 4, pp. 51-85; April 1974.
1210 Lyles, L. and R.L. Schrandt. Wind erodibility as influenced by rainfall and soil salinity. Soil Sci. 114(5):367-372; 1972.
1212 Armbrust, D.V. and G.M. Paulsen. Effect of wind and sandblast injury on nitrate accumulation and on nitrate reductase activity in soybean seedlings. Comm. in Soil Sci. and Plant Analys. 4(3):197-204; 1973.
1250 Woodruff, N.P. Wind erosion as affected by reduced tillage systems. Proc. No-Tillage Sys. Sympos., Columbus, Ohio, pp. 5-20; February 1972.
1257 Hagen, L.J. and N.P. Woodruff. Air pollution from dust storms in the Great Plains. Atmos. Environ. 7:323-332, 1973.
1260 Hagen, L.J., E.L. Skidmore, and J.D. Dickerson. Designing narrow strip barrier systems to control wind erosion. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 27(6):269-272; 1972.
1286 Claflin, L.E., D.L. Stuteville and D.V. Armbrust. Windblown soil in the epidemiology of bacterial leaf spot of alfalfa and common blight of beans. Phytopathology. 63(11):1417-1419, 1973.
1289 Woodruff, N.P. and L.J. Hagen. Dust in the Great Plains. Great Plains Agric. Counc. Pub. No. 60, pp. 241-258; July 1972.
1318 Skidmore, E.L., L.J. Hagen, D.G. Naylor, and I.D. Teare. Winter wheat response to barrier-induced microclimate. Agron J. 66:501-505; 1974.
1319 Lyles, L., R.L. Schrandt, and N.F. Schmeidler. How aerodynamic roughness elements control sand movement. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 17(1):134-139; 1974.
1329 Hagen, L.J. and N.P. Woodruff. Particulate loads caused by wind erosion in the Great Plains. APCA J. 25(8):860-861; 1975.
1332 Woodruff, N.P. and F.H. Siddoway. Wind erosion control. Proc. Nat'l. Conserv. Tillage Conf., Des Moines, Iowa, pp. 156-162; March 1973.
1341 Lyles, L., N.F. Schmeidler, and N.P. Woodruff. Stubble requirements in field strips to trap windblown soil. Kansas Agriculture Experimental Station Research Publication, 164, 22 pp. June, 1973.
1351 Hagen, L.J. and E.L. Skidmore. Reducing turbulent transfer to increase water-use efficiency. Agric. Meteorol. 14:153-168; 1974.
1368 Armbrust, D.V., G.M. Paulsen, and R. Ellis, Jr. Physiological responses to wind- and sandblast-damaged winter wheat plants. Agron. J. 66:421-423; 1974.
1377 Woodruff, N.P., L. Lyles, J.D. Dickerson, and D.V. Armbrust. Using cattle feedlot manure to control wind erosion. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 29(3):127-129; 1974.
1382 Greig, J.K., N. Bokhari, D.V. Armbrust, and L.C. Anderson. Residual effects of wind- and sandblast-damage on tomato plants at different stages of development. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 99(6):530-534; 1974.
1383 Armbrust, D.V. and L. Lyles. Soil stabilizers to control wind erosion. SSSA Special Pub. No. 7, Soil Conditioners, pp. 77-82; 1975.
1386 Lyles, L., J.D. Dickerson, and N.F. Schmeidler. Soil detachment from clods by rainfall: Effects of wind, mulch cover, and initial soil moisture. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 17(4):697-700; 1974.
1398 Lyles, L., R.L. Schrandt, and N.F. Schmeidler. Commercial soil stabilizers for temporary wind-erosion control. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 17(6):1015-1019; 1974.
1400 Eversmeyer, M.G. and E.L. Skidmore. Wheat leaf and stem rust development near a wind barrier. Plant Disease Reporter 58(5):459-463; 1974.
1402 Dickerson, J.D. and N.P. Woodruff. Establishing windbreaks in semiarid areas by altering the microclimate or supplying additional water. Proc. Water Harvesting Symp., Phoenix, Arizona, pp. 302-309; March 1974.
1408 Skidmore, E.L., J.D. Dickerson, and F. Schimmelpfennig. Evaluating surface-soil water content by measuring reflectance. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 39(2):238-242; 1975.
1421 Lyles, L. and B.E. Allison. Wind erosion: Uniformly spacing nonerodible elements eliminates effects of wind-direction variability. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 30(5):225-226; 1975.
1443 Skidmore, E.L., L.J. Hagen, and I.D. Teare. Wind barriers most beneficial at intermediate stress. Crop Sci. 15:443-445; 1975.
1448 Hagen, L.J., L. Lyles, and J.D. Dickerson. Soil detachment from clods by simulated rain and hail. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 18(3):540-543; 1975.
1452 Skidmore, E.L. A wind erosion equation: Development, application, and limitations. In: ERDA Symp. Series 38, Atmosphere-Surface Exchange of Particulate and Gaseous Pollutants (1974), pp. 452-465; 1976.
1454 Disrud, L.A. and L.T. Fan. A stochastic model for momentum transfer in wind erosion -- a surface renewal concept. In: ERDA Symp. Series No. 38, Atmosphere-Surface Exchange of Particulate and Gaseous Pollutants (1974), pp. 528-539; 1976.
1457 Manam, R., I.D. Teare, W.L. Powers, and E.L. Skidmore. Nitrate reductase activity of soybeans in relation to other indicators of water stress. Phyton 35(2):189-194, XI; 1977.
1461 Skidmore, E.L., W.A. Carstenson, and E.E. Banbury. Soil changes resulting from cropping. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 39(5):964-967; 1975.
1466 Lyles, L. Possible effects of wind erosion on soil productivity. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 30(6):279-283; 1975.
1496 Lyles, L. and B.E. Allison. Wind erosion: The protective role of simulated standing stubble. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 19(1):61-64; 1976.
1507 Dickerson, J.D., N.P. Woodruff, and E.E. Banbury. Techniques for improving tree survival and growth in semiarid areas. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 31(2):63-66; 1976.
1508 Fryrear, D.W., D.V. Armbrust, and J.D. Downes. Plant response to wind-erosion damage. Proc. 30th Annual Meeting of Soil Conserv. Soc. Am., San Antonio, Texas, pp. 144-146; August 1975.
1510 Skidmore, E.L. and L.J. Hagen. Sheltering of 3-dwarf by taller 2-dwarf grain sorghum. [phi][upsilon]ton 36(1):7-14; 1978.
1523 Woodruff, N.P. Wind erosion research--past, present, and future. Proc. 30th Annual Mtg. Soil Conserv. Soc. Am., San Antonio, Texas, pp. 147-152; August 1975.
1528 Woodruff, N.P., J.D. Dickerson, E.E. Banbury, A.B. Erhart, and M.C. Lundquist. Selected trees and shrubs evaluated for single-row windbreaks in the Central Plains. USDA, ARS-NC-37, 15 pp.; February 1976.
1545 Armbrust, D.V. Chemical tests to evaluate plant sandblast damage. Agron. J. 69:523-525; 1977.
1550 Skidmore, E.L. Surface-soil water content. In: Encyclopedia of Earth Science Series' Rhoades W. Fairbridge and Charles W. Finkl, Jr. (eds.), Vol. XII, Soil Science - Part 1, pp. 544-551; 1979.
1558-B Skidmore, E.L. Wind erosion. In: Encyclopedia of Earth Science Series, Rhoades W. Fairbridge and Charles W. Finkl, Jr. (eds.), Vol. XII, Soil Science - Part 1, pp. 608-615; 1979.
1562-J Fan, L.T. and L.A. Disrud. Transient wind erosion -- a study of the nonstationary effect on rate of wind erosion. Soil Sci. 124(1):61-65; 1977.
1564-A Lyles, L. Wind patterns and soil erosion on the Great Plains. In: Proc. Symp. "Shelterbelts on the Great Plains," Great Plains Agric. Counc. Pub. No. 78, pp. 22-30; 1976.
1569-A Skidmore, E.L. Barrier-induced microclimate and its influence on growth and yield of winter wheat. In: Proc. Sympo. "Shelterbelts on the Great Plains," Great Plains Agric. Counc. Pub. No. 78, pp. 57-63; 1976.
1574-A Lyles, L. Wind erosion: Processes and effect on soil productivity. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 20(5):880-884; 1977.
1576-A Lyles, L. Soil detachment and aggregate disintegration by wind-driven rain. In: Soil Erosion: Prediction and Control, SCSA Special Pub. No. 21, pp. 152-159; 1976.
1577-A Hagen, L.J. Windbreak design for optimum wind erosion control. In: Proc. Symp. "Shelterbelts on the Great Plains," Great Plains Agric. Counc. Pub. No. 78, pp. 31-36; 1976.
1590-A Lyles, L. and L.P. Swanson. Advances in wind and water erosion control. Proc. Conserv. Tillage Workshop, Great Plains Agric. Counc. Pub. No. 77, pp. 13-32, Fort Collins, Colorado; August 1976.
1599-A Skidmore, E.L. and L.J. Hagen. Reducing wind erosion with barriers. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 20(5):911-915; 1977.
16-- Fryrear, D.W. and L. Lyles. Wind erosion research accomplishments and needs. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 20(5):916-918; 1977.
1600-A Armbrust, D.V. A review of mulches to control wind erosion. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 20(5):904-905, 910; 1977.
1601-A Hagen, L.J. and E.L. Skidmore. Wind erosion and visibility problems. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 20(5):898-903; 1977.
1606-A Skidmore, E.L. and F.H. Siddoway. Crop residue requirements to control wind erosion. In Crop Residue Management Systems, ASA Special Pub. No. 31, Chapt. 2, pp. 17-33; 1978.
1647-A Skidmore, E.L. Criteria for assessing wind erosion. In: FAO Soils Bul. No. 34, Assessing Soil Degradation, pp. 52-62; 1977.
1661-J Precheur, R., J.K. Greig, and D.V. Armbrust. The effects of wind and wind-plus-sand on tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum L.). J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 103(3):351-355, 1978.
1669-A Skidmore, E.L. Tillage research needed to reduce wind erosion. In: Research Progress and Needs: Conservation Tillage, ARS-NC-57, pp. 52-57; 1977.
78-- Voorhees, W.B., R.A. Young, and L. Lyles. Wheel traffic considerations in erosion research. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 22(4):786-790; 1979.
78-- Lindstrom, M.J., E.L. Skidmore, S.C. Gupta, and C.A. Onstad. Soil conservation limitations on removal of crop residues for energy production. J. Environ. Quality 8(4):533-537; 1979.
78-128-J Lyles, L. and B.E. Allison. Wind profile parameters and turbulence intensity over several roughness element geometries. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 22(2):334-338, 343; 1979.
78-232-J Armbrust, D.V. Wind- and sandblast-damage to tobacco plants at various growth stages. Tobacco Sci. XXIII:117-119 and Tobacco Int'l. 181(20):63-65; 1979.
78-362-A Hagen, L.J., L. Lyles, and E.L. Skidmore. Application of wind energy to Great Plains irrigation pumping. USDA, SEA, AAT-NC-4, 20 pp., January 1980 and DOE/SEA-3707-20741/80/1, October 1979.
78-366-J Skidmore, E.L., M. Kumar, and W.E. Larson. Crop residue management for wind erosion control in the Great Plains. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 34(2):90-96; 1979.
79-61-J Lyles, L. and B.E. Allison. Range grasses and their small grain equivalents for wind erosion control. J. Range Mgmt. 33(2):143-146; 1980.
79-146-J Armbrust, D.V. Tests to determine wheat-straw decomposition. Agron. J. 72:399-401 March-April, 1980.
79-230-A Lyles, L., L.J. Hagen, and E.L. Skidmore. Soil conservation: Principles of erosion by wind. In Dryland Agriculture -- Agronomy Monograph No. 23, Chapt. 12, pp. 177-188; 1983.
79-249-J Hagen, L.J. and M. Sharif. Wind-powered irrigation tailwater system: Sizing the wind turbine and storage pit. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 24(1):103-106, 112; 1981.
79-296-J Skidmore, E.L. Soil loss tolerance. In B.L. Schmidt (ed.), Determinants of Soil Loss Tolerance ASA Special Pub. No. 45, pp. 87-93; 1982.
79-327-A Hagen, L.J. and M. Sharif. Design and field testing of a variable-speed VAWT system for low-lift irrigation pumping. In: USDA Wind Workshop Proc. "Wind Energy Applications in Agric." Ames, Iowa, pp. 87-104; May 1979.
79-328-A Hagen, L.J., L. Lyles, E.L. Skidmore, and M. Sharif. Evaluation of methods for applying wind energy in Great Plains irrigation. In: USDA Wind Workshop Proc. "Wind Energy Applications in Agric." Ames, Iowa, pp. 42-66; May 1979.
79-345-D Hagen, L.J. and M. Sharif. Darrieus wind turbine and pump performance for low-lift irrigation pumping. DOE/ARS Rpt. No. DOE/ARS-3707-20741/81/1; October 1981.
80-159-J Bondy, E., L. Lyles, and W.A. Hayes. Computing soil erosion by periods using wind energy distribution. J. Soil Water Conserv. 35(4):173-176; 1980.
80-185-R Skidmore, E.L. Soil and water management and conservation: Wind erosion. In: Victor J. Kilmer (ed.) Handbook of Soils and Climate in Agric., CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 371-399; 1982.
80-193-J Lyles, L. and B.E. Allison. Equivalent wind-erosion protection from selected crop residues. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 24(2):405-408; 1981.
80-346-A Hagen, L.J., E.L. Skidmore, P.L. Miller, and J.E. Kipp. Simulation of effect of wind barriers on airflow. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 24(4):1002-1008; 1981.
80-440-J Armbrust, D.V. Physiological responses to wind and sandblast damage by grain sorghum plants. Agron. J. 74:133-135; 1982.
81-110-A Lyles, L. The U.S. wind erosion problem. ASAE Pub. 7-81, Proc. ASAE Conf. on Crop Production with Conservation in the 80's, pp. 16-24, Chicago, Illinois; December 1980.
81-381-J Armbrust, D.V., J.D. Dickerson, E.L. Skidmore, and O.G. Russ. Dry soil aggregation as influenced by crop and tillage. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 46(2): 390-393; 1982.
81-396-J Skidmore, E.L. and D.H. Powers. Dry soil-aggregate stability: Energy-based index. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 46:1274-1279; 1982.
81-449-J Powers, D.H. and E.L. Skidmore. Soil structure as influenced by simulated tillage. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 48(4):879-884; 1984.
82-36-A Skidmore, E.L. Soil erosion by wind: An overview. In: Farouk El-Baz (ed.) Physics of Desertification. Martinus Nijoff publishers, Doirdrecht/Boston/Lancaster, pp. 261-273; 1986.
82-101-J Skidmore, E.L. Wind-erosion direction factors as influenced by field shape and wind preponderance. Soil Sci. Soc. of Am. J. 51(1):198-202; 1987.
82-340-J Lyles, L. and J. Tatarko. Emergency tillage to control wind erosion: Influences on winter wheat yields. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 37(6):344-347; 1982.
82-386-J Boyd, D.W., E.L. Skidmore, and J.G. Thompson. A soil-aggregate crushing-energy meter. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 47(2):313-316; 1983.
82-393-J Lyles, L. Erosive wind energy distributions and climatic factors for the West. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 38(2):106-109; 1983.
82-507-J Skidmore, E.L. Wind erosion calculator: Revision of residue table. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 28(2):110-112; 1983.
82-663-J Cole, G.W., L. Lyles, and L.J. Hagen. A simulation model of daily wind erosion soil loss. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 26(6):1758-1765; 1983.
83-48-A Lyles, L., G.W. Cole, and L.J. Hagen. Wind erosion: Processes and prediction. In: Soil Erosion and Crop Productivity, R.F. Follett and B.A. Stewart (eds.), Chapt. 10, pp. 163-172, Madison, Wisconsin; September 1985.
83-148-J Lyles, L., J. Tatarko, and J.D. Dickerson. Windbreak effects on soil water and wheat yield. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 27(1):69-72; 1984.
83-176-J Cole, G.W. A method for determining field wind erosion rates from wind tunnel-derived functions. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 27(3):110-116; 1984.
83-187-J Hagen, L.J. Soil aggregate abrasion by impacting sand and soil particles. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 27(3):805-808, 816; 1984.
84-- Wauchope, R.D., L.L. McDowell, and L.J. Hagen. Environmental effects of limited tillage. In: Weed Control in Limited-Tillage Systems, WSSA Monograph, Chapt. 17, pp. 266-281, Champaign, Illinois; 1985.
84-- Larson, W.E., T.E. Fenton, E.L. Skidmore, and C.M. Benbrook. Effects of soil erosion on soil properties as related to crop productivity and classification. In: Soil Erosion and Crop Productivity, R.F. Follett and B.A. Stewart (eds.), Chapt. 12, pp. 189-211, Madison, Wisconsin; September 1985.
84-- Fryrear, D.W. and E.L. Skidmore. Methods for controlling wind erosion. In: Soil Erosion and Crop Productivity, R.F. Follett and B.A. Stewart (eds.), Chapt. 24, pp. 443-457, Madison, Wisconsin; September 1985.
84-186-A Cole, G.W. Wind erosion modeling. Proc. of the 1983 Natural Resources Modeling Symp., USDA, ARS, Pingree Park, Colorado, pp. 59-63; 1983.
84-207-B Cole, G.W. and L. Lyles. The wind erosion component of EPIC. Prepared for EPIC--Erosion/Productivity Impact Calculator, USDA, ARS Tech. Bul. No. 1768, pp. 139-151; 1984.
84-216-A Cole, G.W. Systematic prediction of wind erosion: Phase I. Proc. 1983 Natural Resources Modeling Symp., USDA, ARS, Pingree Park, Colorado, pp. 453-455; October 1983.
84-231-J Armbrust, D.V. Wind and sandblast injury to field crops: Effect of plant age. Agron. J. 76:991-993; November-December 1984.
84-238-J Cole, G.W. A stochastic formulation of soil erosion caused by wind. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 27(5):1405-1410; 1984.
84-453-A Lyles, L. Predicting and controlling wind erosion. Agricultural History. 59(2):205-214; 1985.
84-474-J Skidmore, E.L. Wind erosion climatic erosivity. Climatic Change 9(1-2):195-208; August-October 1986.
84-493-J Cole, G.W. Some wind erosion process measures. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 28(4):1108-1114, 1123; 1985.
85-99-J Skidmore, E.L., J.B. Layton, D.V. Armbrust, and M.L. Hooker. Soil physical properties as influenced by cropping and residue management. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 50(2):405-419; 1986.
85-139-A Hagen, L.J. and L. Lyles. Amount and nutrient content of particles produced by soil aggregate abrasion. Erosion and Soil Productivity, ASAE Pub. No. 8-85:117-129; 1985.
85-219-J Cole, G.W. and J.J. Higgins. A probability criterion for acceptable soil erosion. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 28(6):1921-1926, 1932; 1985.
85-263-J Armbrust, D.V. and L. Lyles. Equivalent wind erosion protection from selected growing crops. Agric. J. 77(5):703-707; 1985.
85-264-J Lyles, L. and J. Tatarko. Wind erosion effects on soil texture and organic matter. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 41(3):191-193; May-June 1986.
85-426-B Skidmore, E.L. Wind erosion. Soil Erosion Research Methods, Soil & Water Conserv. Soc., pp. 203-233; 1988.
85-439-J Armbrust, D.V. Effect of particulates (dust) on cotton growth, photosynthesis, and respiration. Agron. J. 78(6):1078-1081; 1986.
86-51-A Hagen, L.J. and D.V. Armbrust. Effects of field ridges on soil transport by wind. Proc. Int'l. Workshop on the Physics of Blown Sand, Univ. of Aarhus, Denmark 3(8):563-586; 1985.
86-305-J Skidmore, E.L. Wind erosion control. Climatic Change 9(1-2):209-218; August-October, 1986.
86-315-B Lyles, L. Basic wind erosion processes. Agric. Ecosystems Environ. 22/23:91-101; 1988.
86-524-J Hagen, L.J., E.L. Skidmore, and D.W. Fryrear. Using two sieves to characterize dry soil aggregate size distribution. Trans. ASAE 30(1):162-165; 1987.
87-41-J Lyles, L. and J. Tatarko. Precipitation effects on ridges created by grain drills. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 42(4):269-271; 1987.
87-284-A Armbrust, D.V. Principles of soil erosion: Detachment, movement, and deposition. Soil Conserv. Soc. Am. Symposium on Soil Erosion by Wind, Denver, Colorado; February 1987.
87-466-J Diouf, B., E.L. Skidmore, J.B. Layton, and L.J. Hagen. Stabilizing fine sand by adding clay: Laboratory wind tunnel study. Soil Technology 3:21-31; 1990.
88-98-J Lyles, L. and J. Tatarko. Soil wind erodibility index in seven north central states. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 31(5):1396-1399; 1988.
88-135-J Hagen, L.J. and L. Lyles. Estimating small grain equivalents of shrub-dominated rangelands for wind erosion control. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 31(3):769-775; 1988.
88-159-J Hagen, L.J., E.L. Skidmore, and J.B. Layton. Wind erosion abrasion: Effects of aggregate moisture. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 31(3):725-728; 1988.
88-393-A Armbrust, D.V. Prediction of sorghum canopy structure for wind erosion modeling. Proc. 1988 Wind Erosion Conf., Lubbock, Texas, pp. 158-164; April 1988.
88-426-A Hagen, L.J. New wind erosion model developments in the USDA. Proc. 1988 Wind Erosion Conf., Lubbock, Texas, pp. 104-116; April 1988.
88-534-J Skidmore, E.L. Wind erosion in deserts: Surface susceptibility and climatic erosivity. J. Agric. Rijk Univ., Ghent, Belgium, pp. 327-336; 1989.
88-537-A Skidmore, E.L. and J.B. Layton. Soil measurements to estimate erodibility by wind. Proc. 1988 Wind Erosion Conf., Lubbock, Texas, pp. 133-138; April 1988.
88-561-A Skidmore, E.L. Coping with the wind. Proc. Int'l. Conf. on Dryland Farming, Amarillo/Bushland, Texas, pp. 27-29; August 1988.
88-2009 Potter, K.N., T.M. Zobeck, and L.J. Hagen. A microrelief index to estimate soil erodibility by wind. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 33(1):151-155; 1990.
88-2560 Fryrear, D.W., J.E. Stout, L.J. Hagen, and E.D. Vories. Wind erosion: field measurement and analysis. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 34(1):155-160; 1991.
88-3536 Slocombe, J.W., L.E. Wagner, A.J. Heber, and J.P. Harner. Test equipment for determining performance of electric motors. J. Appl. Engin. Agric. 6:97-100; 1990.
89-39-B Skidmore, E.L. and J.R. Williams. Modified EPIC wind erosion model. Monograph no. 31, Modeling Plant and Soil Systems, J. Hanks and J.T. Ritchie (editors), Chapter 19, pp. 457-469, Madison, Wisconsin; 1991.
89-69-J Wagner, L.E. and M.D. Schrock. Yield determination using a pivoted auger flow sensor. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 32:409-413; 1989.
89-421-A Hajek, B.F., D.L. Karlen, B. Lowery, J.F. Power, T.E. Schumacher, E.L. Skidmore, and R.E. Sojka. Erosion and soil properties. Proc. March 1989 Soil Erosion and Productivity Workshop, Univ. of Minnesota, pp. 23-39; 1990.
89-451-C Wagner, L.E., A.J. Heber, and J.P. Harner. PC-based data acquisition program for an electric motor dynamometer. Appl. Engin. in Agric. 6(5):643-646; 1990.
89-462-C Wagner, L.E., K.D. Funk, and M.D. Schwarz. PC-based data acquisition interface and expansion system. Appl. Engin. in Agric. 6(4):499-506; 1990.
89-469-A Skidmore, E.L. and J. Tatarko. Wind in the Great Plains: Speed and direction distributions by month. Sustainable Agriculture for the Great Plains, Symposium Proceedings, J.D. Hanson, M.J. Shaffer, D.A. Ball, and C.V. Cole (editors), pp. 245-263, USDA-ARS, ARS-89; 1991.
89-502-J Armbrust, D.V. and J.D. Bilbro. Predicting Grain Sorghum Canopy Structure for Soil Erosion Modeling. Agronomy Journal; 1993; 85: 664-668.
89-541-J Armbrust, D.V. Rapid measurement of crop canopy structure. Agron. J. 82:1170-1171; 1990.
89-543-J Hagen, L.J. A wind erosion prediction system to meet user needs. J. Soil and Water Conservation 46(2):105-111; 1991.
90-188-A Hagen, L.J. and G.R. Foster. Soil erosion prediction technology. Proc. March 1989 Soil Erosion and Productivity Workshop, Univ. of Minnesota, pp. 117-135; 1990.
90-376-J Skidmore, E.L. and J. Tatarko. Stochastic wind simulation for erosion modeling. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 33(6)1893-1899; 1990.
90-540-B Skidmore, E.L., Hagen, L.J., Armbrust, D.V., Durar, A.A., Fryrear, D.W., Potter, K.N., Wagner, L.E., Zobeck, T.M. 1990. Methods for Investigating Basic Processes and Conditions Affecting Wind Erosion. In Soil Erosion Research Methods, Lal R (ed.). Soil and Water Conservation Society; Ankeny, IA; 295–330.
90-589-J Wagner, L.W. and Y. Yu. Digitization of profile meter photographs. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin. 34(2):412-416; 1991.
91-- Skidmore, E.L., L.J. Hagen, and I. Elminyawi. Wind barriers - breaking the wind. The Third International Windbreaks and Agroforestry Symposium Proc. pp. 71-73, Ridgetown College, Canada; 1991.
91-- Langdale, G.W., Blevins, R.L., Karlen, D.L., McCool, D.K., Nearing, M.A., Skidmore, E.L., Thomas, A.W., Tyler, D.D., and Williams, J.R. Cover Crops Effects on Soil Erosion by Wind and Water. Hargrove, W.L. International Conference West Tennessee Experiment Station: April 9-11, 1991: Jackson, TN. Ankeny, IA: Soil and Water Conservation Society; 1991: Pages 15-22; ISBN: 0-935734-25-2.
91-201-J Skidmore, E.L. and Layton, J.B. Dry-Soil Aggregate Stability as Influenced by Selected Soil Properties. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.; 1992; 56(1): 557-561.
91-205-J Hagen, L.J. Wind Erosion Mechanics: Abrasion of Aggregated Soil. Transactions of the ASAE; 1991 Corrected; 34(4): 891-837.
91-312-J Skidmore, E.L.; and Nelson, R.G. Small-Grain Equivalent of Mixed Vegetation for Wind Erosion Control and Prediction. Agronomy J.; 1992; 84(1): 98-101.
91-458-J Hagen, L.J. and Armbrust, D.V. Aerodynamic Roughness and Saltation Trapping Efficiency of Tillage Ridges. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin.; Jul/Aug 1992; 35(4): 1179-1184.
91-575-J Wagner, L.E., Ambe, N.M., Barnes, P. Tillage-Induced Soil Aggregate Status as Influenced by Water Content. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin.; Mar/Apr 1992; 35(2): 499-504.
91-2082 Hagen, L.J. Wind erosion: emission rates and transport capacities on rough surfaces. Society proceeding; Amer. Soc, Agric. Engin, Paper No. 91-2082, St. Joseph, MI, 1991.
91-2628 Wagner, L.E.; Ambe, N.M.; Ding, D.J. Estimating a Proctor Density Curve from Intrinsic Soil Properties. 1991 Int'l Winter Meeting Am. Soc. Agric. Engin.; December 17-20, 1991; Chicago, IL. St. Joseph, MI; 1991.
92-11-A Hagen, L.J. Development of a New Wind Erosion Prediction System. International Wind Erosion Workshop; 10-12 September 1991; Budapest, Hungary; 1992. (Editors: Karacsony, J. and Szalai, Gy, University of Ag. Sciences, Godollo, Hungary. Proceedings of the International Wind Erosion Workshop of Cigr; v. Section I).
92-17-A Wagner, L.E. and Hagen, L.J. Relationship Between Shelter Angle Surface Roughness and cumulative Sheltered storage depth. International Wind Erosion Workshop; 10-12 September 1991; Budapest, Hungary; 1992. (Editors: Karacsony, J. and Szalai, Gy, University of Ag. Sciences, Godollo, Hungary. Proceedings of the International Wind Erosion Workshop of Cigr; v. Section I).
92-371-J Wagner, L.E., Ambe, N.M., Ding, D. Estimating a Proctor Density Curve from Intrinsic Soil Properties. Trans of the ASAE; 1994; 37((4)): 1121-1125.
92-463-T Hagen, L.J. Predicting Wind Erosion. Agricultural Engineering; July 1992; (July 1992): 20-21.
92-622-J Hagen, L.J.; Skidmore, E.L. and Saleh, A. Wind Erosion: Prediction of Aggregate Abrasion Coefficients. Trans. Am. Soc. of Agric. Eng.; Nov./Dec. 1992; 35(6):1847-1850.
92-657-J Wagner, L.E., D. Ding. Stochastic Modeling of Tillage-induced Aggregate Breakage. Trans. Am. Soc. of Agric. Eng.: July/August 1993: 36(4): 1087-1092.
92-2111 Wagner, L.E.; Tatarko, J.; Skidmore, E.L. WIND-GEN: A Statistical Database and Generator for Wind Data. 1992 Int'l Summer Meeting Am. Soc. Agric. Engin.; June 21-24, 1992; Charlotte, NC. St. Joseph, MI; 1992.
92-2133 Wagner, L.E.; Ding, D. Modeling Tillage Actions on Soil Aggregates. 1992 Int'l Summer Meeting Am. Soc. Agric. Engin.; June 21-24, 1992; Charlotte, NC. St. Joseph, MI; 1991.
92-2640 Wagner, L.E. Representing Aggregate Size Distributions as Modified Log-Normal Distributions. 1992 Int'l Winter Meeting Am. Soc. Agric. Engin.; December 15-18, 1992; Nashville, TN. St. Joseph, MI; 1992.
93-45-J Layton, J.B., E.L. Skidmore and C.A. Thompson. Winter-Associated Changes in Dry-Soil Aggregation as Influenced by Management. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.; 1993; 57: 1568-1572.
93-157-J Durar, A.A., Steiner, J.L., Evett, S.R., E.L. Skidmore. Measured and Simulated Surface Soil Drying. Agronomy Journal 87:235-244, 1995.
93-219-J Wagner, L.E. and Ding, D. Representing Aggregate Size Distributions as Modified Lognormal Distributions. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Engin.; 1994; 37((3)): 815-821.
93-438-J Retta, A., D.V. Armbrust. Estimation of Leaf and Stem Area in the Wind Erosion Prediction System (WEPS). Agron. J. 87:93-98, 1995.
93-562-J Hagen, L.J. and Armbrust, D.V. Plant Canopy Effects on Wind Erosion Saltation. Trans of the ASAE; January 1994; 37((2)): 461-465.
94-- Skidmore, E.L., Hagen, L.J., Armburst, D.V., Durar, A.A., Fryrear, D.W., Potter, K.N., Wagner, L.E. and Zobeck, T.M. Methods for investigating basic processes and conditions affecting wind erosion. In: R. Lal (ed.) Soil Erosion Research Methods. Soil and Water conservation Soc. Ankeny, IA, 1994 (book chapter).
94-124-A Hagen, L.J. Wind Erosion in the United States. Wind Erosion Symposium, Poznan Agric. Univ., Poznan, Poland, pp. 25-32, 1994.
94-279-J Wagner, L.E. and R.G. Nelson. Mass Reduction of Standing and Flat Crop Residues by Selected Tillage Implements. Trans of the ASAE; November 1994; 38(2):419-427.
94-421-J Michels, K., D. V. Armbrust, B.E. Allison and M.V.K. Sivaumar. Wind and Windblown Damage to Pearl Millet. Agron. J. 87:620-626, 1995.
94-2056 Hagen, L.J.B. Schroeder, E.L. Skidmore. A Vertical Soil Crushing-Energy Meter. Amer. Soc. Of Ag. Engi. 38(3):711-715, 1995.
94-26512 Unger, P. W. and E.L. Skidmore. Conservation Tillage in the Southern United States Great Plains. Carter, Martin R., Editor. Conservation Tillage in Temperate Agroecosystems. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers; 1994; c1994:329-356. Chapter 14; ISBN: 0-87371-571-3.
95-- Hagen, L.J., Wagner, L.E. and Tatarko, J. Wind Erosion Prediction System (WEPS): Introduction. In: Wind Erosion Prediction System Technical Description. Proc, of WEPP/WEPS Symposium, August 9-11, 1995, Des Moines, IA. Soil and Water Conservation Society, Ankeny, IA.
95-- Hagen, L.J. Erosion submodel. In: Wind Erosion Prediction System Technical Description. Proc, of WEPP/WEPS Symposium, August 9-11, 1995, Des Moines, IA. Soil and Water Conservation Society, Ankeny, IA.
95-- Hagen, L.J. Wind Erosion Prediction System: Application to DOD Lands. Proc. f DOD/Interagency Workshop on Technologies to address soil erosion on DOD lands. Army Corp of Engineers, Vicksburg, MS, 1995.
95-41-J Hagen, L.J. Crop residue effects on aerodynamic processes and wind erosion. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 54:39-46, 1996.
95-206-J Armbrust, D.V. and J.D. Bilbro, Jr. Relating plant canopy characteristics to soil transport capacity by wind. Agron. J. 89:157-162, 1997.
95-211-J Skidmore, E.L. Comments on chain method for measuring soil roughness. Soil Sci. Soc. Of Amer. J. 62(5) Sep-Oct 1997, pp.1532-1533.
95-343-J Retta, A., D.V. Armbrust and L.J. Hagen. Partitioning biomass in the crop submodel of WEPS (Wind Erosion Prediction System). Trans. Amer. Soc. Agric, Engin. 39(1):145-151, 1996.
96-03-J Skidmore, E.L. Climate databases for wind erosion prediction models. Proc. of the Workshop on Climate and Weather Research, July 17-19, 1995, Denver, CO, pp.98-110.
96-205-A Wagner, L.E. An overview of the wind erosion prediction system. Proc. of International Conference on air Pollution from Agricultural Operations, sponsored by MidWest Plan Service, February 7-9, 1996, Kansas City, MO, pp.73-78
96-210-A Hagen, L.J., N. Mirzamostafa, and A. Hawkins. PM-10 generation by wind erosion. International Conference on Air Pollution from Agricultural Operations, February 7-9, 1996, Kansas City, MO, pp.76-86.
97-206-J Mirzamostafa, N., LJ Hagen, LL Stone, EL Skidmore. Soil aggregate and texture effects on suspension components from wind erosion. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 62:1351-1361, 1998.
98-- Podsiadlowski, S. and Hagen, L.J. The influence of tillage energy on soil aggregation and susceptibility of loamy sands to wind erosion. In GEOFORMA Ediciones, Logronso Soil as a Strategic Resource: Degradation Processes and Conservation Measures, pp. 149-157. Department de Edafologia y Geologia Universidad de Laguna, 1998.
98-70-A Armbrust, D.V. Effectiveness of polyacrylamide (PAM) for wind erosion control. J. of Soil and Water Conservation 54(3), 3rd Qtr 1999, pp.557-559.
98-200-A Hagen, L.J. Wind Erosion Prediction System (WEPS): Erosion submodel. In E.L. Skidmore and J. Tatarko (eds.) Wind Erosion - An International Symposium/Workshop, June 3-5, 1997, Proc. USDA, ARS, Wind Erosion Research Unit, Kansas State Univ., Manhattan, KS, 1999.
98-201-J Retta, A., D.V. Armbrust, L.J. Hagen and E.L. Skidmore. Leaf and stem area relationships to masses and their height distributions in native grasses. Agron. J. 92(2):225-230, 2000.
98-222-J Hagen, L.J. Development of a tillage system to prevent soil pulverization and wind erosion. Scientific Papers of the Agricultural University of Poznan, Poland, 1:15-57, 1999.
98-403-A Skidmore, E.L., C. Valentin and J. Ingram. Soil Erosion Network. In J.M. Laflen, J. Tian and C-H. Huang (eds.) Soil erosion and dryland farming, Soil and Water Conservation Society, CRC Press, pp. 689-692, 2000.
98-2056 Hagen, L.J., L.E. Wagner and E.L. Skidmore. Wind erosion processes in WEPS: I. Analytic solutions and sensitivity analyses for saltation/creep and suspension components. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Paper No. 98-2056, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI, 1998.
99-- Puma, M.C., Maghirang, R.G., Hosni, M.H. and Hagen, L.J. Modeling dust concentration distribution in a swine house under isothermal conditions. Trans. Amer. Soc. Agric. Engin. 42(6):1811-1821, 1999.
99-003-A Retta, A., Armbrust, D.V., Hagen, L.J. and Skidmore, E.L. Development of plant growth parameters for WEPS (Wind Erosion Prediction System). In R.L. Vanderlip and S.M. Welch (eds.) 29th Annual Crop Simulation Workshop, March 22-24, 1999, Manhattan, KS, pp.18.
99-007-A Hagen, L.J. Wind erosion processes in WEPS: Validation of erosion predictions on small fields. International ASAE meeting, Toronto, Canada July 18-21, 1999, ASAE paper no. 99-2036.
99-009-A Nelson, R., A.B. Anderson and E.L. Skidmore. Evaluation of wind erosion models for use on military training lands. Proc. of Conference 31, International Erosion Control Association, February 21-25, 2000, Palm Springs, CA, pp. 387-388.
99-010-A Huang, W, E.L. Skidmore and G. Tibke. Spatial variability of soil properties along transect of CRP and continuously cropped fields. Proc. of 10th International Soil Conservation Organization Conference, May 24-29, 1999, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN.
99-13-A Hagen, L.J., Wagner, L.E. and E.L. Skidmore. Analytical solutions and sensitivity analyses for sediment transport in WEPS.Trans. Amer. Soc. Agric, Engin. 42(6):1715-1721, 1999.
99-50-J Puma, M.C., R.G. Maghirang, M.H. Hosni and L.J. Hagen. Modeling of dust concentration distribution in a swine house under non-isothermal conditions. Trans. Amer. Soc. Agric. Engin. 42(6):1823-1832, 1999.
99-91-A Hagen, L.J. and D.E. James. The PM-10 production potential of soils in the Las Vegas Valley of Nevada. In S. Basacca, S. Lilligren and K. Newell (eds.) Dust Aerosol, Loess Soils and Global Change. Washington State Univ. College of Agriculture and Home Economics, Misc. Pub. No. MISC0190, Pullman, WA, pp.45-48.
99-389-A Hagen, L.J. 2001. Assessment of wind erosion parameters using wind tunnels. In Sustaining the Global Farm: Selected Papers from the 10th Intl. Soil Conservation Organization Meeting, 742-746. D. E. Stott, R. H. Mohtar, and G. C. Steinhardt, eds. West, Lafayette, Ind.: Purdue University and the USDA-ARS National Soil Erosion Laboratory.
99-423-A Armbrust, D.V. Influence of vegetation on soil loss by wind erosion. In D.E. Stott, R.H. Mohtar, and G.A. Steinhardt (eds.) Sustaining the Global Farm. . Proc. of 10th International Soil Conservation Organization Conference, May 24-29, 1999, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN.
99-2036 Hagen, L.J. Wind erosion processes in WEPS: Validation of erosion predictions on small fields. International ASAE meeting, Toronto, Canada July 18-21, 1999, ASAE paper no. 99-2036.
00-- Retta, A., Hagen, L.J., Wagner, L.E., Armbrust, D.V., and Skidmore, E.L. Yield adjustment factor for WEPS (Wind Erosion Prediction System). Proc. of Modeling for the 21st Century: thirty years of crop modeling. Temple, TX, March 6-8, 2000.
00-- Skidmore, E.L. and L.J. Hagen, Air quality as influenced by wind erosion: Research at USDA-ARS, Manhattan, KS. Air Quality National Program Workshop, Sacramento, CA, January 25-28, 2000.
00-- Retta, A., Armbrust, D.V., Wagner, L.E., Skidmore, E.L. and Hagen, L.J. Simulation of biomass components of brassica juncea in WEPS (Wind Erosion Prediction System). Agron. Abst., Madison, WI, pp.327, 2000.
00-342-A Podsiadlowski, S. and L.J. Hagen. An integrated tillage system to prevent soil pulverization and wind erosion of sandy soils. In J.E. Morrison, Jr. (ed.) Proc. of the 15th International Conference of the International Soil Tillage Research Organization, ISTRO-2000, July 2-7, 2000, Fort Worth, TX, pp. 1-12.
00-365-J Armbrust, D.V. and A. Retta. Canopy structural relationships in field crops. Agricultural Systems.
01-- Van Donk, S.J., E.W. Tollner, S.P. McDonald. Development of hot/cold plate apparatus for determining heat transport mechanisms in mulch materials. Trans. Of the ASAE 44:1479-1488.
01-- Tatarko, J. Soil Aggregation and Wind Erosion- Processes and Measurements. Annals of Arid Zone 40(3): 251-263, 2001.
01-50-A Wagner, L.E. and F.A. Fox. Simulation of tillage and other management operations in WEPS. In J.C. Ascough and D.C. Flanagan (eds.) Soil Erosion Research For the 21st Century - An International Symposium, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI, pp.625-628, 2001.
01-52-A Hagen, L.J. Validation of the Wind Erosion Prediction System (WEPS) erosion submodel on small cropland fields. Proc. of International Symposium on Soil Erosion Research For the 21st Century, pp.479-482, ASAE, Jan 3-5, 2001, Honolulu, HI.
01-67-A Wagner, L.E. and J. Tatarko. Demonstration of the WEP 1.0 wind erosion model. In J.C. Ascough and D.C. (eds.) Soil Erosion Research For the 21st Century - An International Symposium, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI, pp.371, 2001.
01-68-A Wagner, L.E. and J. Tatarko. WEPS 1.0: What it is and what it isn't. In J.C. Ascough and D.C. (eds.) Soil Erosion Research For the 21st Century - An International Symposium, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI, pp.372-375, 2001.
01-69-A Fox. F.A. and L.E. Wagner. A laser distance-based method for measuring standing residue. In J.E. Morrison, Jr. (ed.) Proc. of the 15th International Conference of the International Soil Tillage Research Organization, ISTRO-2000, July 2-7, 2000, Fort Worth, TX.
01-84-A Bielders, C.L., A. Vrieling, J-L. Rajot and E.L. Skidmore. On-farm evaluation of field-scale soil losses by wind erosion under traditional management in the Sahel. In J.C. Ascough and D.C. (eds.) Soil Erosion Research For the 21st Century - An International Symposium, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI, pp.494-497, Jan 3-5, 2001, Honolulu, HI.
01-125-B Armbrust, D.V. and A. Retta. Wind and sandblast damage to growing vegetation. Annals of Arid Zone 39(3): 273-284, 2002.
01-392-J Huang, X., E.L. Skidmore and G. Tibke. Soil quality of two Kansas soils as influenced by Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). J. Soil and Water Conservation 57:344-359, 2002.
01-451-A Hagen, L.J. Fine particulates (PM10 and PM 2.5) generated by breakage of mobile aggregates during simulated wind erosion. Trans ASAE 47(1):107-112, 2004
01-486-A Wagner, L.E. and L.J. Hagen. Application of WEPS generated soil loss components to assess off-site impacts. In D.E. Stott, R.H. Mohtar and G.C. Steinhardt (eds.) Sustaining the global farm. Proc. of 10th International Soil Conservation Organization Conference, May 24-29, 1999, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN, pp. 935-939.
02-- van Donk, S. J., and E.L. Skidmore. 2002. Soil roughness degradation and crop residue decomposition: measurement and simulation. In J.A. Lee and T.M. Zobeck (eds.) Proceedings of ICAR5/GCTE-SEN Joint Conference, International Center for Arid and Semiarid Lands Studies, Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock, TX, pp.199.
02-72-A Huang, X., E.L. Skidmore and G. Tibke. Spatial variability of soil properties along transect of CRP and continuously cropped fields. Proc. of 10th International Soil Conservation Organization Conference, May 24-29, 1999, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN.
02-92-J van Donk, S.J., Huang Xuewen, E.L. Skidmore, A.B. Anderson, D.L. Gebhart, V.E. Prehoda, and E.M. Kellogg. 2003. Wind erosion from military training lands in the Mojave Desert, California, USA. Journal of Arid Environments 54(4):687-703.
02-181-B Skidmore, E.L. and S. van Donk. Soil erosion and conservation. In D.W. Benbi and R. Neider (eds.) Handbook of Processes in the Soil-Plant Systems: Modeling concepts and Applications. The Haworth Press, Inc., Binghamton, NY (accepted November 16, 2001).
02-384-J van Donk, S. and E.L. Skidmore. Field experiments for evaluating wind erosion models. Annals of Arid Zone 40(3):281-302, 2001.
02-488-J van Donk, S.J. and E.L. Skidmore. 2003. Measurement and simulation of wind erosion, roughness degradation and residue decomposition on an agricultural field. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 28(11):1243-1258.
02-492-A Hagen, L.J. How wind erosion processes affect selection and performance of erosion control systems. In J.A. Lee and T.M. Zobeck (eds.) Proc. of ICAR5/GCTE-SEN Joint Conference. Center for Arid and Semiarid Lands Studies, Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock, TX. Publication 02-2 ix, pp.317-320.
02-501-J Lui, L.Y., E.L. Skidmore, L.E. Wagner, J. Tatarko and L.J. Hagen. 2005. Dune sand transport as influenced by direction, magnitude, and frequency of the erosive winds, Ordos Plateau, China. Geomorphology 67(3-4):283-297.
03-3-A Hagen, L.J. Validation of WEPS erosion predictions for single wind events. In J.A. Lee and T.M. Zobeck (eds.) Proc. of ICAR5/GCTE-SEN Joint Conference. Center for Arid and Semiarid Lands Studies, Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock, TX. Publication 02-2 ix, pp.252-255.
2003-a Hagen, L.J. 2004. Evaluation of the Wind Erosion Prediction System (WEPS) erosion submodel on cropland fields. Environmental Modelling and Software 19(2):171-176.
2004-a Coen, G.M., J. Tatarko, T.C. Martin, K.R. Cannon, T.W. Goddard, and N.J. Sweetland. 2003. A method for using WEPS to map wind erosion risk of Alberta soils. Environmental Modelling and Software 19(2):185-189.
2004-b Funk, R., E.L. Skidmore, and L.J. Hagen. 2004. Comparison of wind erosion measurements in Germany with simulated soil losses by WEPS. Environmental Modelling and Software 19(2):177-183.
04-156-J van Donk, S.J., L.E. Wagner, E.L. Skidmore, J. Tatarko. 2005. Comparison of the Weibull Model with measured wind speed distributions for stochastic wind generation. Trans. ASAE. 48 (2):503-510.
05-219-J Hagen, L.J., S. van Pelt, T.M. Zobeck, and A. Retta. 2007. Dust deposition near an eroding source field. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 32(2):281-289.
06-186-J Hagen, L.J. 2007. Ratios of erosive wind energies on dry days and all days in the western United States. Trans. ASABE 50(6):1981-1986.
06-- Pimentel, D., E.L. Skidmore and S.W. Trimble. 2006. Rates of Soil Erosion. Science. 286:1477-1478.
07-175-J van Donk, S.J., C. Liao and E.L. Skidmore. 2008. Using temporally limited wind data in the Wind Erosion Prediction System. Trans. ASAE. 51(5):1585-1590.
07-190-J Hagen, L.J., P.R. Schroeder, and L. Thai. 2009. Estimated particle emissions by wind erosion from the Indiana Harbor Combined Disposal Facility. Pract. Periodical of Haz., Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Mgmt. 13(1):20-28.
07-278-J Hagen, L.J. 2008. Updating soil surface conditions during wind erosion events using the Wind Erosion Prediction System (WEPS). Trans. ASABE 51(1):129-137.
2008-a van Donk, S.J., S.D. Merrill, D.L. Tanaka, and J.M. Krupinsky. 2008. Crop residue in North Dakota: measured and simulated by the Wind Erosion Prediction System. Trans. ASABE. 51(5):1623-1632.
09-065-J Hagen, L.J., Van Pelt, R.S., and Sharratt, B.S. 2010. Estimating the saltation and suspension components from field wind erosion. Aeolian Research. 1:147-153.
2009-MF-2860 Presley, D. and J. Tatarko. 2009. Principles of Wind Erosion and its Control. K-State Research and Extension Publication MF-2860.
2010-a Kohake, D.J., L.J. Hagen, and E.L. Skidmore. 2010. Wind erodibility of organic soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 74(1):250-257.
2010-b Diaz, E.N., Tatarko, J., Jazcilevich, A.D., Garcia, A.R., Caetano, E., and Ruiz-Suarez, L.G. 2010. A modeling study of Aeolian erosion enhanced by surface wind confluences over Mexico City. Aeolian Research 2:143-157
2010-c Hagen, L.J. 2010. Erosion by Wind: Modeling. In: Lal, R. editor. Encyclopedia of Soil Science: Second Edition. London: Taylor and Francis publishers. p. 1-4. Log. 217203. DOI: 10.1081/E-ESS-120044016
12-348-J Retta, A., L.E. Wagner, J. Tatarko, and T.C. Todd. 2013. Evaluation of bulk density and vegetation as affectewd by military vehicle traffic at Fort Riley, Kansas. Trans. ASABE. 56(2):653-665.
2013-a Presley, D., J. Tatarko, P. Tomlinson, and E. Brokesh. 2013. Emergency Wind Erosion Control. K-State Research and Extension Publication. MF-2206.
2013-b Chung, S.H., F.L. Herron-Thorpe, B.K. Lamb, T.M. VanReken, J.K. Vaughan, J. Gao, L.E. Wagner, and F. Fox. 2013. Application of the wind erosion prediction system in the AIRPACT regional air quality modeling framework. Trans. of the ASABE 56(2):625-641.
2013-c Gao, J., L.E. Wagner, F. Fox, S.H. Chung, J.K. Vaughan, and B.K. Lamb. 2013. Spatial application of WEPS for estimating wind erosion in the Pacific Northwest. Trans. ASABE 6(2):613-624.
2013-d Tatarko, J., M.A. Sporcic, and E.L. Skidmore. 2013. A history of wind erosion prediction models in the United States Department of Agriculture prior to the Wind Erosion Prediction System. Aeolian Research. 10:3-8.
2013-e Wagner, L.E. 2013. A history of wind erosion prediction models in the United States Department of Agriculture: The Wind Erosion Prediction System (WEPS). Aeolian Research. 10:9-24.
2013-f Zobeck, T.M., M. Baddock, R.S. Van Pelt, J. Tatarko, and V. Acosta-Martinez. 2013. Soil property effects on wind erosion of organic soils. Aeolian Research. 10:43-51.
2013-g Hagen, L.J. and M.E. Casada. 2013. Effect of canopy leaf distribution on sand transport and abrasion energy. Aeolian Research. 10:37-42.
2013-h Blanco, Humberto, J. Holman, A. Schlegel, J. Tatarko, and T. Shaver. 2013. Replacing fallow with cover crops in a semiarid soil: Effects on soil properties. Soil Sci. Soc. Am J. 77:1026-1034.
2013-iEvers, B.J., H. Blanco-Canqui, S. Staggenborg, and J. Tatarko. 2013. Dedicated Bioenergy Crop Impacts on Soil Wind Erodibility and Organic Carbon in Kansas. Agron. J. 105(5):1271-1276.
2013-jWagner, L.E. and F.A. Fox. 2013. The Management Submodel of the Wind Erosion Prediction System. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 29(3): 361-372.
2013-kLiu, B., Qu, J., and Wagner, L E. 2013. Building Chinese wind data for Wind Erosion Prediction System using surrogate US data. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 68(4), 104A-107A.
2014-aBlanco-Canqui, H., R.B. Ferguson, V.L. Jin, M.R. Schmer, B.J. Wienhold, and J. Tatarko. 2014. Can Cover Crop and Manure Maintain or Improve Soil Properties After Stover Removal from Irrigated No-Till Corn? Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 78:1368-1377.
2014-bA. Retta, L. E. Wagner, and J. Tatarko. 2014. Military Vehicle Trafficking Impacts on Vegetation and Soil Bulk Density at Fort Benning, Georgia. Trans. ASABE 57(4):1043-1055.
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